How do I get more matches on tinder? I've had it for a while now and don't get too many...

How do I get more matches on tinder? I've had it for a while now and don't get too many. Even when I do they don't always respond. I just wanna get laid.

Follow rule 1 & 2.

What are rule one and two?

It is possible to get laid, but the chance to get laid are slim

1. Don't be ugly
2. Don't be ugly

Rule 1: Be attractive

Rule 2: Don't be not attractive

This is wrong. I've fucked loads of sluts off tinder. Doesn't matter if they explicitly state that they don't wanna a hookup, most of the time they'll get down if you're not a social retard or fat and greasy.

dyel duh..

Sounds like that part is out of my hands. Any advice on things like bio and type of profile pics that usually work?

It's tinder Steve, not church. No one cares about your bio. Chicks don't read that shit any more than we do. Use pics where you're not ugly.

Be better looking

Don't be ugly and have money

What's a good opening line?

Basically be good looking, have money, a car, no kids, never married, live in a mansion alone with your designer tigers. Think that's about it. Easy peasy.

Mention how many tigers I have? Or do they automatically assume two?

Use multiple apps to increase your odds and remain active on them. Tinder pof meetme etc.. Oh, and be attractive. Otherwise give up and rent hookers



then get in shape, dress well, have good pics


I'm borderline autistic, please explain "dress well"

Dress like this and you shall get 10000+ matches

Does any school shooter outfit work?

One thing