
wtf i love russia edition


She is one of the only shilled girls that I find really qt



creme de la

Fuck Drumpf.

meme? de la


dumb satania poster

>cum is ded and it's still not even RNH

wanna pass that by me again?




why would I care if worst girl got shot

>here is my fb
>follow for memes
When the hell did this happen to facebook?

cause it was a warning shot

real nigga time = Real Dropout Time

gonna kill the dog 2bh

>healthcare no longer offered to people over 300
lbs, and they arent muscle
>obamacare fixed, everyone else gets quality healthcare



the 'f

Last day smoking, guys. Got a hair follicle test coming up in a couple of months.Just burned a black out joint and will probably have another when my friend gets here.

>vacuuming sawdust instead of burning it

>user it says you never had a gf
>it also says your quitting your job to get a meme degree
>how pathetic

too mean

At least I'm Moorish

getting them "i fucking hate life" feelings buds

whomst've are you quoting?

did u do your homework, /cum/-chan?

you're literally a cartoon, you can't tell me nothing

No don't

You need to kill Turkey first

semester starts tomorrow

i don't want to kill turkey



mine started 2 months ago

Turkey wants to bomb Pennsylvania though

Mы, пaнceкcyaльнoe кaзaчecтвo, пoддepживaeм фaкт пpиpaвнивaния дyхoвнoгo caнa aкaдeмичecкoмy. И бyдeм пoддepживaть пpиpaвнивaниe aкaдeмичecкoй cтeпeни дyхoвнoмy caнy.
Пoлyчил кaндидaтcкyю - мoжeшь oтпycкaть гpeхи и читaть зa yпoкoй дyши нa вoзмeзднoй ocнoвe. Дoктopcкyю cхлoпoтaл - мoжeшь cдaвaть зeмли ЗAO PПЦ в нaeм пoд кopпopaтивы вo имя cкpeп и дyхoвнocти.

Mы, пaнceкcyaльнoe либepaльнo-дeмoкpaтичecкoe кaзaчecтвo, пoддepживaeм кoнтpoлиpyeмoe pacшиpeниe пoлнoмoчий влacти. Coвмecтнo c oпepeжaющим pacшиpeниeм либepaльных цeннocтeй в пoдвлacтных cтpyктypaх. Mы зa coкpaщeниe paзpывa в пoлнoмoчиях этих oпopтyничecких инcтaнций вплoть дo пoлнoгo eгo yпpaзднeния.
Haш лoзyнг - чeлoвeк, ты пpeзидeнт; пpeзидeнт, ты eщe чeлoвeк?
Mы зa личнocтнoe, мы зa любoвь!

Пaнceкcyaльнoe кaзaчecтвo c coчyвcтвиeм cмoтpит нa кaзaчecтвo в цeлoм. Mы paтyeм зa pacшиpeниe пoнятия ceмьи.
Myжчинa имeeт пpaвo нa любoвь к пpяникy, кнyтy, жeнщинe, мyжчинe, кo вcякoй твapи и пpeзидeнтy.
Жeнщинa вoльнa выбиpaть быть c кoзлoм, или нe быть, быть c кнyтoм, или бeз, быть, или нe быть. Пpeзидeнт, или пpeзидeнткa.
Mы пpoтив пaтpиapхaльнoгo yклaдa, нo зa пpaвocлaвныe cкpeпы. Любoвь к ближнeмy, дaли зa oднy щeкy, пoдcтaвь и дpyгyю, oднoй зapплaтoй ceмь paбoтникoв, пo зapплaтe и тpyд.
Mы oтpицaeм милицeйcкoe гocyдapcтвo, нo зa пopядoк и cпoкoйcтвиe. Ocкopбил чyвcтвa гoмoceкcyaлиcтa, oтpяд кaзaкoв в кaзaкaх yжe cпeшит нaпoддaть тeбe в мaкoвкy мягкoгo мecтa. Пpoявил paccoвyю нeтepпимocть, oкaзaлcя в тpyдoвoм лaгepe, гeoгpaфичecки pacпoлoжeннoм пo paccoвoй пpинaдлeжнocти пoтepпeвшeй cтopoны.
Зaпpeтил coвepшaть нaмaз в пpaвocлaвнoй цepкви, кoтopaя являeтcя кyльтypным дocтoяниeм, тpyдникoм в мoнacтыpь!

Mы зa гeгeмoнию кpacoты, пaнeвpoaзийcкoe cooбщecтвo, нpaвcтвeннocть в oтнoшeнии к бeзнpaвcтвeннocти. Mы пpoтив дepжaвнoцeнтpичecкoй гocyдapcтвeннocти, пpoтив пpoизвoлa и пaнибpaтcтвa в гocзaкyпкaх, пpoтив гpязнoй игpы и мapиoнeтoк.

Пaнceкcyaльнoe кaзaчecтвo - пopoзнь мы cилa!

>tfw set up my computer as an ssh server on my local network so I can scp to my hard drive and sync music to my phone wirelessly


>current year

cyka blyat idi nahui

We, the patron saint, are committed to supporting the development of the dykhnovogo caa akademichekomy. And we must support the adjustment of the academic degree of the dyhovnymy cay.
Filled the Candidate - you can discourage ghdhi and read for the sake of a dysya on the back of the eye. Doktopckyu chlopotal - you can put the ZAO PACs in the absence of the product in the name of the script and dykhovnosti.

We, the patriotic Liberal-Democratical, are supportive of the corre- sponding pacification of the Colonial Powers. It is compatible with an encouraging pacshirepeyem liberalnyh tsennottey in podvlatnyh ctpyktrah. We are for the reduction of the gap in the space of these oppotyichnyh instantsii vplot to the full of his revelation.
You are a loser - a person, you are a preexponder; Pesident, are you another chelovek?
We are personal, we are for love!

Pencheskyalnoe kazachchetvo c cochyvstvimem ctotpit na kazachchetvo in vselom. We are sorry for the understanding of the concept of the family.
My wife has the right to love her, the knys, the wife, the man, the whole tvapya and the poseiden.
Women must choose to be with a trunk, or not be, be c knutom, or be, be, or not be. A president, or a student.
We are against the patriarchal yklada, but for the sake of the right scenes. Love for others, for one person, for example, and for one, a single occupied group of workers, for zapplata and tpyd.
We are extinguishing the militia, but for the sake of prosperity and security. Ockopil a chevtcva gomoeccylichta, a series of locks in the cakes yze cpeshit napoddat tebe in makovkovy mild meca. Ppojavil paccovyyu neeterpimoct, appeared in the third leg, geographically pacpolozhennom pa pakenvoy ppadadlezhnoti pepeppevshey stpona.
I prevented me from acquiring nemaz in the proper tsvetvi, which is a culpritic habit, tpydnikom in the concierge!

We are at the mercy of the capital, a pan-Western, which is irrelevant in the face of disinteres.


Reminder that the Ogasawara Islands and the Northern Marianas make Japan & the USA neighbors

seem like a swell bunch of guys

и ликe тo фaк cyкa блaт eкcддддд

>>current year
refer to pic

o bozhe.

>tfw small, soft penis


>tfw have class tomorrow

sometimes i wish i was a neet

i think i have bullied you enough for today
*tucks you in*
*closes the door but leaves your room light on*

sometimes it's boring to be the only mexican in here

guess i'll go back to hispachan


user no

Good night /cum/

the supposed gf in question

>*closes the door but leaves your room light on*


so this is """"""best""""""" girl, huh?



thats a serious cameltoe going on there


>about to go to sleep
>new sub is out

delet this right now

oyasumi cum-sama


>its an Akko fucks everything up episode

Been awhile since I last posted on here. Seems like yesterday when I was still a NEET, still posting on /cum/ everyday for at least 10 hours, whenever I wasn't gorging on food, jacking off, and playing video games...

Been working working full-time with overtime every other week since November, at Chipotle. Some of you may know me.

Just found out some of my coworkers are into anime (I'm not). I overhear a conversation they had tonight. It's about 'Naruto'. They go into high detail about their obsession for this gay ass show for the next 30 minutes. Then by the end of it one of them says to the other, "you're such a weeb".

What did I get myself into?

good night, sorry i cant make it to real nigga hours tonight
so a regular episode?

I'm too lazy to take a shower, again
I need something to fix my fucked up lazy brain

What's that place like compared to /lat/ and just what's it like in general compared to Sup Forums or other imageboards

>someone uses the word correctly
>but that's wrong because naruto is a bad mainstream show and everyone on Sup Forums hates it, what the fuck how dare people misuse Sup Forums term
Literally insufferable, nobody cares dude.

whats the difference yo'eru implying exists?


>tiny breasts


That punchline was great, bud.


>and the potential benefits are staggering
Always fucking gets me.
Yea, the potential benefits such as wasting your youth trying to get better at drawing as a career, sinking 50 grand on a art degree, then having nothing to show for it when youre working two random jobs at 25 and having boyfriends dump your ass the second they find out you're still 20k in debt.
When real life sinks in for these people its fucking crushing.

If trump is just a russian puppet like some people say then why did he say this in his past life

i only browse /mex/ every now and then mostly because sometimes nudes of girls i know are posted

it's a lot less autistic than /lat/ and mostly consists of mexican humour. sometimes you can see interesting threads worth reading

also only 20% of the posters know how to greentext rofl

>who are you quoting

The thing that really annoys me is that our gov is pretending that the turks and arabs are our allies.
I do agree that russians are weird from time to time, but their culture is still closer to ours than the one of the arabs. I would never trust them, it already shows on a small scale. The russians maybe drunk and start fights, but under normal circumstances they work and act normal and speak basic german.
The turks etc. always start fights for dumb reasons, they have no understanding of honor, they will only act tough if they outnumber you and yet cry like a bitch if somebody stands up to them. I'd rather try to get along with the russians than play pretend with the saudis and similar.

who are you quoting

>ever trusting a ruskie


>sometimes nudes of girls i know are posted

they are more trustworthy than arabs that found terrorist groups and radical muslims in your home country. They even take care of the graves of our fallen men. I see them as more normal people, but maybe I'm biased as a big part of my friends is consisting of russian immigrants kids.


Has anyone of you guys wrote an e-mail to the president?
I have been writing to some governors, but never really tried to write somebody like the US president.

its extremely unlikely he'd ever read your/my note

i don't want to go to work tomorrow
but if i don't make any money, i don't get any pussy

true, I want to try it anyways I think.

I mean how do you just happen to find girls you know there
If I saw nudes of a girl I knew in /cum/ I would have a panic attack

What would one even write to a governor about that seems so weird