8 ball thread

8 ball thread
its the magic 8-ball
Roll your fortune!

is my life awesome?


Will ex come back?

Well fuck me

do i ever think gay things?

should i get back with my ex for the 38th time?


should i buy pizza tonight with my 40 bucks??

me cogere a mi mama

will she answer my facebook message?

will she unblock my number and call me tonight?

will Fresia fuck me tonight?

shes clean

Will tomorrow go well

does she love me back

can i fuck fresia without a condom?

Will I at least have drinks to get by?

Is there sitll time for me to get with Clara within the next 24 hours

Will I get this apartment?

do any of my friends like me

Should i order pizza tonight and say fuck it?

should i go hang myself?

will america go to war today?

Will i get that 4 some this weekend?

Will i have sex with nayareth next week

Will I finally man up and pull the fucking trigger tonight?

Will i ver have sex with her?

will she ever want me?

Will i pass math?

Should I shot myself??

Should I go to the club tonight?

Hold up, with a c or higher?

Will i get a gun soon?

ill fuck that girl from earlier

Am I gonna be Chad and fuck her?

ill fuck her gf

Ask again


will i fuck her?
