Waifu claiming thread: Misaki Tries to Learn the Way of the Taco Edition

Waifu claiming thread: Misaki Tries to Learn the Way of the Taco Edition

Previous: The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu and converse with others
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus harshly
>discuss fun and light topics like politics and abortion
>post fitting, non-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun

Other urls found in this thread:



I haven't even thought about clubs :thinking:

It was either take it because my parents were pressuring me to, or take it for acceptance of some colleges

hello helo I love you all

Still here

Trying to decide what to do for a game run.

Spanish isn't hard.


(Love user)
I don't know, what do you want to discuss?

(Other user)
Really strong. Like strong enough to make you flinch.

Seeetheart no

I just forgot to allow downloads, I enabled it now.
As for the mood..
I simply felt like speaking out. The desire to relay a feeling or an emotion would probably explain this piece a bit better. Named Rosée because Ram claimer was the one listening to my little tale as I played.

(Your Highess-sama)
I'm an artisan butcher.
You might rather follow my soundcloud, since most of my pieces are there. I only upload very few things on Clyp.


What's her name?

ah... anything you'd like, miss Rem!


Oh. Sorry butchers are rare these days I almost forgot about that trade.

I might actually do that then if you can link me there.

I don't know what I wanna talk about, so that's why I asked you.

I don't care.
A filthy trap that should be exterminated.


>Way of the Taco
Kek. At least Tacospeak can be useful in parts of FL, or when you want to order some from the best places that don't speak a word of English and are walk-up, cash only.

Thought so, maybe it'll get you some better pay if you land the electrician gig.

Nice, sounds like something up my alley. I don't mind the stronger tasting stuff if it gets the job done right.

game run?


Best Hero Waifu

2 hour shower power

join the local gay club, or anime club

was in both :o
which taiga is this?

Yeah was thinking of doing something silly on Dark Souls 3.

welcome back to reality


hello hello miss Peek!
ah... I don't know either ;~; I'm sorry friend
get wet

You should be exterminated for giving your money and life to the (((tobacco peddlers))).

In what other treasonous activities do you indulge? Please don't tell me you support (((Hollywood))) and watch jew-vies too.


>muffled hora in the distance

Feet? How horrifying!

Hello Tanya, Tomoko, Tali, Love, Holo, Misaki, and all of you. How are you?

I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

>other is called Black and Gold
Try Snake Heart.

It's alright. Just cuddle me to sleep.

muse hello


Hi. Fine.

hello now drunk friend



never played those so I can't help you there my dirty blonde

Are we going to do something now?

I think our anime club got disbanded or something a few years back

Hello, nice to see you. How was your day?

Its fine. How will you spend your night?

sleep well I love you miss Rem

awesome considering i'm going on a trip to Colorado soon.
>anime club
Last time i went to one of those they said they were not weebs and than proceeded to talk about origami.

Her pictures always warm my heart.

>Misaki Claimed

Thanks for those recommendations, I'll be keeping an eye out for them. Sleep well.

What're you doing awake?

sure what do you wanna do?
start it back up :o

how did they fuck up so hard?

Quick note before I sleep. Snake heart is called that for a reason. Originated from Vietnam, it is served fresh with a beating snake heart in the drink.

That's cool, what're planning to do there?

miss Shizuru

how fun , I'm not drunk yet so still waiting for midnight


Hello tripless love?

notice me senpai
what should drunk love listen to?
ahh.... what time is it friend? when can I raise a toast to you as well?

link 404

Smoke dope, shoot, job opportunities, family and some fucking lazer tag.


sitting thinking of that dirty blond hair and maybe having some junk food



What kind of junk?

Damn, it doesn't get much better than that.

Here's something suitably upbeat and quirky for you:


Sorry if I'm not as on point as usual.

Hello Yuuki! Nice to see you. How are you?

I just woke up early

>Anime club
>Not weebs
>Talked about origami

I wouldn't really want to be a part of an anime club tho

afaik the anime club was mostly composed of girls somehow
I don't know how it got disbanded, it happened before I starting going to this school

Sounds awful.

>fake switching
What up.

11:30 and you don't have to do that

it was ok just a bit of a storm around the corner
what about yours?

I don't like metal miss Tanya ;~;
hello hello miss Yuuki


you don't want to be surrounded by girls? :thinking:

No problem

I'm good, doing some competitive rocket league. You?

Good to see you! How's it going?

chips and sweets

ahhhh ;~; I knew I was forgetting something!
too bad I will

What kind of chips and sweets?

They'd probably all be fat and use tumblr


Lol. Enjoying your night, i take it?

I take what I can get tbh

I'm depressed, so I'm just doing the things I've when I get this bad. The same few songs, suicide videos, and trying to keep my room as dark as possible.

That's cool, how is Rocket League on he competitive side? I like the gameplay but I have heard that it can be a bit cancerous in the competitive side, but I never checked that out.

Taiga is Fla.....

you have been depressed all day and are sorry for a storm? that is weird
I'm not up to much just drinking a bit and you ?

well enjoy your drink

How are you?

Lain & I can consistently get top 10 in Battlegrounds, I project 2 days until we're EZ winning :^)

On another note, how is everyone?

That's a good way of going about it, but personally I can't handle fat. A little chub is nice though

spicy ones

I only really like chesters hot fries for spicy snacks.

I am weird I suppose, just different weirds on different days.

Not doing anything really. In my phone in the dark in my room is all.

I like holding something so I like it too

tumblr has good art

Good, how are you?

you're the best

Can't wait.
>Be me
>I was sent to the club for one day to gather names, numbers any kind of accounts ect for harassment purposes.
>think to myself "Can't be to bad"
>Was wrong
>Dyed hair, cringeworthy figures, ugly bitches and fedora fags
>I swear i might of been the only one who showed the night before
>It starts
>"Ok everyone welcome to anime club"
>autistic screeching starts
>Oh fuck this why did i have to go
>Then the statement comes in
>"alright everyone we are not weeaboos"
>Bitch really?
>After that short speech they proceed to talk about why origami is better tan american art
>Fucking hardcore weebs
>anime finally comes up
>"Ok what is everyones fav anime"
>Ton of generic bs like SAO and one punch man come up only one decent show was mentioned
>comes to me
>"whats you're fav?"
>Black lagoon.gif
>"waaaat what is that?"
>Oh for fucks sake
>Not only were they weebs but they were just flat out autistic
>Had to explain it to them
>Finally close to ending
>everyone comes up to me to ask me about black lagoon
>I got shit like "how many seasons is it?" "Who is the best grill in it?"
>give them their answers in return for steam accounts and numbers
>week later
>Me and my group dedicated to supressing the groups of autim around my high school harass the fuck out of them on google+, twitter ect.
tldr; Hardcore wannabe weebs that pissed me off.
Only other two types of things i like.

Ah man, I'm sorry. Can I help in anyway? Comp RL is pretty good, I think the player skill is a bit higher, but people get saltier easier (like me lol)

Hell yeah! I got some wings and watch JoJo with the roommate. It was fun!

those times are fine too
mind if I ask why are you depressed ?

not a ma'am

you have strange taste miss Tanya

ah... mister Peek then?

Fine. Pretty tired still though. Maybe i'll take a nap later.

Tumblr has some good art sometimes, I'll give it that

and porn

so I hear

Yup! What were you drinking?

please do look after yourself