How tone deaf are you Sup Forums?

Check here:
and Post results.

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am i missing something?

i don't play any instruments and i listen to meme music, i thought i would get like 50%

basically if this fucking newfag (me) can do it, anyone can

Shit. Does this mean I should start a band?

i think it's just a really easy test, i was surprised as well

Never played an instrument in my life

Suck it

OK, now I'm wondering how OP missed 2 stages.

if you only got 94% I think you might be tone deaf desu

i'm sorry op, i didn't mean for this thread to turn into a life evaluating experience for you

try the test again homie, maybe you messed up

is there a harder test somewhere? i remember taking one and i was average =(

Seems way too easy to justify an answer for tone-deafness.

If you get anything but 100%, you might be mentally handicapped

I play percussion

It's just a way for them to shill their app. So of course they'll give you a high score. It's like, "hey congratulations! Since you'e so good at this, why not use our app to help you sing?"
If they were more conservative with their grading people would be less likely to get the app.

Full scora naturally, really easy test. Howver i remember one that was waaay harder. It wasn't called "tone deaf test" rather something along the lines of "perfect pitch" or "perfect hearing". There I was far from full score, i'd love to try it again though. Probably the same as this Also, this:

and the only music i make is harsh noise
should i start a band?

A test like this is what you are looking for:

cheers mate. Not the one I was looking for but nevertheless a good site.


How the fuck do you get anything other than 100 you deficient fuck? Seriously it's not like I am bragging or anything, literally everyone here is getting 100s except for you. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you on a music board?


>tfw i got 91%
Am i fucked guys?

don't be rude homie


>don't be rude
They're memeing.
No one who isn't literally deaf is going to get less than 100% on this facebook clickbait tier "test"


You're not, but I do suggest turning on your speakers. This test has sound.


reminds me of pic related

Surprisingly easy.

this is bait

this was too ez

you guys are fucked lmao



are people who get below 100% tonelets?

100% is normal anything below means you're deficient

I literally don't know how someone could get one wrong unless it was an accident

same desu

Eat shit, OP.

am i doomed to never be a musician guys?

ITT: Liars.

a winrar is me

idk i think having ears is a pretty much mandatory

you want me to come to your house and do the test in person?

if you didnt get 100% get off this board

It's easy as fuck tho

The real pleb filter


If you didn't get 100% you shouldn't be allowed to discuss music.

Beatoveen had not have ears.

>Beethoven had not have ears

What a relief.


How can you fail this ridiculously easy test and then say something sounds bad? It's like having illiterate people talk about literature.