I'm going to die in the next couple days

I'm going to die in the next couple days.
You guys can ask a dead man anything
Trips gets to decide my last words

Other urls found in this thread:


Dam op better luck next life

What are u dieing from?

Why are you dying?

Sorry they couldn't develop a cure for AIDS, OP.

I had a couple of surgeries due to a digestive system problem and contracted terminal sepsis and a super resistant strain of MRSA


Last words (preferably as a text to a male family member/friend) "fuck my corpse's asshole until it's one foot in diameter"

what's gonna kill you?
last word's: I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle

Damn so close

Did u sue the hospital?

Any of you Sup Forumsastards know any good music piracy apps?
Also, rolling for "Praise Kek, my holey sacaren ansuz is tingling"

your last words are:
and I'll see you beautiful sons of guns again, next time

"Remember son, don't put the universe into a tube."

No, would be a waste of the rest of my life and it would be hard to win. I'll let my family decide if they want to file a lawsuit after I'm gone

Damn, you should start doing girls and doing crazy ass stuff while you can

Too weak to die much of anything and I don't want to give my shit to anybody else

im dead lol

Hes probably in a hospital bed u dunce

Final words: "My dad molested me while my mom watched... they did this to me by overdosing me on Accutane."

Dam id be pissed if i died from some rich doctors incompetence

You ready for it?

If you have anybody who looks up to you in any way, tell them:
"remember, (name), you only get one damn chance in this game, don't waste it."

Not at all. I'm scared as shit. I thought I'd at least have a good 25 years. I guess what I'm most scared of is the concept of whatever is after death, that shit goes on forever into infinity

How old are you?
What was the original condition you had surgery to correct?
How are you able to even focus on this thread? Aren't you tired and unfocused?

My mother in law actually lived after 8 years of cancer and treatments (3 stem cell/4 chemo) from exactly sepsis and MRSA.


Fuck dude I was expecting like a tibetan monk level of calm. Guess not.
For what its worth I feel sorry for the shit circumstances.

"Here lies user, surrounded by his victims"

There's only so much in this world

When did you cum last? What did you cum to?

"you'll never find where i hid the..."

don't worry about it.

It's the same thing as remembering something before you were born.

I hope you find peace user.
I guess one of the biggest trips in life is death.

Well man take comfort in the fact that every human that has ever been has eventualy died and that we'll be following not long after you.

I'm 18
I had a Small Bowel Resection due to non cancerous tumors
I can focus because I asked for drugs that would "numb me but keep me semi awake and aware" I'm having a hard time typing believe me

Your last thread suuuucked...

Think about that as the lights are dimming.

I can't remember what to but in my room

Sad check

Same age as me, fuck.

Hitler did nothing wrong




Yeah, I guess you can understand how incomplete my life feels

Deezloader. Or just a cracked Deezer on Android. Free music all day errday

Traps aren't gay

Fuckin' bummer. I had a major depressive episode out of the blue last year due to some drug complications. For two weeks I couldn't get my mind off the subject of oblivion. My only real solace was in reading Hitchens and others like that - the contemplation of death is no different than the contemplation of the nothing from which one came. It's ultimately a silly and meaningless gesture. Most critical is the question of whether or not fun was had in the time you were allotted.

OP answer this. Include link if at all possible. Make one of your last moves in life to help me cum... I'll cum to your last video.

I love you.

Shit, user. What's your age? Why can't the sepsis and MRSA be stopped?

I trips "Don't cry for me".

You should say something original. Not one of those cliche things. Find someone close to you, or just someone you know, and give them a truly objective review. I dunno. A poem or something. Lament about your life. Just don't quote.

Wubba lubba dubb dubb

Fucking trolling i hope

Ahh fuck, I think it was to some random pornstar fingering herself. Kinda disappointing, should've gone big that last time

Rolling for "I came in my moms panties, err day."

Sepsis is the bestist

Rub one out with me. What gets you off?

Don't let your body/mind decline this offer. To orgasm is to live.

If you had one message you could give to your younger self what would it be?

Other than the whole "dont go to the op" obvs

I guess jet fuel can melt steel girders.

Don't leave anything unsaid. Praying for you


Rub one out with me. What gets you off?

Don't let your body/mind decline this offer. To orgasm is to live.

Rolling for "I jerked off with 33 year old men on the internet in my final hours"

Sepsis can be cured with a new experimental cure but that fucked up my immune system enough and let MRSA just run rampant. Treatment is slowing it down but I'm not going to survive

Harambe forever.

Screw you guys, I'm goin home

Rolling for: "I farted out all the cum, but still felt it between my cheeks."

Dude I'm sorry I can't focus enough to give you a link, just think of me next time you cum, no homo :)

I don't want to die.

Rip my nigga

Rolling for "never forget 3 PAC."

Rolling for these last words...

"Ravioli, Ravioli, give me the formuoli!"

Must be screamed as loudly as possible with all of your remaining strength.

Scream until you pass out and then go into the light.

rollin for "White is right"

Rolling for this

You would think you would relish the opportunity to help even one more man cum, seeing as it defined you in life.

Rolling for: "I could never get enough of that sticky man juice."

Trips get: " if I thought there was an afterlife, I'd kill myself right now!

Rolling for this.

Rolling for this but shit your pants also if possible.

This again.

Op, you're going to a better place I'm sure. Post a pic

Give it up faggot...no one cares.


This thread made me smile, thanks guys. May be the last time I legitimately do.

what experimental cure?


Rolling for these last words. Uttered by a newfaggot in Sup Forums


It's going to be okay. I'll be there soon, just relax until I get there.

Traps are gay.


Reading this book right now about what happens after death from a scientific view point. They took down notes from people who had been in cardiac arrest (declared dead) and brought back to life. There was a universal description of what happened in each of these experiences. There's even a scale used to confirm someone had a NDE. They all had an out of body experience, in which they could see their body but from above. They all said they felt a warm light around them. Then there was a tunnel with light sometimes throughout sometimes at the end. A lot were recorded as seeing a being of light. They also remembered seeing their deceased relatives who welcomed them. There was also a point, a point in which they knew if they went past there would be no going back. However, there was also a life review. Their life was played back before them, and they were judged, but not in the sense you'd think. They saw all the good and the bad they had done, and had to feel the pain of the others they had hurt. Not in a punishment sense, but to just to understand why it was wrong and how they felt. Anyways, it wasn't a bad experience for most. Almost all that were recorded as actually having near death or absolute death experiences said that it made them no longer afraid of death. They found that their fears of it had ceased. This is all from a large scientific study done, so take from it what you will. From what I've read, there's nothing to be afraid of scared of. We all have to do it eventually. Some sooner than others. It's an inevitability of life. I'm so sorry it's happening to you user and I know you're afraid and I can't comprehend how you must feel, but hopefully this helps.

Godspeed user. I sincerely hope you pull through brother.

Rolling for: "i don't want you to find all my child pornography"

Look up sepsis cure. It has something to do with vitamin C, but it works pretty well. Too bad I got a double whammy

OP. It is very important that your last words be:

"I don't have much time. Is the doctor here? Send him away, I have something to tell you that cannot be heard by outside eyes. I.. I am your son, but also not your son. I was sent to this world by God to spread a new gospel, but the agents of Satan have grown strong and have made me sick to prevent me from fulfilling my true purpose. But they shall not prevail! As I die, know that another shall take my place. The prophecy will not be denied. The next savior of man shall be -----"

Then die and leave them in suspense.

Stop rolling for last words you fucking retards.
He isn't going to die in this thread and he couldn't prove it.

yeah sure and vitamin C fucked up your immune system, i call bullshit on that


"I violated the NAP."

Shit man should have at least stuck a if you don't reply to this your mother will die tonight in there, tldr

This, but more cum.

Last word roll: tl;dr

Nothing on Sup Forums is true, probably. This is still a fun exercise.

Rolling for this.

Thanks, it does

Rolling for Plz delete
my browser history, so much cp

No, the sepsis did


(Also: last word roll: GHEYYYYY)

Fuck you're really deathing aren't you