Confession thread

Confession thread.

There was a guy/girl in the last thread who said he missed Callie. I also have a callie I miss every day. She passed away 3 years ago and I never got to tell her everything I needed to. I loved her till the day she passed.


I have an ex. Her name is sarah. I still love her. Shes my everything. I want her back so bad. I love her. And i dont want a future with out her

Have you told her that?

Yea i have. But shes taken now. Im willing to wait for her

Just don't waste your life waiting on something when there could be someone else out there that wants you as much as you want her.

I know but shes always made me happy

I just truly love her

Then wait as long as you must. How did she react when you told her how you felt about her?

She said she still loves me but she cant just leave her bf

i still miss her so bad, even if she already found someone else...
i hate myself

That sucks so bad. I have been there and the waiting seems to never end.

I love her to much.

It does suck. But shes so worth it. She made me feel human

There is no such thing as to much.

Then wait for her till you get her or she leaves forever.

I plan on it. She the reason im joining tge army. So i can get my life together.

Good for you!

How does it feel to be her plan B waiting in low orbit with her other plan B's?


Fucked a veterans wife. I knew she was married but didn't know he was a vet. Idk why but it bothered me when I saw them together at work, poor dude had no idea.

Sometimes we are already on plan B because plan A didn't seem like it would work. Maybe plan B has to fail before your realize plan A would have worked all along.

how was it? can u green text story?

New fag so don't know how to green text but I was working at a Walmart as a cashier during college. She got moved over from another department and needed help because she didn't know how to use a register. I start helping her and we talk becoming friends. We start playing around,flirting. One day I scare her by grabbing her arm and going boo and she gets me back but she pinches my ass. At that point I knew something's up. I just started pushing it and getting more physical. Arm around her, brushing against her lots of hugging. We start talking about music and I say I'm learning piano, she tells me she knows how to play and offers to teach. First 2 lessons nothing happens but she gets more handsy like putting her hands over mine, resting her tits on me. Then there's like this moment before you kiss someone where you stare at each other and I went for it. She didn't resist and I worked quick before she could stop. I started kissing her neck and rubbing her pussy. I had her in doggystyle doing alright then I started thinking how she had a husband. I got really hot and my heart beat just shot up and I got really turned on fucking a dudes wife. I blew a load in her on purpose and we kissed a little and layed there before she moved to another Walmart about 3 months later. After that we talked and acted normal but things were weird or I made them weird idk that was 2 years ago and when I have a hard time cumming I just think of that and instantly on the edge.

It good, cause in army you see other things and might be over her by the time you come back.
My wild guess is that tgere is more to "getting my life together", tell us what it is?
Cause women dont stay with guys they dont like unless other options are shit.
Inher mind you are somehow not the better option. Why?

Is it her? Cause the pic looks like its a child

I hate it when bitches have good hair, but then cut it short

Hers looks better short.
Its because im beta right now. Hopefully army will help

You're a disgusting sack of shit. Just so you know. I'm sure you'll think that the idea of fucking someone else's relationship partner is good for you now, but should that ever happen to you, I hope beyond hope that everything you have shatters around you.

Your mad at the guy who is getting a piece of ass, but not the woman who defiled her marriage by doing it? Is he wrong, yes! Shouldn't the blame be placed on the woman who stepped out and not the man who took advantage of the situation?

I'm going to kill myself on July 2nd either next year or the year after.

Why July 2nd? I mean don't kill yourself but if you do then why that specific date?

No that girls like 19 just really short so that's how she reaches the high shelves

Can you tell my why it upset you so much? I mean I felt bad when I saw them together but she could've stopped at any moment too. Tbh if you're ever in that position it is fucking hot. It's life dude can't do anything about it now

I don't want to be a weeb anymore. I feel I've learned all I can/need to learn from anime and the lifestyle, and I'm just sick of it all.

I broke up with my boyfriend about a year ago, recently been getting close to this other guy and now we are dating I'm not overly worried he'll be like my ex but I'm worried that my ex will find out and it'll hurt him. My ex did cheat on me but I'd still not like him to be hurt over me moving on. Ex tells me he'd be mad if I dated someone else, but its not right for him to dictate who I can and can't date right? This new guy was friends with my exs friends and I fear one day if they mean and they tell him that I'm with him it'll upset my ex.

Meet again *

Your ex is your ex for a reason. You no longer need to worry about or justify anything you do. If his feelings get hurt, then he should have been more worried about your feelings and his feelings while he was still with you. He wasn't so neither should you be.