Ask a dude who just OD'd from fentanyl anything

Ask a dude who just OD'd from fentanyl anything.

you see a hot nurse or nah?
was it worth?

I got pretty high, I didn't even pay attention to what people looked like because I was so goddamn fucked up and confused,By the time I was lucid the only two that attended weren't very good looking.

Also I lost the rest of my shit in the process, so no.

Princeton heroin addict here. Way to be stupid op. Oding is nothing to be proud of. Ppl like u are the reason drugs like opiates are illegal/prescription only.
U ruin it for everybody.

I hope you're ok OP.
More hookers.

did you feel any pain ?
lol, jk

why did you take opiates ? to get high ?

You over indulgent asshole. Get well soon.

I fucked up,yeah, bur hey I need to vent somewhere. I'm sorry.
I feel like shit but I'm okay.
Yeah I'm not an addict, just really fucking stupid.
Thanks pal.

For intentional OD I don't mind SLAMMING the narcan. Wake you dumb shits out of your euphoria / death

can you tell me why Fentanyl all of a sudden?

next time just chut a corner off and take tiny dabs of the gel and brush with 'em. a dab at a time and you'll know your cut off limit you silly bitch.
Get well soon.


Rule number one for not seeming like a retard.

Dont call yourself an addict when your trying to advocate opiate abuse


Go do the tiniest amount of fentanyl you can and dont od

Yeah thats right you cant cause fentanyl is made to have you od if you heroin it.

That is really good placement of the EKG leads, who's handy work is that?

I didn't say Bang it. I said eat some. Me and my Ex used to do this when we got patches and shared. Worked quite amazingly for us.

>Ppl like u are the reason drugs like opiates are illegal/prescription only.

People wouldnt OD as much if it wasnt illegal and they didnt have no fucking idea how cut/potent their shit is you fucking illiterate dumbass

It happens so much because everyone cuts their shit, so you have addicts running around thinking heroin is half or so as potent as it really is, and then they come across some shit cut with fentanyl or whatever the fuck, or just isnt cut at all, and they fucking die, because theres no regulation

Well user, you dodget a bullet today let's see when the next OD happens.
I admit it's a semi cool way to go

Really cause a dope addict from rehab said he did that and puked/passed out within minutes of doing a bead

Why didn't you just die like all the other skids out there?

Fentanyl is the greatest thing ever! Get rid of all the useless scrubs and make room for those of us that don't do dangerous drugs.

Why dont you
And here me out

Just do acid

I don't know what to tell ya. It worked just fine for us. we had a tremendous nod from hell but nothing severely wrong. also we didn't swallow the shit, THAT'S probably why.

OP (fuck I guess anyone) please answer, really honestly curious

because it's amazing. But EASY to fuck up on.

Get a life shit eating faggot boy

so better than the standard opioid euphoria and drunk feeling? (I've only ever had a push of dilaudid so only vaguely familiar)

Is that supposed to be some kind of response? I think the drugs cooked your brainpan there son.

Well it's been years since I last had the stuff but yes. I remember a considerable nod and just complete numbing sensation. But it's all in how much you do and how you do it. I still prefer Morphine/Oxycodones though.

How much was the hospital bill?

You all ruin everything for everyone. Drain on society etc etc. My states budget is absolutely fucked because of you fuckups. And it's only going to get worse.

>Hurrdur it's a disease
>Hurrdur you have to CHOOSE to want help

Fucking pick one. Nobody ran up to you and stabbed you with a needle and said congrats on your addiction. You fucks chose to do it the first time

Ha! "Get a life" says the dope fiend! Hilarious!

Why do you do shitiest drugs?

You should go to the gym instead of doing stupid shit...

it's not a disease. cancer is a disease. Drug abuse is bad genes in combination with temptation. thats not a disease

actually, I'm not even addicted. I'm a pain patient myself and it just so happens to ALSO take the edge off. But thanks for assuming all of our positions here.

>bad genes

Having a genetic (and neurochemical) component literally qualifies it as a disease - you should know that, you inbred.

Why didn't you take more?... next time take more, fam.

That doesn't make it less of a disease. If you go that route, you'd have to say that type 2 diabetes is not a disease either - its the result of bad diet choices.

If you're getting hooked as a pain patient it is your responsibility to tell your doctor how you feel. I don't buy that shitty excuse that addicts spew, your own fault if you don't involve your doctor in the problem and move onto other substances when your prescriptions run out.


no one cares about your addiction faggot

They are specifically made for people in as bad of pain as I'm in on a DAILY basis. It's not an addiction when I'm using it as my medication. I take the exact amount I should everyday.
So what about my position leads you to still believe everyone in it are nothing but addicts??

Therapist specializing in addiction here, CAADC certified. 6 years of formal schooling on addiction and 4 years in the field. Just wanna let you know that your opinion is myopic and based out of ignorance.

Why did you say lol joke after you asked if he felt any pain?

OP here. Sorry I fell asleep again.

It's the only thing available where I live. It's hard to find good heroin anywhere around here. Oxu, forget about it.
I consider that next time.
I agree with this wholeheartedly.
It was pretty painless. Didn't even notice I was dead pretty much dead for a couple minutes.
Socialized healthcare is hella good. $0.

Just wanna let people know I only snorted it. didn't swallow, didn't bang. I had half a beer while I was on it too. I guess I got a bad pill cause I took it pretty slow.

you're really just an asshole.. aren't you? What, did you have a family member or friend who was an addict and troubled you or something?? Because that would be excusable if you were ever directly affected by this.
I think you might just be an asshole though.

I like how every junky tries to preface their shit with something like "heroin addict here, but I go to Harvard" as if it makes them any less of a hopeless degenerate leech.

Your school or your job will never be bigger than your addiction

Holyoke heroin addict reporting in.

OP youre a fucking idiot. like us.

You should consider not using drugs.

My brother died from an OD on fentanyl a little over 4 months ago.

How much did you do

Got a free naloxone kit out of it as well.

I love the opiate high. 'Cause when I'm rushin', on my run, and I feel just like Jesus' son. Yeah.
Drug abuse isn't a disease like cancer, it's more like a mental illness that's totally unique in it's own way.
I had a friend who's doctor was pretty insistent about him staying on oxy when he wanted to quit. After my friend kept saying no, the doctor put him on tramadol instead and kind of manipulated him into saying yes.
I'm really sorry to hear that.
I did a pill and a half of those fake blue 80's over the course of an hour and a half. I probably should have taken it slower. All I remember is going out for a cigarette, then next thing I remember is being carried away by paramedics.