I love our president

I love our president.

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I don't


You've got some low standards.

I love your president, he being elected was one of the funniest things of the last years.

he's better than a nigger

fpbp tbh

actually seeing Hillary lose was funny.

who doesn't

>the last years
Yes they are


What's hilarious is he isn't.
When will you admit that Obama will go down in history as the greatest POTUS ever?

And a faggot's better then you.

Did you have a point to make?

Well I wouldn't go nearly that far user. Based FDR best president. Obama did a good job though.

>dur durr black president = da best because progress diversity

sure kid. people will say that not to be racist.
if he so good why she lose?

Nice English there, Boris.

implying I'm not gay myself.
you really suck at this

Says the admitted cock sucker.


like that's a crime.
someone needs to grow up.

Praise based Trump

Why would a faggot support the right? You're not very bright are you?

The best were the journalists.
Seeing journalists lose their composure...
It's priceless...

preaching to the choir my friend

who said I'm a faggot.
not very bright are you.