My gf is an old drugs addict, cocaine and ectasy during 1 year

my gf is an old drugs addict, cocaine and ectasy during 1 year.
She started when she was 13/14
Now she doesn't do drug no more, but I don't know what to do.
It has been 10 months that we are together and I learned it few months ago
What should I do with her?

who cares drugs are fun. as long as she wasnt sucking dick for blow its all good man

and one of her close friend propose her sometimes to take some shits



help plz

need answers

This guy. What are you worried about?

I mean, if you don't like drug use that's one thing, but if she doesn't even do them any more then it's a non-issue is it not?

Stick with her if she starts using again drop her
Trust me you don't need that shit in your life

Just live your life and be happy. Most well adjusted adults do drugs, seriously.

she's not rly a shit, very smart at school, now she's in an important school at Paris

Ask her to take Molly with u. Have sex then. You will be chocolate and she will moan so hard

i want to trust her about she wont do it no more, but her friend who propose her that shits is a danger for her (she told me she always refused it, she stopped drugs because too many bad trips)

Take drugs with her. It's not much different than drinking alcohol. Alcohol is just a worser intoxication.

she doesn't take it no more now!
she doesn't drink alcohol either

Oh man, what kind of pussy are you? As long she isn't shooting heroin there is nothing wrong with it. Are you her dad or what?

and i think that cocaine and ectasy is not a little drug such as cannabis can be

i know i'm quite "old game" but I don't her to be a shit drugged reduced to a flat shit

Sounds like she became pretty boring. So where is your problem when you like boring women?

she's not boring dude lmao

Op remains a fag. Gf sounded fun but now is with this guy

Trust me man you will know if she has been injecting some top tier canananabis. Soon as that happens fuck her off. Until then get some of that sweet putang

Im doing drugs now since 6 years and alcohol is one of the worst from which i take. I made my highschool and currently university. I have friends and family and i'm not bad looking. Drugs are not bad. Drugs are just bad for people with no self control which abuse drugs. It's like drinking alcohol, if you drink 1,2 times a week and your life is OK, no problem. If you drink whole week its a problem. Coke and exctasy are anyway no addiction drugs (Coke more but its too expensive), they are more like party drugs which you take maybe a few times a year..

1) cocaine
2) ?
3) amphetamine
4) ?
5) mdma
6) peyote
7) LSD
8) magic mushrooms
9) heroin
10) ?
11) ?
12) ?
13) ?
14) ?
15) ?
16) weed
17) hash

somebody know the rest?

4) Ritalin (Methylphenidat)
10) suboxone (?)
11) Amanita mushroom
12) exctasy
14) any Opiate probably
15) tobacco

13) any Benzodiazepine
The pills are hard
2) maybe ketamine or pcp

She was kinda addicted before, she lost her mind too much frequently so she stopped
She not stopped for me, she stopped before our meet

15 is a pill, maybe 14 is tobacco

tobacco is the worst drug ever. the only drug that makes a great amount of damage to your body without giving anything back.