Fastest way to lose weight/get big

Fastest way to lose weight/get big
Currently benching, leg press, bicep curls, lat pull downs, shoulder shrugs, half an hour of running, I kinda eat shitty but u have been consistently going to the gym and noticing slight changes already
When do you truly notice gains

>lose weight/get big
cant really do those at the same time

SO then fucking lose weight I guess tell me that secret!


Don't eat shitty faggot

Eat well, e.g., no carbs that metabolize into glucose, for all meals per week except one. On that one go crazy (like a pizza and ice cream etc). You will really notice gains after about 3 months of solid lifting. You'll have to change your routine around if you want to continue those after about 6 months, and then change your accessory exercises every 6 weeks or so after that.

>Eat well, e.g., no carbs that metabolize into glucose,
which carbs do that?

All of them

Any suggested meal plans?

High fat, low carb diet. Don't skip out on the vegetables

exfatfag here. I've gained and lost 3 times in my life.
There are online BMR calculators. Use 3 of them to get a rough idea of how many calories your body uses a day just by existing.
For example, 6'0 200lbs, you'll probably use ~2200 calories a day, just by breathing and existing, NOT taking into account any extra work or exercise.
Safest bet, unless you're turbo manlet, just eat 2000 calories a day, doesn't matter if its salad or "healthy". Eat that, lift, run and you'll see results.
If you want faster results. eat like 1700 a day, but going down to 1500 or below for gown men can harm your matabolism.
I've given this advice to many friends and family, they typically don't do it cause they're lazy, but it's SIMPLE advice.

Stop eating shitty.
See gains faster.


well since the lose weight/get big contradiction has already been covered, first of all stop eating shitty. second dont look at yourself for like 2-3 months. then you'll notice.

You CAN get big (relatively speaking) and lost weight. Go to fucking /fit/ or fucking google, ffs it's not hard to do, fuck this board is aids.

/fit/ is full of idiots using pseudoscience to have a circle jerk. It's possible if you're obese and can afford to lose a lot of weight. If you have a little extra fat on you it doesn't work like that. To make huge gains, you have to eat a lot

1. don't confuse definition for muscle.
2. even if you did, you'd still be a bigger, less heavy megafaggot.

not really no, the only time that happens is someone who is super fat that first starts exercising, and that stops after a while
outside of that your body will literally refuse to build muscle if there isn't a calorie surplus.

have you tried crack ??

it was too short and intense, and literally the instant it wears off you have the craving for more, so I decided nope.

Why are situps and planks not mentioned?

im so fat, that id need to loose weight first before im physically able to do any of those.

Just eat a fuck load (of protein) and make sure you keep lifting or all that food gonna make you fat. Like you can eat literally anything if you're gaining muscle. Burgers, steaks, chicken dishes, pork, ice cream, waffles. Just make sure you gym it all out

I just thought I'd wait till I lose more weight till I start that

68.32% of you are shit cunts.


as is 100% of you.

lift consistently for 6 months and you'll notice much gains, muscle takes time to form, it doesn't happen overnight, although each day is important, 165 days of consistency will equal that 1 day you notice the drastic change and from there you only keep improving.