None of them
The Velvet Underground and Nico
>rock music
shit either Pet Sounds or TVU&N.
Pet Sounds of course.
I wouldn't care if Unknown Pleasures never existed.
Pet Sounds
Pet Sounds
VU&Nico no doubt. I would willingly erase Unknown Pleasures from existence.
Sgt Pepper simply because without it we'd never have "We're Only In It For The Money".
Pet Sounds
If you're talking about which album I'd choose to keep the music it influenced most heavily intact, VU&N.
If it's just based on enjoyment of the album... VU&N
If it wasn't for Pet Sounds, none of those other albums would've ever existed.
Radiohead peaked with The Bends, The Beatles/Beach Boys were never good and the other two are LITERALLY WHOS.
First week on Sup Forums?
TVU&N solely because it influenced so much great music that came after it. I'd miss Sgt Pepper and OK Computer but The Beatles would be influential enough without that album and I don't think OK Computer influenced much good music in the first place.
DSOTM and Pet Sounds aren't even close to the best albums by either artist and Joy Division are just mediocre in general.
If you're going solely by how influential an album is how can you disqualify Pet Sounds
>other two are LITERALLY WHOS
TVUN > PS > DSOTM > OK = SP >>> UP
sup mad fanboys!
I imagine Smiley Smile would take its place
OK Computer
Sup newfriend
You baited me good dude
I would pick banana.
the only logical reason to choose Pet Sounds is if you think rock music should have never advanced past it (That includes Beatles garbage). TVU completely changed the game for basically every artist after them.
Not really. It's not even about The Beatles specifically
This, though it would be interesting to see what pop music would be like without pet sounds. Especially if banana got as much recognition instead and all pop was trippy and droned out
Pet Sounds obviously. The only one I'd personally miss a lot is Velvet Underground and Nico
Unknown Pleasures
easily pet sounds
1. Pet Sounds
2. Sgt. Pepper
3. Banana
4. OK Computer
5. Unknown Pleasures
6. Dark Side
1. Unknown Pleasures
2. Banana
3. Pet Sounds
4. Sgt. Pepper
5. Dark Side
6. OK Computer
pet sounds is the best, but unknown pleasures had the largest influence on music I enjoy, so that
If you don't say Pet Sounds, you either know nothing about music or picked TVU because you're a teenager and still listen to indie rock.
>This, though it would be interesting to see what pop music would be like without pet sounds.
It would literally be the same.
>If you don't say Pet Sounds, you either know nothing about music
1. OK Computer
2. Unknown Pleasures
3. Pet Sounds
4. The Dark Side Of The Moon
5. The Velvet Undergound & Nico
6. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (I wish it never existed)
Obviously this.
who gives a fuck if joy division dies? overrated generic alternative rock music
Pet sounds or vu
Who the literal fuck r u user?
>He fell for the "rock sucks,poptimism "meme
if okc didn't existed, some other band could write something like that
dsotm is influental, but i dunno, it doesn't seem that many bands/albums were directly influenced by it
i hate pet sounds and how it changed the pop music
sgt pepper... i won't miss it, but at least it's better than pet sounds
unknown pleasures is a meme t-shirt post-punk, maybe there'll be less young bands who were trying to do the same. the genre wouldn't changed if up never existed
so yeah, it's tvu&n
Unknown pleasures is a good album but it not having existed could have saved Ian Curtis in another dimension. Maybe he continued with joy division moving into more experimental new wavey stuff
VU&N is pretty good
OKC, DSOTM, Pet Sounds are decent
Tumblr album and Sgt Pepper are trash
TVU was way more important to Krautrock, post-punk and experimental rock in general
This, it is the most influential of the bunch.
>unironically believing anything of value would be lost if Reddiohead didn't exist
OKC. You'd have to be a retard not too.
the only album I've ever listened to all the way through in OP's image is Dark Side and that was just last week so ima choose dark side
Sgt. Peppers
easily pet sounds
it sounds the best
i dont have to try anything or fall for any kind of infatuation or attitude to force myself to like it
its just a bunch of really great pop songs.
lmao no
reminder that if no sgt pepper, no itaots
Holy fuck every faggot redditor that didn't pick Sgt Pepper's really needs to go back.
>no more pointless itaots shitposting threads
All the more reason
TVU&N > OKC > Pet Sounds > Sgt. Pepper > UP > Sgt. Pepper
brainfarted, meant DSOTM in last place (all are great albums tho)
I honestly don't think okc could've been written by just anyone else
Andy Warhol and the Bananas
Unknown Pleasures
I enjoy relistening to DSotM the most
>Krautrock, post-punk and experimental rock
Which is irrelevant to music as a whole
This. I don't even love the album, but a lot of albums I love wouldn't exist without it.
The velvet underground & nico every other album either fucking sucks or is massively overrated
plz for god sake tell me this is bait
this one. I do really enjoy pet sounds though as well so it would be hard to let go of that but OK Computer is amazing.
>implying any of these albums could exist without Pet Sounds
The existence of Pet Sounds allows for the possibility of the other albums or a similar incarnation to exist, therefore Pet Sounds.
This option basically saves all album if you think about it.
Friendly reminder : if you choose VU, you're likely to enjoy that banana somewhere else too fucking moron