They didn't fly so good

They didn't fly so good

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American posts on Sup Forums are objectively unfunny



Why are muricans trying so hard today?

I mean, most people either pay their respects or just ignore if they dont give a fuck, but amerilads have been posting edgy 12 years old Reddit tier bants all day.

>trying to police Sup Forums

I want reddit to leave.

They have to

> Please do not have fun saying things I do not agree with

Because there is nothing more satisfying than collecting asshurt from Southern Americans.

To keep it sports related, is this comparable to 7-1 in terms of anal devastation?

>To keep it sports related, is this comparable to 7-1 in terms of anal devastation?
Are you really this demented?

because everyone outside of America makes the same jokes when a tragedy happens in America

I wouldn't say demented. I'm a third party observer and don't care about poverty ball. Is a sporting holocaust on a global stage harder to stomach than a bunch of literally who's dying.

Any incident in America leads to endless

>be American
>get shot

tier "banter" for an entire week

It's the same shit and it's equally annoying from both perspectives I'm sure

But this isn't reddit, so stop whining.

>Is a sporting holocaust on a global stage harder to stomach than a bunch of literally who's dying.

>edgy burgers getting shut down across the board today.



You guys inflinct that on yourselves tho, it's your twisted mentality that basically makes mass shooting popular on the US

I was not complaining about Sup Forums being Sup Forums, I was complaining about the weak tryhard amerilards bantz.

>Lol the monkeys crashed, epic guys, le upvote


least we play real sports

I was going to post a guy jumpig from the WTC and greentext ">implying americans know anything about flying" but it would be the fifth time i've seen americans btfo today.

>lel amerifatzzz 9/11 keks hehuhuehuheuhue

It's literally the same shit from you guys

seriously stop getting so upset and you'll enjoy your stay here much more


shit, my school was getting joked on across the boards yesterday

didn't bother me, this is Sup Forums and I know the score, I've been here for years


I was walking to class when it happened, the whole car ride home I couldn't wait to get on Sup Forums and shit post about it.

Fucking muslims, can't wait to deport every single one.

People survived that shit, holy fuck.

>zikababbys first "bantz"



Can't bant with people who do not know the concept.

Nobody would have brought up 9/11 jokes if american didn't started making threads joking about this accident, stop thinking the rest of the world is constantly remembering the 9/11 on a daily basis, nobody gives a shit about it until an american start acting like americans.

No one gets unironically triggered about 9/11, it gets joked about on TV all the time

Why would you jump out of a tower before burning to death?

>No one gets unironically triggered about 9/11, it gets joked about on TV all the time
Yeah, hence why you did 3 Hollywood films about it. It's prime time comedy in the USA

yurocucks are only good at humor because their entire country is a joke

>it's an america believes the whole world is as fucked up as them
You guys need help

What movies? Only one I can think of is flight 93 and that came out a decade ago, has little to do with current perceptions

my mistake, it's 38 movies about them. You guys clearly don't give a fuck and are as apathetic as any 4channer

>b-but they started it!

lol I don't really care but this is just plain false. you're only seeing it from your perspective. totally ignorant and typically behavior Americans are accused of

stop being so sensitive or just leave

this is not the place for sympathy

What the fuck does Cloverfield have to do with 9/11

Nice list

how the FUCK did those two goalkeepers survive that?

They should erect a big goal around the plane and leave the wreckage so tourists visiting will see that it's like they made it after all. Or at least a giant statue of a plane with a halo above it crashing into the net of a giant goal safe and sound.

God you are so retarded that you can't even see how people can think outside of your psychosis. No wonder you guys need a gun to feel safe or prove yourselves right

Yes you totally proved me wrong

The starter, Danilo, died on way to hospital. Apparently his last words were
>"My friends are waiting and they need a Goalkeeper."
The backup gk lost one leg and is stable for now.

M8 every ylyl thread on pol is full of vids from your cunt of people getting killed on the street with guns over robbery and so on, cop cornering guy after police chase and shooting him etc, don't think you're one to talk

Your murder rate is higher than ours anyway


because retards like you lash against it like it's the first fucking time in your life you've seen someone make a meh joke at the expense of a tragedy


I wish OP was on that flight.

Yes and these people have chosen these lives and know the risks of doing it, different from the US, normal people don`t die for no reason. Literally 95% of our murder rates are literally cops vs drug dealers and people that have chosen to engage in crime or other shit. We don`t have mass shootings here, and when innocent people get murdered for stray bullets or other shit, the whole society goes insane to the point of even rioting

Today has revealed two things

1. South Americans seem to only be able to fly Cessnas packed with drugs
2. They can't handle banter in the slightest

>2. They can't handle banter in the slightest

The difference is real people died that day.

>judging all of america off 2 edgy middleschoolers
rev up those proxies boys

>least our sports have more big black men

>The difference is real people died that day.
yeah I know right

My guess is that she was too fat to handle gravity

>be american
>get shot

This isn't a joke, it's a factual statement.

Why do dead americans look like aliens?


Nice anecdotal evidence m8


Why do Americans always hand out so many (You)s?
I want some too


This is the only good post in this shit ass thread


>Brazillian so absolutely assblasted that his subhuman shithole is free of 10% of the population not living in mud pits that he resports to trying to outedge basic bantz with gore

holy fucking kek you could not be any more mad desu senpai

>Samefagging this hard
>having all those images saved on a file somewhere on your computer

>literally samefaggot


Nice try Juan but I only posted one of those

>I visit Sup Forums

w e w

I've posted rarely and never with a shitpost but after today I can see why so many do, it's addictive as fuck and watching booty blasted foreigners sperg out is just wonderful.

Yeah it gives a sense to your miserable pathetic life

well I do care about something, and I find it funny you guys thinking that not giving a fuck about everything is a sign of strenght

Relax m8 it's just a game

>Trump will save us from le big bad Muslims
He won't do shit.

>Relax m8 it's just a game
Yeah, cause it isn't your team that died

Here you go Giovanni.

Can't wait until the Air Crash Investigations episode about this crash. It's my favorite show on television, and they just got new material for next season.

Well at least you can support a better one and not be called a bandwagoner.

There's your silver lining. Try not to steal it.

>Well at least you can support a better one and not be called a bandwagoner.
HAHAHAHA go fuck yourself

>Well at least you can support a better one and not be called a bandwagoner.
Are you a chicano? that would explain your mentality

why is the Brazilian posting unrelated gore ITT? Did I miss something?

Relax m8 it's just a building

Americans crack 9/11 jokes all the time though.

So much they made several comedy films about it

his shanty town is rationing huehue biscuits

literally what does this have to do with sports, though?

>Be Brazilian soccer player
You CANNOT make this shit up lads

>Aussies waking up

Oh boy here we go. Take over the shift for us.

>American Education

>implying anyone in Australia is up before noon with their drunken stupors.

American football is made for barbaric autists to ram heads. Animals truly. The fans are worse, you enjoy watching commercials and have ADHD so you need to watch a sport with really short and simple plays.


literally laughing out loud at your lives

Cry moar faggot, if a Burger team crashes with no survivors tomorrow other Burgers would be spamming >BTFO all over Sup Forums with no regard for human life.

and that is good thing because?

because this is Sup Forums you fucking faggot

go back to lebbit if you are going to get butthurt over edgy posts

where the fuck do you think you are?

>Sup Forums = American Retardation
why do you keep on thinking that the world is as retarded as you guys

Americans are so cringy.