I'm addicted to weed. What should I do?

I'm addicted to weed. What should I do?

commit suicide


Its time to stop
How is that possible

I done it a couple of times and while high I felt scared and paranoid as fuck

Blaze it 420 playboi

Probably cause you're a fucking pussy you dick sucking shit

>social anxiety intensifies
take some xan my man

go to doctor, say you are quitting weed and are having trouble sleeping. Use meds for a while then ween yourself off

I thought I was, turns out its just tobacco im addicted to, since I roll joints with baccy. The weed is habit I guess, easier to shake off a habit than an addiction.

Try shrooms

Dubs say smoke weed.

Share it nigga

inject more

It is a proven fact that self immolating cures all form of addiction.

Just get other hobbies and do other stuff.
I smoked every day for 10 years and tried to quit for many years. Now I've been 60 days off. For me it really helped to get on a proper exercise routine. Switch from /b to /fit

too white
too nigger

do you need a hug user :) ?

You cant get addicted to weed, youre just mentally retarded

Nice legs
No homo

Find a hobby. I started playing Pokemon TCG Online. It's free, and if you really want more cards, you can buy the codes in lots of 100 for like $20.

Also, read more. Reading consumes a lot of time. Libraries are free.

Exercise. Go for a walk. There are plenty of MILFs that have morning constitutionals in the park.

never seen a milf shit in the park

Sounds kind of hot.

YOU EVER SUCKED DICK FOR WEED user???? You ain't addicted you just a bitch.



Smoke more weed it's the only thing you can do


You are alone because you are unique