Out of pure exacerbation, I will finally make my first request after lurking here since 2010...

Out of pure exacerbation, I will finally make my first request after lurking here since 2010. I have a snowballs chance here, but does anyone out there know where I can buy 'Djarum blacks' otherwise known as cloves. I know they were outlawed in the US somewhere around '08 but are legal under a cigar classification. Im in the Springfield MA area, specifically the 413. Yes I know i can order them online you stupid fuck, but me and my pal Mr. Evan Williams want them right fucking now. Pic and file name related.

>ibn4 OP is a faggot
>ibn4 hurr durr tobacco is for degenerates
>ibn4 pools closed
>ibn4 OP can't be blah blah blah blah

fuck you

Just go to a fucking cigar shop you dumbshit. They sell them there.

>outlawed in the US
Are you retarded? You can literally buy them at Walmart, at least where I am.

You should easily be able to find them in a smoke shop or some shit near you.

PS: They kind of suck.

Go to a smoke-shop.

Try a head shop or cigar store

How the fuck is getting his dick sucked supposed to help him find them?

call up all your local smoke shops, you drunk piece of shit who i highly identify with for some reason

>Outlawed in the US

Literally every single smoke shop I have ever been to sells them. Bali Hai is better than Back IMO


legitimate post. mind all the Sup Forumstards. but I doubt youl find em anyware if they outlawed. gotta find some pirates or some crap. GL m8

how won't it?

Why would they be outlawed? I dont understand. Its just cigar cigarettes.

Man...I haven't had one of those since the law changed. The "cigar" version is nowhere near as good. I love the pop that it made when you took a drag.

You'd have to be drunk to smoke something so disgusting

Oh shit ngiga
this is something i noticed while living in north america, you guys have 0 clove ciggs in stores, its retardd.

While here in brazil we have at every 7/11..
its just weird.

pic related: my favorite, smoked one today

good luck OP

Every 7/11 I've ever been in has them.

Nice, I thread I can actually post a legit reply in. So here goes, longtime Djarum smoker here.

Back when they outlawed flavored cigarettes, the original Blacks were pulled off the market in the US. Those originals had a regular paper wrapper like all cigarettes. Much smoother and better tasting.

The new Blacks are labeled as cigars because the wrapper is a paper mixed with tobacco leaves. If you look closely at them you'll see what I'm talking about. These are harsher and lack the sweet flavor of the originals.

So now they question of where to get the originals. They aren't easy to get in the US. You can mail order them, but that takes forever and is expensive. You might be able to get them in Canada or Mexico if you live near either border.

Being a Florida fag, the best way I've found is buying them in the Caribbean. Indonesians love them, and lots of Indonesians work on cruise ships. I was on a cruise and found them at a few shops in Saint Maarten. About $20 a carton. They're labeled as Djarum Black Supersmooth.

Good luck finding them, whichever way you go. Pic related.

are you shadow the hedgehog

I kept an empty pack of these for years bc I smoked em with my crush

Take a trip into Cambridge specifically the Harvard Square area...if Nini's Corner is still there then there you go.

They're literally the exact same thing. Only the description of the product was changed to get around the law.

OR just ask someone who owns their own convenient store to order them, if they know you'll buy them a few times a week, they wont have a problem ordering some just for you

Confirmed you can find them at Leavitt and Peirce in Harvard Square.

No, they're literally not. They're literally different since one was literally wrapped with paper and the other is literally wrapped in tobacco leaf. If you don't know why that's different, you literally don't know a damn thing about cigars or cigarettes. Literally.

they use "pipe" tobacco instead of "cigarette" tobacco. It started with Obama banning flavored cigarettes. change the tobacco and label it a cigar and it's fine. lol. they don't taste near as good though. And yeah... any tobacco shop should sell them. I can find them anywhere here.