Why is Europe not interfering in the Turkey - Holland crisis at this moment?

Why is Europe not interfering in the Turkey - Holland crisis at this moment?

We are. That's why Turkey has been calling us Nazis hundreds of times in the past week.

What do you think EU's purpose is?

why the fuck do we still let turkey be a part of the UN and especially NATO

why are you promoting erdrogans shit???

It was a planned deal between Erdogan, Rutte, and Merkel.

Erdogan would stir shit, and Merkel and Rutte would calmly "solve" the situation, causing Rutte to look like a proper statesman. This was done to gain him more votes in the next election.

Because no one gives a shit about Turkey.

Greece does


The only difference between Greece and Turkey is the language and half of the time not even that

>the uk

how can the west do business with a country whose major export partners are mostly islamic caliphates?

t*rkey is bombing kurds, who are US allies in the fight against ISIS
how is that not taken as disrespect toward the US??

Turkey should just let all the refugees they're holding back run free

So the fake news are against Erdogan now.

1 genocide per century, huh? Better save it, we're not even a quarter through this one.

ISIS is armed with U.S. weaponry. So you're disrespecting America either way.

>how can the west do business with a country whose major export partners are mostly islamic caliphates?

Why couldn't they? Where else are we going to get oil, texas?

95% of oil used in america is sourced in america, swede, there is no use for the middle east in this world

>fake news
where are your proofs

We get pretty much all the oil we need from the US and then import the rest from Canada. Mid east oil is for Europe and Asia.

If we don't do what they say, we'll suddenly have millions of Syrians, Afghanis etc. flood Europe.

>t*rkey is bombing kurds
We are killing kurdish terrorist groups. When you say it like that it sounds like we kill them because of their ethnicity.
Do you ever see someone accusing russians of killing arabs? No. Because they are killing members of a terrorist group and there is no reason to mention terrorists' ethnic background

Good, maybe then people will finally wake up.

Not really, thanks to us and Germany we already reached our quota. Unless Turkey supplies them with boats they'll just uselessly get stopped by the fence of Hungary.

Diplomatic relations are the domain of the states.
EU mostly deals with trade and shit.

also the EU is weak as fuck, like when ukrainian rebels destroyed that dutch plane full of aids

>ukrainian rebels
post discarded


That's one of the problems with the EU though. It claims to not do diplomacy but every so often, it'll dip its foot into the water and try to carry out some sort of diplomatic effort. Plus, trade and diplomacy are in some ways, irrevocably linked together in the 21st century

I thought rusya did that