Anyone watching csgo starladder?

Anyone watching csgo starladder?

Those FPS games have had no imagination for the past fifteen years. I'd be embarrassed to play those shit games let alone watch somebody play it.

Grass growing is a delight compared to this.

Fair enough wasn't really looking for your opinion. I was asking was anyone watching. having a bad day?

You have to keep in mind, these faggots are barely legal to be here let alone to understand gaming. As long as they can watch some bullets flying, some "awesome" skins used, they will watch because it's "kewl".

No I'm tired and it's Sup Forums so I have licence to be a jackass.

>let alone to understand gaming.

What's to understand? You press A and B and things go boom. What am I missing here?

Haha what else should I have expected

what a non-post

2,300 hours in the game, I put it down 2 months ago when my brother died and haven't loaded it since. What's starladder?

Sorry to hear man. It's just a competitive csgo competition.

Thank you.
I plan on loading it up again some day... Not that I haven't played any other games since that time, but we played together and it just wont be the same without my partner.

VP vs NiP and Fnc vs Ast gonna be fun

Yeah some good games on today. Who do you think will win between North and Navi

Can't tell TBH depends upon the vetoes entirely as they have similar map pools

everybody here acting like thoorin

Still better than his :

let people enjoy what they like mr edge fuck

yep. on one monitor im playing a hvh and one the other im watching it

I'm watching

Imagine the shitshow if G2 end up beating SK

Hmm could it be that you got no aim,movemwnt or gamesense and you are silver?
I mean why would you talk shit about the only surviving good fps?
Maybe because you are just bad at vg?

>What's to understand? You press A and B and things go boom. What am I missing here?
Cs is not cod... you actually need a lot of skill to kill decent players.