Honestly, I'm pretty happy the shit that happened today in Stockholm. Why...

Honestly, I'm pretty happy the shit that happened today in Stockholm. Why? Now we gonna make our borders more supervised. Hopefully this is a new beginning for Sweden.


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Typiskt SDare att tycka att sånt här är bra bara för att "svenssons ska vakna upp".

No you wont Sven. Your country is beyond redemption.

Är det inte det då? Varför ska det behövas dö människor innan vänstern fattar att man inte kan ha helt oreglerad invandring? Och tillåta folk som åker ner till syrien för att våldta, kriga och sedan släppa in dem igen, ge dem bidrag, ge dem bostad?

>8 million people in sweden
>thinks border control will shelter you forever from having individuals running over a couple of people in a truck
>meanwhile, acting just the way IS and towelheads want, with more internal conflicts and tensions between whites and immigrants

If anyone should 'wake up' its the retarded right

nope, we just need to deport the shitskins. except for this cutie

But you know that's not going to happen. And if by any chance it does, you'll have wild trucks every hour.


It's not about the fucking trucks. People who are "Swedish" go to Syria, fight FOR ISIS, rape women, burn people in cages. And we do not only allow them to come back, we give them a contribution. Free place to stay, we treat them better than our own.

Now we pay taxes to get a play in Gothenburg that will show the people that we need to feel sorry for them because they are traumatized. Kiss my ass

it will when the economy collapses
more of him

there no fix

You won't do anything about it. Your people will cry, hold vigils, forget, and go back to living your lives. It will happen again and again until you are virtually numb to it.

Sure there send them all back or kill them all. It no like that are playing by any rules I say give them a taste of there shit back load a bucnh Muslim wemen and child in plane fly it over the country the can't even fight for an started throwing them out a door a 10000ft send them all back home that way or in body bags

Unfortunately in the civilised world the obvious answer is never the one chosen, this will only make things better for mudslims in the Europoor.

"We must stand in solidarity and show these bad few we are a country and people united' Thats what the Swedish pres/prime minister will say, something along those lines

I dont know whats worse, A group of people that has a few bad eggs or a group of people that at any given time a small portion can go completely off the rails and do something like this.

When you have breast cancer you dont remove the cancer and wait for the best, you remove the whole titty

så vad anser du?

ye but that aint happenin

The world is already numb to it, when the attack in russia happened it was a 3rd news story to be read out on the radio.


That was really cool that you added 1488 at the end of your post to let everyone know you're racist

go suck somali cock, cuck

damn a dog died as well? poor dog

Op = faggot

look at that muslim taking pics , smiling

haha no, you're done.

nice photoshop skills you got there

Was thinking the same thing!
