Have you ever received an album as a gift from someone? Alternatively, have you ever gotten someone an album?

Have you ever received an album as a gift from someone? Alternatively, have you ever gotten someone an album?

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The wailers box set, inner circle , and a compilation that had Spanish Harlem in it. This version youtu.be/elCT6JiylAs

I was once thinking about giving to a friend Yoshimi because they were coming to my country and he likes science fiction
Never did that though


I just remembered I have a bunch of comics in my hard drives


My sister bought me Currents by Tame Impala and I feel bad because I still haven't listened to it

My grandpa got me CDs as birthmas presents for a long time. Highway 61 Revisited, Are You Experienced, that kinda stuff. The Nuggets box set one year.

I bought Embryonic for my dad and he liked it

I thought about buying him LAGWAFIS but I'm worried he might relate to it too much and an hero

I gave OK Computer to a friend on his bd, and [spoiler]Death Magnetic[/spoiler] to another

When I was younger my mom would let me use her amazon account to point out which albums I wanted and she would buy them but its my choice so I guess it doesn't reallyncount

I got a copy of Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada when I already had one

My dad gave me the deluxe edition of The Wailers's Burnin, pretty good album, and comes with a an amazing live performance, the last show with the original members. Fuck Bob Marley for ruining one of the best band ever.

to date i have gotten
bowie - the man who sold the world
elton john - rock of the westies
beach boys - pet sounds

Don't be a jerk, tripfag.

I get albums every year for christmas because I ask for them but never give suggestions on what they should get me. I've gotten some very strange cds that way.
I recently sent my sister in Scotland a couple CDs I thought she'd like,.

Yeah, I got:
Black Sabbath - 14
Audioslave - s/t
Pink Floyd - Division Bell
Ficher-Z - Red Skies Over Paradise

I offered to the guy who gave me my first two:
Motorhead - On Parole
Judas Priest - Screaming for Vegeance
And the one who offered me the last two:
Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA
The Police - Reggata de Blanc

Really pleb albums we traded around for our birthdays, but it's fun.

I'll take it off your hands, it's chill

Gave my ex-girlfriend some CD's I had laying around I got from a thrift shop the only one I remember is Fat of the land by the prodigy.

I got Weezer's blue and Pinkerton for my birthday last year on vinyl.

No this is my first

yeah unfortunately like a lot of shit...gifts like that just reveal how little ppl know of others taste..

I got AC/DC - Highway to Hell, which was my first album ever, from my dad. I also recently got Hotel California for some reason from some people, it was a nice thoughtful gift since I guess they knew I was into music.

I was thinking of making a compilation CD, filled with songs that remind me of my oneitis and giving it to her. But I was able to realize that it's probably creepy rather than cute.

I wish i had though, last time i got a gift from someone was like 5 years ago and it was from my mom

My buddy gave me American Football, that was nice of him

Besides giving my entire music collection to friends, I've only bought 2 albums for friends as gifts.

Hollerado - White Paint
The Tragically Hip - Man Machine Poem

all music is a gift

gave my friend van halen's 1984 on cassette today

i got dean blunt's the redeemer and john maus' love is real for my birthday this year

My dad got me the cd to Lateralus from tool for my birthday. Say what you want about the album, but it has big sentimental value to me. I wasn't really that into music at the time (I liked vidya music I guess), but Tool got me into music as a whole.

I got my gf some arctic monkeys album in high school, then a friend of mine is a big billy joel fan and I found an album by him for like 2 bucks so I got it for him. I don't recall ever receiving music.

i buy music for my friends all the time
usually 7 inches i know they'd enjoy
nothings better than seeing someone you care about smile

I had a friend whom I'd get an autographed album for her birthday every year, she was into a rather indie scene so it wasn't so hard to just go directly to the artists, buy an album from them and have them sign it. She loved that shit.

Thanks for your contribution.

my ex gave me songs about fucking on vinyl

A friend of mine always gives albums to everyone, I got albums from Coltrane, Flying Lotus and MF DOOM. An ex girlfriend gave me some Alice in Chains albums. Hell now that I think about it, many of the physical albums I own are gifts.

That's awesome. You're a cool guy, user.

I bought Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday for my friend.

She didn't like it.

I got my dad the Ramonetures on vinyl.

Ramones fan, thought he'd dig the instrumental surf (Ventures) cover band and he did

I wish I had a friend like you.

My Stepdad got me The Flaming Lips- Embryonic on vinyl for my 19th birthday before I joined the military. That was cool.

A cool old black lady I met at the American Legion had a Sam Cooke record that she gave me. That was really cool.

I gave my current girlfriend a Soundgarden- Screaming Life and Mother Love Bone- Apple for Valentine's Day and her birthday.

Kek when I first got with my current gf and said that I listen to a lot of music she gave me a copy of Nevermind

That's about it

I got my mom Meddle for her 60th birthday and she loved it.

My friends got me Blackstar for my birthday last year.

I've given a friend 3 different jazz CD's and I have more, I just haven given them to her yet. It just feels good to spread around good music.

Lemme think...
I've given Sunn O)))'s first album as a birthday present to my ex (while still dating of course), gave her Rain Dogs (I love that album but I wanted her to have it) and I believe the first Violent Femmes record, as well as some Dr. Dooom CD single I had, which I also loved, but wanted her to have it. I don't regret anything I gave to my ex, because I loved her madly at the time.
At the time, I gave a good buddy of mine Sunn O)))'s Black One (which I kinda regret not buying for myself, because he's a cunt), I got him a Christian Death album, and, hmmm, that's about it, rest of the shit I gave out to people doesn't mean much to me, mostly okayish stuff, even though I want some of the stuff back.
When I was dating this chick, she gave me a copy of Drake's IYRTITL on CD (his only decent body of work imo, plus has an extra verse on Madonna, which was kinda our song at the time), Kendrick's untitled unmastered on vinyl which was pretty neat, but these two friends bought me a really cool white vinyl version of the Noothgrush demo, the only demo with clean vocals, and an amazing pressing.
Of course, I exclude stuff my dad bought/gave me, because that's a long story, but the man blessed me with some gems, I'll tell you that.

My best friend gave me his vinyl copy of Loveless, my favorite album that I introduced him to, as a going away present when I moved across the country.

Best present I ever received