Currently entering my 38th hour without sleep, I need to last at least another 15 hours...

Currently entering my 38th hour without sleep, I need to last at least another 15 hours, any tips to stay awake that don't involve cocaine Sup Forumsros

Video games, masterbation, eating, nuts in a vice.



don't stop moving?

Why do you need to stay awake for so long?

Put salt in your eyes

Snuff + Caffeine keeps me awake

whats so special abt 53 hours?

Put a firecracker up your dick and light it.

ask a friend to murder you if you ever try and sleep

protip: make sure they know you aren't joking


Uh mods

Final hand ins for my major and working a full time job keeps my schedule very very tight, every now and then i get periods where i need to works for 3 days straight to finish my work.

In 15 hours ill be done and i can sleep again

you need to be careful man, losing that amount of sleep can legitimately kill you.

You lose a bet op?

Take very cold shower

Thanks for your concern :) last year i used to be able to go for 5 days without sleep but I'm out of practice.

Are a Japanese business man ??

Nah just a student :)

fuck. im pretty much fucked if i lose one night of sleep.

What are you doing for a job. Whatever it is it's not worth it. How old are you?

You need meth and the Lord

Jerk off furiously

I have to be productive in these hours, I'm not staying awake just for the fun of it :)

Wrap an elastic band around your wrist and stretch it as far as you can an let go whenever you feel tired.

ER loser here. you can die. your heart needs you to sleep.

I'm 20, working as a waiter at a high class restaurant so the tips are good and its putting me through university, so its worth it to me, I am looking for alternatives though

Duly noted, will sleep soon as I can