The meme you're looking for is "infrastructure"
you are just making boston people happy Brasilbro lol
I swear if we get rangebanned because of you i'll fucking hunt you. REEEEEEEEEE
srsly can you tell this guy to chill? i count 8 different threads made by this autist, this isn't even sports related banter
professional shitposter here, they'd only ban him from starting threads and it would be contained to Sup Forums and his specific ISP, 3 days tops too
An American walks in to a pub, says "I'll have a bud light". The bartender replies "you're American aren't you?" The guy says "how did you know? Was it the beer or the accent?" To which the bartender replies "neither, you're the fattest fuck I've ever seen in my life."
handling their drink is the only thing americans are light at
makes you think
The fat joke is old and stale
new england has a lower BMI than all of europe.. fucking fatass euro
careful before I report you to the sharia police for cyberbullying
forgot to mention banter sorry
Surprised you can type anything with those fat fingers of yours.
its okay you fatass fuck
not if he reports you first for posting a copyrighted picture
Surprised a monkey knows how to use a computer
9/11 was a sport event?
>Why won't America validate the tragedy in our sport they don't give a shit about?
I'm probably smarter than you. I can speak 2 languages.
Top kekkles
>now here is your bud lite, that will be 5 pounds
>please have a good time thank you
>Brazilian intellectuals
>not so nice brazil
>image.jpg x5
>28 posts
>15 posters
i is to intelligent for this board
>brazil has a national travesty
>but buu 9/11
will America ever recover
Mildly kek
just like American "beer"
we killed 1 million mudslimes in iraq alone
meanwhile a muslim is the leader of your biggest city
You and your countrymen are disgusting fatasses m8, really just gtfo pls. Don't embarass yourself.
But your president is a black muslim
Ew. Don't talk to me monkey trash.
he's a white racist actually
Not anymore my chinkgurinder friend :^)
>he types that from hsi mother's basement
Now they have a reality show celebrity as their prez, at least he is white amirite?
are dead americans a sport
Barack Hussein Obama is your president fyi and he has been for the last 8 (eight) years
kek american tourists came to favelas to gawk at how much of a 5th world you are.
Will Brazil ever recover or forever try and cause butthurt on the board of americans who could care less about america?
What position did you play m8?
Enjoying Toronto my spic friend?
Designated bull prepper. They prepped the bull so hard he ended up in the "white" house
He played bottom.
Paying taxes to drone mudslimes
Enjoying being ruled by a darkie my 50% white friend?
Donald trump is my president and he's coming to fucking kick spics out
At least our planes could actually make it to the Towers, that shit one those hues were flying in probably would have crashed in the street below.
Won't be the case once the great deportations start. Hopefully two walls.
Barack Hussein Obama is the president of the United States of America.
Why do football players make terrible pilots? They always break the plane before touchdown...
Hues must hate rain stops both soccer and planes . Pottery
He's already backpedalled on that. You are just another victim of a con man, but hey at least hes white this time
>he already backpedalled on that
Except he didn't Chang. A portion of the wall will be a fence because it's geographically impossible to construct a wall there.
>i-i-its not a wall actually
>I-I-I meant it figuratively
Isn't shillary supposed to be in jail right now?
Reminder that the entire might of the US Army was no match for these guys.
they too used to diving
and British food
Timing beats speed. Precision beats power.
How is it bait my horizontally challenged friend?
It's common knowledge.