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ITT: We Decide On Our Target

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Why is this so popular all of a sudden? I'm sensing an advertising conspiracy

It's because reddit had an r/place except it sucked because you needed an old reddit account. This one is free to use for everyone

anyway, I suggest an attack on this Commie Flag at (25,80)

Because Sup Forums failed to raid the one on reddit (of all places) so now they're obsessed with it to hide how pathetic Sup Forums has gotten.

I like your idea, go for the commie flag

I agree. Turn it into a swastika?

fuck up the OSU thing

i gave the annoying dog a tongue

bump for potential


le pissing into le winds.

I think since the commies are protecting their flag, the best way would be to ruin their outlines because then they get lost and wouldn't know which pixels to fix, it would probably be easiest with a bunch of random colours because someone would probably try to sabotage our swastika plan

If you see the shape it looks like a penis, so let's make it into a proper one

yes plz

To succeed, first we will have to sketch out what the penis / swastika will look like so every user will know where to place their pixels

Im ready to draw whatever

waiting for instruction


If we're making it into a swastika, it should look something like this
show us where you see the penis and we can follow up

We have to work in groups working in sectors of

x,y -> x+5,y+5 for example? like 25,25 to 30,30

there, let's draw a penis there

there are 2 legs spread and the penis is in the middle

No. We wanna fuck with the commies.

fuck off Sup Forums, the commie flag will survive !

I tried making a thread on Sup Forums two days ago and the mods deleted it and temp banned me.

ATTENTION: We are making the hammer on the commie flag into a penis. Round off the left side.

i'm just putting a red dot on the green lattice every 3 mins

too hard to organise anything complicated/designed on /b methinks, stick to swarming i think is the best idea

Later we should make a white flag rising out of Paris on the map of France at 308, 486


They are training AI for censoring with that thing.


care to explain wtf ur talking about

I don't know shit about drawing, someone make a paint picture we can all follow.

the commies are winning, Sup Forums is shit

Let's just stick to the commy flag

Where is my snorlax guy?

Fuck it. Start making a white circle over the commie hammer and sickle. We will make a swastika.

giving up so quickly?

Start the circle at 22, 78 and work out. We are starting ww3 and Nazi Germany is going to win.

There's a three minute timer. It'll take more than one person.

Theres a swastika at 541,645 if ya'll wanna build it


We will fuck their flag while they are busy with kekistan. Let the Sup Forumsacks worry about it.

Awesome sauce, agreed.

Jesus are we really incapable of making a 23 x 23 swastika? Sup Forums is pathetic now.

is the timer ip based?

Yeah seems like it.

mods are deleting the threads in Sup Forums

yeah I saw that

We're dropping the penis idea. Main priority now is to trigger the commies and plant a swastika on top of their flag.

Maybe it will be easier to just make it an American flag. Might even get some normies to help us. idk


Starting swastika center at 22, 78. Everyone get in here.

okay everyone, I'm making a rough template to follow

let's do this REEEEEEEEEEE


We're writing "FAGS"

Come join its funny how they haven't gotten anywhere trying to stop us

Pretty sure there is a bot protecting the pornhub logo

lol thanks for showing me this i'm just gonna fuck everything up slowly but eventually

Alright guys. I made a rough sketch of what it needs to look like. Don't mind the color. Just made it that so its easier to see.

oh nice
will contribute

Alright lets do it chums

Just remember the center is at 22, 78

very good, I see you've got this sorted, I was going to make a circle for the swastika starting from the circle we already have from the hammer and sickle like so

Center is marked with light blue

don't make the swastika fucking blue you inbred retards

Fucking kek

DONT make the swastika blue. I just made it that so you could see it better against the cancer underneath.

Guys when we post a new /Reddit painting thread can we please just cut to the chase and call them what they are and name them "complete waste of time" threads?

Keep the center at 22, 78 blue so we can stay on track. Everything else is black.

making swastikas is pointles
there is some fag mod that comes and erases them once in a while
better to draw hitler or some other nazi guy

alright, I'll start with the white background around the swastika then

Fuck off nonbeliever.

Circle makers, refer to this image for the correct size circle.
this shit is much better with lower cooldown
just look at the top right, top kek

Fffahhàhahhaaahaah, pissing into the wind..... Have just the best fucking time my friend. $200 says whatever you do today is not there tomorrow yeah?

No commies to fuck with there tho. Our work there is already done. We must prosthelytize the will of kek to the faggots

no shit retard, a whole 24 hours?

I think it seems like a bigger accomplishment when it's 3min cooldown

Center is marked in blue. work off the template people.

those commie fuckers are deleting it whenever i black over the yellow

Fukin bump this shit.

Don't give up now Sup Forumstards. Focus


or is mine just fucking up?

it didn't reset it's just loading

false alarm boys mine just went white for a second


They are training AI for censoring with that thing.

just exit and reload the page

bro explain yourself all I hear is
coming from you


The creators of that are training AI to censor "offensive" images. Which usually means that images are deemed as offensive when they contain something against establishment. Some companies are trying to create same kind of AI but for words. Think about the world where you couldn't post anything that's offensive against the establishment... Yeah sounds like communist/nazi dream.

idc tbh


How about a different plan? We turn the Hail Satan to Heil Hitler

are you legit retarded?

you do know how that stuffs work correct?
they have a million other sources and tons of data already
they don't need to use this and why the fuck would they of all things

See below
Example the whole Candid "anonymous" messaging app was created to train Artificial Intelligence to censor words. Only problem was that creators decided that everything criticizing Black Lives Matter was offensive after the Dallas Police shooting. And I mean criticizing not insult. The app started to censor and "shadow ban" messages that were legitimately criticizing the shooter and how he was vocal supporter on BLM. Example the AI buried messages which were criticizing the shooter so that nobody else than the posters himself/herself could see it. And the poster didn't even know his/her post was buried that way.

Now can you see how much someone would be ready to pay for this kind of technology? Facebook has already expressed their interest.

yes he's reeeeeetarded


We are winning the fight. Keep going!

Too small and we are here to piss people off. Who will that piss off? The seven satanists on here?

I was just thinking maybe it'd be better to have lots of small victories but if the commie flag to swastika idea is working then carry on

It's working slowly but surely. The normies are also fucking with the flag and distracting the commies while we make the swastika. We could use some more manpower though tbh.