Wtf America?
Wtf America?
Fuck you, OP. Everyone knows you're from the NRA and just trying to start shit on Sup Forums
Plenty of shootings on campus without people being allowed to carry guns.
Believe it or not people who are planning on murdering other people really don't care about violating a law that bans them from carrying a gun into an area.
>implying disarming slaves, niggers, indians, immigrants and the poor is bad
millions of students in the US. one moron with a gun. I'll take my chances of being one of the millions that don't get shot.
Republicans are anti American cancer
Stupid kids. You have been lied to, and are worried about the wrong people. Start thinking for yourselves.
But it's not just about you. School shootings are tragic whether or not you're the one who gets shot.
It's implying the opposite. Those are valid reasons to regulate firearms compared to the ignorant hippy bullshit in 2013
The likely hood of being shot on a US school campus is so small it might as well be nonexistent.
If you wanna piss your pants and start fear mongering go right ahead but the rest of us are gonna live in the real world
so is when people get stuck by lightning, die in a car accident or fall off a cliff. all of those things have a higher chance of happening than being shot while going to school. are you gonna stop driving and stop going outside because you MIGHT die?
if i were to shoot up a school a no gun rule would not stop me
Freedom > Safety
That's exactly what you do retard
oh hey I can use paint to make up shit too.
NRA is a shitty organization that I refuse to back as a gun enthusiast. You can't avoid this autistic group of republicucks if you want to sign up for a gun range or club membership.
They force millions of people to join them blindly just for shooting range membership and uses the "WE HAZ MILLIONZ OF MEMBERZ U BETTER LIZZENS TO US GUBMENT!" Card.
As if you represent everyone as a whole. Literal monopoly on the gun system. Fuck off shill.
>Make shit up
But they cover your lawyer if you ever have to defend someone
You know what would stop you? bullets.
like... with a blanket?
And so would a service like US law shield, without supporting a bloated gun company lobbying organization.
if you think this is the point of gun rules then you are sadly misinformed.
And if you think that gun control is effective in a country with about as many guns as people, you are gravely mistaken.
You poor brainwashed dumbass
You like burn notice too?
That depends on what you mean by "gun control" and what you mean by "effective".
I'm not sure, but I believe the US actually has MORE guns than people and that is partly due to the fear mongering done by the rootin-tootin-lets-go-shootin right, and the NRA spouting misconceptions
there is nothing wrong with allowing citizens with concealed carry licenses to be armed on school campuses
Except the rapist is into piss play and it only make his erection that much harder.
That is just not true.
silly libs don't realize a lot of us already send our sons and daughters to college with guns anyway
that's how i got my last gun... bitch didn't realize I'd been scopin her for the last few days... like taking candy from a bitch...
go ahead and let me know which mass shooters were NRA members. I'll be here waiting, faggot
those be some sexy straw men ya got 'ight dare.
look, in america we have certain freedoms. we can be idiots. we can carry guns. we can be fags. we can do whatever. thats called freedom. we can even empty our bowels on our childrens' graves
you make a claim and then ask us to prove you wrong?
you are a massive faggot
prove me wrong.
Effective being keeping them out of the hands of criminals and in the hands of citizens.
Gun control meaning the measures used to keep them out criminal's hands.
>partly due to the fear mongering done by the rootin-tootin-lets-go-shootin right, and the NRA spouting misconceptions
And America is fat because McDonald's doesn't tell you that their food is not good for you. No, it is in our own constitution that we have the right to bear arms, be it against tyrannical government or simply for hunting, which, if you don't stay in the cities all your life in America, chances are you will go hunting at least once in your life. WHY we have so many guns simply doesn't matter. Some buy one gun and never use it, others have huge collections because they love shooting sports; it don't matta why.
Are they though?
She is talking about college campus which many colleges in already allow. Stop taking a video subtitle out of context.
I would say then that the US doesn't have effective gun laws which IS an issue. There are people trying to remedy that with new laws, but organizations like the NRA are stopping them. Things like not allowing people who have a criminal background get access to a gun or get rid of loopholes that certain avenues of gun sales use are ones that i think would be good to implement. The number of guns can be reduced by educating people on the facts of gun use and how owning one doesn't actually keep you any safer and is potentially worse for you. which is where the misconceptions come in. I think your mcdonalds analogy shows that you missed my point. I'm not talking about the right to own a gun. That isn't a dispute and isn't relevant to this conversation.
to clarify that part you green texted is only in reference to how many guns the US has, not to the fact that guns are a common thing.
You cocks and vags on the other side of the pond need to worry less about Americas guns that have no impact on you and more about your Muslim invasion that has an extreme impact on you. Let America do what it wants and worry about your own fucking shit.
See, the truth does hurt.
Here in Australia back in the 70's we used to have country schools where kids would take rifles and shotguns to school for gun class like PE equipment.
I don't see a problem with this.