>71 victims
71 victims
Would rather fly on a plane with a muslim pilot than a monkey one. Atleast they know how to keep a plane in the air before reaching it's destination.
Just tell him jews will be getting on at the next stop and he will wait for the next flight to crash the plane.
Someone should tell Sup Forums to stop messing around with Kek desu
Meme magick is going to far senpaitachi
Kek is a cruel and merciless god.
This isn't even close to the deadliest meme magic plane crash
Meme magic is too powerful for mortal hands.
surprised it didn't end 35-35
He was Venezuelan and the company was Bolivian.
That's not the final count, stop forcing your garbage memes.
Remember when Sup Forums used to be a fun memey place where the refuse of the world's societies would congregate, bully people on the Internet, talk about anime and vidya and cheese pizza? But without summoning an ancient Egyptian deity to alter world events while also killing hundreds of people in horrific disasters every year?
Where did things go so wrong?
don't cut yourself on that edge user
The memes are intensifying. Also, Kek was not behind the Germanwings plane crash. That was caused by baneposting and Sup Forums.
the world pushed on the internet hate machine, and it pushed back
by summoning a chaos god
usually i laugh at this stuff but somehow im sad
the germanwings crash happened a year ago dude. how long have you been here? five months?
wow you are so funny OP
i just cant bring myself to
This is just the natural evolution of shitposting though
pretty savage m8
ayy lmao
There's this thing called reddit
too soon
not too soon for
Is that Archer?
>be browsing Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums banner
>noticed the score
I think we should change the banner
I wish all burger posting had their internet locked, like China, it disgusts me read your posts.
The banner in question
Cool but the only brazilian involvement on this was the victims.
Be silent Texas.
lmfao my sides
underrated post
Is this what they call meme magic?
Post it
That's a big crash
>the company is Bolivian
seems legit