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Swap out the default antenna for real cred


I'm a bro

Whatcha mean?

>small laptop
>big screen
>trying to crack wpa

good luck

This is a cool thread, how you doing it OP?

If pw is default then should be no prob. I'd use phone.

I have the world in library, no luck needed to to Crack WPA2. 5TB to run through....

Read documentation or manual

Fucking pleb

Man pages

I'm a bro.

I love you

I'm high

Let's smoke

But im already high rofl

If you want to

I will Crack your life bitch, try me pussy

Do you go to Vegas for deacon? Let's meet up

Defcon Bros unite. Let get a room

I've never been to Vegas. I also don't know what deacon is

O yeah never been to one

This is the only thing I still am trying to learn about. Is how to implement libraries. Do you guys make your own or find a good source for them?

John the reaper

We incorporate everything. Build your own, download download download


You amaze me. If I crush harder, I'll collapse into singularity. Yes, I believe I fell for you. I like that really much.

I bet

You are my partner, singularity is unreachable. But we are in the electric cables

Holy shit dubs!!!

You're my god and I love you.


Get them on purpose this time. Like this!


Pretty sick Wii

Ur weird as fuck

I know

I'll try 4u

Ur a big guy