Why can't Europeans produce anything that even come close to this?

Why can't Europeans produce anything that even come close to this?


How the FUCK do you expect to win the culture wars at this rate?

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Liking capeshit as an adult is tier 1 autism.


>Superior American film

>Superior American music

damn we lost

>Liking capeshit is tier 1 autism

to me, this just looks like a very long CGI movie made on computers and a few shit actors acting in front of green screens

shit trailer, to be desu

Let's see Suicide Squad and Trainspotting. It's certainly Britain's win.

Hardcore Henry.

who the fuck watches this and why is there so many movies like it ?
americans used to make a few superhero movies and then normal movies, now it's like there's 3 superhero movies a month and not much else

so i'd argue it's the other way around, americans won the culture war now it's all going to shit

i know no one who actually goes and watches this, in fact last i went to the cinema we unironically watched a garbage french movie, brice de nice 3, just because there was nothing else
(i'm ashamd to say it but i kind of enjoyed it)



yeah probably but why more than before
it's not just me right there is now a lot more superhero shit everywhere that there wasn't before ?

Have you ever heard of money? You do know what money is right?

if superhero movies make that much more money than everything else then it's not just because of kids, there must be a lot of adults paying for this
why are american "adults" so obsessed with superhero movies when they weren't 20 years ago ?

The trailer feels like its a beer commercial rather than a Justice League movie


It's a crap.

My friends will be dragging me into that Ghost in the Shell remake soon.
I swear to god America, if you've butchered that one which you likely have...

To me personally, it's still more enjoyable than any dc movie so far except the dark knight trilogy.

The UK can compeed with the US.

Why does Hollywood make live-action anime adaptations and completely butcher everything? I mean they made L a nigger for fuck's sake.

Good one

Come here and tell me if it worth, i am afraid to see it...

people below 18 are into this.
teenagers are the demographic that consume the most of everything.
these movies cater to teenagers who are not yet mature enough to find these movies shit, but aren't little kids as to not care about a background story.

this is really easy to understand and if this makes you angry or bothers you at all as to post more than one comment about it on a cambodian image board for vietnamese cartoons then I'm afraid you're the autistic/retarded one.

Brand recognition. 20 years ago super movies had a bad rep (kinda like vidya movies still do), but then Marvel started to pump out decent popcorn flicks that people liked.

It's part of the mammoth disease. Jollywood doesn't want to take chances and make BIG movies with BIG budget and expect to make their money back. So there is less risks being taken when choosing the subject and totally original movies are rarity. Everything is either a sequel, reboot, soft reboot or based on some other shit like popular book series etc.

Hah. That's rich.


it was Fox.

Bitch Pls, Europeans can't even compete with Bollywood









They aren't more popular than before.
What happened is that Marvel finally got Balls and wanted to more than just a movie each decade.
So DC copied that.

You also need to consider that USA exports like its still the cold war, so big Hollywood movies will actually export to most of The West.
Meanwhile in the Francosphere don't even export to Germansphere, and wise versa, so neither has real big film production. Scandisphere doesn't really export either,
So you are left with a situation where only UK export movies to the rest of EU, and the rest of it doesn't, so they don't earn any money.
Now, occasionally you get shit like SKAM, which gets exported. But thats rare. And the production values do not reflect it at all.

it's kinda sad honestly. I feel like other countries can't compete with these shit super hero movies.

wait, flash is a chink?

You should already know that superhero movies care jack shit about the actual material.

well, those high budget movies are so expensive to produce, I guess they can't avoid cattering to all minorities (like asians, blacks and women)

at least, it's another Inception trailer

To the chagrin of actual fans, yeah. It's retarded that they have to cater to such petty blackmail because some snowflakes want pre-existing lore to be more diverse. It's fucking barbaric.

>see the nigger

>close the video

it;s like reflex

I must be 2 white 4 this nigger kangz