Make the Patriots contenders for 15 years even during rebuilding years

>make the Patriots contenders for 15 years even during rebuilding years

How does he do it

whenever someone says that it's all brady remind them that belichick was the last head coach to lead the cleveland browns to a postseason win.


the afc east is terrible and they play each team twice

This helps

>you now remember 2008
Fuck the Patriots

Elite play calling.

As of last year, the Pats record against their division was the same as their record against non-divisional opponents. They'd dominate regardless of division.

>you'll be alive to see the Patriots start sucking again after Belichick leaves

feels good man

>implying his brain won't be preserved to be the Patriots permanent coach

They remind me of the Palpatine/Vader Duo

It's actually pretty simple OP. It's called discipline. That's really it. BB doesn't run many trick plays, in fact his playbook is much smaller than most teams. He has a standard offensive system that is adaptable and approachable. They just execute better than anyone. Part of it is org culture, to always being doing more, but it's also strength of leadership. Want to start leaking that you want "Von Miller" money next season, enjoy your stay at the Browns. Shut up, and rehearse this tight end out route 100 more times today.

>doesn't run many trick plays

yeah but when he does they're the weirdest fucking trick plays in the universe. Probably a good thing

Feels good. Can't wait to see that empty stadium.

>you will live to see ANOTHER cowfaggots dynasty

Pic related.

better the Cowgirls than the Patriots

and who knows, maybe the Lions will shake some shit up

>peyton played in a division with 2 expansion teams

next excuse?

>Simple playbook

So simple that Chad Johnson couldn't figure it out, rookie WRs do terrible on the Pats and Reggie Wayne decided to retire rather than play a season with the Pats because the offense was too hard to learn.

>Pic related
>have threesome with two sexy fucking grills
>spend a weekend living out a femdom fantasy
could be worse desu. If that's what a Cowboys dynasty feels like then sign me up

I didn't watch it because it looked like shit

honestly the femdom aspect of it wasn't as sexy as the trailer made it seem. They kind of just played loud music through headphones to hurt his ear. Stabbing him with a fork was kinda hot I guess.
It was okay, kinda a nice shitty movie, but I was disappointed that my nice femdom thriller was light on women actually abusing a man :(

>How does he do it
Deflating eggs

who the fuck was talking about peyton
>patriots fans immediately start trying to compare themselves to peyton

so uh, subconsciously you then realize he's better than you. based on you constantly trying to compare your team to him

>inb4 the savaged assholes of salty p*tsfag responses

>inb4 people respond

yeah dude thats kinda how replies work

>Better than Brady

Brady will own every single record Peyton has by the time his career is over, has more SB wins/appearances, yet until the end of time there will be some salty fool trying to compare the two.


>poo eff ell will be effectively dead in 5 years or so


No they aren't. The afc east is actually one of the winningest divisions in football. Look it up. Also they "suck" because the patriots are so good. If you took away their loss to the patriots last year, the jets would be 11-5 and the bills would be 9-7. Plus the patriots have a better record outside their division so that argument is invalid automatically.

yup, like you rn :^)

Hes "better"


BB has a touch of the 'tism, but his bro Ernie Adams is the real mastermind behind the curtain

lol no one will even touch Brady cause they know the flag will come


10/10 post

You also have to realize that browns team was stacked and later went on to win a SB like a year or two removed from the city of Cleveland as the Baltimore ravens.

It was very possible the Browns could have won a superbowl title in the early 2000s if the owner didn't move it and wasn't on the level of the Kroenke.

>implying Belichick won't be making plays for the patriots even while in hospice care

Tiger = Patriots
Owl = Cowboys

>rookie WRs do terrible on the Pats
rookie wrs are historically weak to downright bad everywhere. part of those 2 old and busted guys not sticking around in a new system is the development time often required in often in new roles with new teammates.


Tom Brady and a shit division

> moaning this ever year
then why do they kick shit out of everyone outside their division? Including 4 (four) superbowls won and 6 (six) attended? is the whole NFL shit?


I'm not a fan of any team in the AFC so that's just my assumption.

He does it cause...

#1 He has Brady
#2 In a shit division
#3 He never over invest in 1 year to win at the expense of other years (it is possible to argue this perhaps cost them a championship along the way)

I love how this meme persists despite the fact that their out-of-division and in-division win rates are nearly identical

>yfw he coaches 15 more years

>hurr Belichick is overrated, he's a Brady babby
>he wouldn't be nearly as revered if it weren't for him having Brady
Meanwhile, someone in another thread makes a post about Brady:
>hurr Brady is overrated, he's a Belichick babby
>he wouldn't be nearly as revered if it weren't for Belichick being his coach