>American and Canadian cucks

>mfw the concept of promotion and relegation is a novelty to cucks that watch NFL, NBA, NHL
>mfw they watch the exact same sides play each other over and over again with zero consequence for a team losing
>mfw their sides are actually REWARDED for finishing last by getting first pick of players next season
>mfw they have no understanding of tribalism and have never experienced a city or town derby

>the city of North America


Good thread

>a few cannon-fodder taking turns every year makes a lot of difference

Number of different PL champions in the last 20 years: 5

didn't the team that crashed proved the oposite?

I live in the greatest country in the world. It's going to take much more to burst my bubble. Sports are insignificant

>recent PL "cannon-fodder" included Leicester, the PL champions
>recent Bundesliga "cannon-fodder" includes Leipzig, the current league leaders

Not every side that comes up immediately go back down, m8.

>designated muslim rape gangs country
>having a HDI under .900

There's also been 4 different winners in the last 4 years.


what are you doing on this board then?

>a handful of teams have a chance to win it all each year, with more turnover the following years
>It's between these two teams and the other 80 games are a formality. And our league is too poor for revenue sharing to we couldn't have parity even if we tried

>sport is just an 11 minute minigame with 3 hours worth of cutscenes

Which means relegation gives some meaning to clubs at the bottom of the table.



Which is why I watch college football where communist nonsense such as the draft doesn't exist.

>tfw don't know which you're meaning is american and which is worldwide

when was the last time >you won a CL? :3

> being this dense

normally you brits make cogent points but face it, your system sucks ass in comparison. it's a contest of who has the richest owner

So what? It's the same teams over and over again, with Leicester coming out of nowhere for a one-off win that will not be repeated. Look at the past decade.

2017: Probably Chelsea or Man City
2016: Leicester
2015: Chelsea
2014: Man City
2013: Man United
2012: Man City
2011: Man United
2010: Chelsea
2009: Man United
2008: Man United
2007: Man United
2006: Chelsea

How is this not boring for the English? Do you all support one of those three teams?

That still doesn't help me

This year when Leicester win it

If they make the final we'll just crash their plane so they get it award by default

Fighting to escape relegation means there's shit going on at both ends of the table.

Every season 3 teams are relegated, 3 teams qualify for next year's CL and 1 team is crowned champions and qualifies for CL football.

Why would you not give shitty teams the first picks in the draft? It is so shitty teams have a chance to not be shitty. Your argument makes no sense.

Love how you 3rd worlders talk about "tribalism" when you root for a team owned by some Russian, coached by a Portuguese, with Brazilian/Spanish/German/African players, playing on a stadium named after some Arab holiday resort in jersey with a Japanese company logo on them. This isn't tribalism, this is cuckoldry.

Plus at least 1 team trying to avoid the europa league. And 2 cup competitions. And then all the leagues below the premier league

Wow, who knew American sports fans were so at odds wih their own country's founding principles.

ITT: Comrades

>If they make the final we'll just crash their plane so they get it award by default

I know, but that seems hopeless for the fans of the crap teams. The likes of West Brom and Sunderland are just fighting for the right to get flattened by Manchester City twice every season. You can argue that Arsenal, Liverpool, and Spurs can all realistically fight for that 4th CL spot and maybe one day rise up to the elite, but what is the point for everyone else? And the mid-level teams, teams like Stoke and Everton, why do they even exist?

its ok trump ADORES soccer he will promote the MLS hard and all NFL commies will get deported

>11 minutes of game time
>3 hours of adverts, "highlights" and social conditioning

Top Kek

>And the mid-level teams, teams like Stoke
You need to go look at the table if you think they are midtable

t. Commie

I have no issues with relegating the 76ers, Browns, and 49ers

I root for a team from my state, representing a school that I went to with a coach born in my state and most of the players born in my state, meanwhile you root for a pozzed plastic globalized spectacle full of foreigners and the sports equivalent of McDonalds.

Fucking Leicester are league champions.

Anything can happen.

Sides like Stoke and Everton can compete for Europa League places; they can compete in the FA cup and league cup. Wigan beat Man City to the FA Cup a few years ago.

Because you are fucking retarded. Do you know what a salary cap is? I would start there and recant your prior two statements.

But you said "It's between these two teams and the other 80 games are a formality" and that sums up american sports. You play a load of games and then say "fuck those results, they mean nothing, lets just play again"

You're talking about college football, no? There are thousands of small European clubs that fit the criteria you just described. Not everyone supports the biggest clubs. There's a phenomenal turn-out across Britain for smaller local sides.

>What is Alabama

How fucking stupid can you be? Of all American sports collegiate athletics have the least parity of all and don't even have a climatic finish. Literally the britbong of American sports as far as parity in competition.

>Fucking Leicester are league champions.
>Anything can happen.

Once in 20 years, and they're not going to do it again. Every other time in the "Premier League Era", it has been one of the three teams with the most expensive starting lineups.

>You play a load of games and then say "fuck those results, they mean nothing, lets just play again"

Not exactly. The best teams in each division play each other. It's a lot like the Champions League. Remember that most of our states are bigger than England. A balanced schedule just isn't feasible with the sheer size of the country, so we have the division champions compete with one another.

Only communist faggots care about parity, much less forced parity. And I'm not even an Alabama fan.

>they're not going to do it again
Just like people said last year "They are never going to do it"

minutes of game time meme

Condensed NFL games are an hour and a half long

They have 13 points from 13 games. It isn't happening.

What's going to stop them doing it next year?

We aren't talking about playoff formats here dipshit. Either way American sports have it better off. Single elimination playoffs introduce even more parity into sports.

Now tell me parity is bad.

replays don't count

Owners decided on it, not the country, it's done so their brand can stay competitive and continue to make money and even so, not all leagues do this. The NBA has a weighted draft so even if you're the worst team in the league, you won't necessarily get the first pick.

The fact that the richest clubs aren't all going to simultaneously collapse again.

Without replays you third world cunt

So why did they last season?

>I'm not even an Alabama fan

So what's it like never seeing your team succeed?

>I only root for the winners
As expected from an NFL faggot, that league promotes a bandwagoner culture like nothing else.

>mfw their sides are actually REWARDED for finishing last by getting first pick of players next season

never understood this shit, incentivizing teams to lose? wtf. If you can't win you better be finishing last my team. When I first read about this, I thought something was lost in translation, but nope, murrikans are that retarded.


A bizarre "perfect storm" of factors.

>City got ravaged by injuries
>Chelsea's players mutinied against Mourinho
>Liverpool quit and restarted halfway through the season
>United were just being consistently shit despite being the richest team in the league, something unprecedented since the PL began (although I have to admit this is starting to look like the norm)
>Leicester unearthed one world-class player for cheap, and all the other players were in the form of their lives

The only rich club that did what it always does was Arsenal. What are the odds of all of those things happening again?

>that swerve

Did I strike a nerve?

NBA and NFL are commercialized, contrived, plastic games that are more akin to being "entertainment" than actual sport. MLB was authentic but it has become more and more plastic as time went on (just look at the Cubs, selling their soul to win a World Series).

Once you realize American sports are fake and plastic you can have fun watching them. They'll never have the heart and soul of European clubs though. Even plastic clubs like Chelsea have fans that live near the stadium and have traveled to Munich and Moscow to see their club play. America will never have that type of fan, ever.

>my culture is better than yours

How many times will people argue over the same thing before they realize it's just a cultural difference and nothing more. Americans are all about stats and winning, Europeans are all about theatrics.

>If you can't win you better be finishing last my team. When I first read about this, I thought something was lost in translation, but nope, murrikans are that retarded.

That's not it at all. If you make your team shit, no other players will want to join. The draft is an absolute crapshoot, there's no guarantee that getting first pick of the young players will really help your team. The most important thing is convincing free agents to join your team, and to do that you need to prove that your team is already good.

Also, it depends on what sport. Basketball is where the "tanking" strategy really has a home, because just one great player can carry a team. But in baseball, the draft is basically meaningless, teams develop their own players.

>The only rich club that did what it always does was Arsenal
you forgot spurs bottling it hard like always

you basically agree with me fampai

also, finishing bottom > finishing midtable

Srsly, it makes as much as sense as quidditch

>Even plastic clubs like Chelsea have fans that live near the stadium and have traveled to Munich and Moscow to see their club play.
>America will never have that type of fan, ever.

Bullshit. Plenty of American teams have fans who live near their stadium and travel to see them play. For example, the Chicago teams are all located in their city, and have fans who drive from all over the Midwest to see their team. England is smaller than Illinois btw, so a fan from Springfield making the drive to Chicago is tougher than a Chelsea fan going to see his team play Villa away. And do you think the Super Bowl has no travelling fans? Do you think that the city where it gets hosted just happens to have a huge number of fans from the two teams competing?

It's so teams can develop parity so one team doesn't dominate year after year after year. And the draft doesn't mean much in American sports because of Free Agency. Players really only have to complete their rookie contract then they're free to sign with a better team or a team that will pay them more.

NFL is just an advertisement conglomerate, it doesn't need to make sense as long as people buy stuff. No wonder their random roid ragers can switch between concussion ball and boreball on a whim

Spurs are closer financially to Newcastle than they are to Liverpool, let alone Arsenal. The idea that they're a rich club that "bottle it" is retarded, they're a small club that overachieves.

>No wonder their random roid ragers can switch between concussion ball and boreball on a whim

Baseball is played in the spring summer, football is played in the fall and winter. Nobody needs to "switch", they're played at different times of the year.

*in the spring and summer

both spurs and newcastle are among the richest clubs in england

west ham too by the by

I have been coming to Sup Forums for five years and these threads are still being made

Let me completely ignore college sports: the post

Nothing but stale shit to see here folks

>Spurs are closer financially to Newcastle than they are to Liverpool
They are still in the top 15 richest clubs in the world


Spurs and Newcastle are both mid-level clubs. There is a massive gap between them and the richest clubs.

Man United: 519 million
Man City: 463 million
Arsenal: 435 million
Chelsea: 420 million
Liverpool: 391 million

Gap of 134 million

Tottenham: 257 million
Newcastle: 169 million
Everton: 165 million
West Ham: 160 million

This. You don't even have to be a specialist in American sports. You can change sports on whim. Fucking Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time just fucking decided he'd go and play baseball and so he did.

At least you witnessed true spee. Before the mods had their way with it.

spurs are and always have been perennial underachievers, despite this they're still one of the most historically successful clubs in england

What in the world are you talking about?

my little sawker is the most commie of all our leagues, waffle.

What does being 15th matter if 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th are all in the same country as you? Galatasaray are the 21st-richest club in the world, but they have a much better chance of winning their domestic league than Spurs.

>Fucking Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time just fucking decided he'd go and play baseball and so he did.

Not exactly. He struggled on a minor league team and gave up when it was clear that it was never going to work out.

So your only possible response is U MAD instead of admitting your preferred league is shit? There is one thing that Yuros but also many Americand don't understand, that the NFL is not really a competition, it's a cartel. The teams aren't just members of some independent association, the owners literally ARE the league and they force the illusion of parity by nonsensical rules like the draft and salary caps just to milk the most money out of viewers, they relocate teams to the other side of the country at whim while college teams play at the same stadium for 100+ years, etc.

not after the emperoris done deporting people

That's because nobody outside of America plays your sport. If handegg was actually popular then 70% of the NFL would be foreign.

>finishing bottom > finishing midtable

What a hilariously fucked up system.

>spurs are and always have been perennial underachievers,

They're the 6th-richest club with the 6th-highest wage bill, and are miles behind the 5 richest clubs. In the past 5 seasons, they have finished 3rd, 5th, 6th, 5th, and 4th. In what universe are they perennial underachievers?

Our professional athletes usually have played more than sport in college before they went pro. Most football players have often played Basketball or Baseball while in college and vice versa. Le Bron James played highschool football. And MJ only played in the minor leagues, not the majors.

I outright said I don't watch the NFL you stupid bong since it's a corporate plastic fuckfest just like Yurosemen soccer leagues.

yeah the gap is pretty big when you compare tottenshit to united but its not big enough for them not to be competitive with the likes of poo and chelski

No, I don't agree with you. Finishing bottom isn't better than finishing mid-table. No free agent wants to join a team that is complete and utter shit. The only sport in which finishing bottom intentionally makes any sense at all is basketball, because the ridiculous influence a single player has means that you have a small chance of getting a superstar who will single-handedly drag your team back up to mid-table, which will allow you to attract decent free agents.

>Newcastle are both mid-level clubs
They are actually top of the league

>having to watch lesser teams play in order for there to be some real stakes

Wew lad

That's more akin to Messi trying out for a u20 basketball team somewhere and not making the squad

>watching amateur sports


yes but they've had teams and players that have been potentially title contending, why do you think barcelona/madrid and other top 4 clubs poach their best players year after year?

>Fucking Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time just fucking decided he'd go and play baseball and so he did.

and he was mediocre compared to AA class (that would be the level below the Championship for you bongs) players.


>amerilards will defend this

>watching foreign mercenaries play for foreign owned teams
