Will show tits if someone buys me Civ V on steam (username: smol pupper)

Will show tits if someone buys me Civ V on steam (username: smol pupper)

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Just show tits anyway.

Fuck you show them anyway


Write "NoIDs Cumdumpster" on tits and i'll buy you it.

That's not how it works femanon. Tits first, then we talk game for requests

tits or gfto
dumb bitch

you do realize there are 5000 pages of people with that name you unoriginal fuck

this and this op, plus really to be honest you don't even look worth 30$ for mediocre tits.

Show tits and if they're good I'll buy your game if you'll play on kik for a few mins, ok?

Plus the whole civ series is shit anyway.

I hope you aren't asking for the standard edition

Literally, just want the game. I wanna play with my friends and I'm broke

Post steam id as link, femanon, or any willing wont be able to buy it

write hochi's cum slut on your belly and take a pic with tits showing and i'll buy it

Aight I really enjoyed the game playing with friends, glad to share the experience. Where can I send you a key?

Get Civ 4 and rise of mankind, dumbass.

Dont send it without steamid on timestamp, or a jew will try to snatch it

proof that a set of tits will get you lots in life for free

Touch that puss and it's a deal

Not doing it for tits :/ Don't care if it's a dude tbh, have a lot of good memories with that game and it's like $10 on g2a

What i meant was to not send it without a comprobation (timestamp) that it is indeed the femanon, or some jew will just post his id to try and snatch a code from you :^)

Oh shit yeah thanks lol.

steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198201677681/ (not 11:13 anymore but that's the same paper I used in the pic)

If op delivers ill an hero on cam

nice try, obviously a mans hands

Stop roasting me

Post steam id link again with a picture of you shoving your brush in your cunt so we know it's you


Fuck it, I'll help out.

You fucking slag.

You break up with me and then you want to show your tits to everyone for a fucking game?

After what you did?

Fuck you, I'm coming over. I hope you can dodge bullets, bitch.

Gotta check your friend requests if you want a copy

dont you have geography test you should be studying for?

just do suck a dick you
and be the whore you always wanted to b

What is your Snapchat?
Or I can post mine so you're not flooded

Someone bought it for you then cause you didn't accept my request

Go sleep Tim

Bunch of fucking faggots in here

needy ass bitch

write tits or pussy "wns"

I won't buy the game for you because im poor... But if someone buys it for you i will definitely play with you. I love civ but why don't you want 6 instead of 5 in my opinion civ 6 is way better.

Got any sexy lingerie?



I'll buy it if you post a pic bent over with ass spread open. You're smokin'

smol pupper? Celty is that you?

10/10 I hope you like your body cause it's sexy as fuck.

Did someone buy it for her?

Crazy idea, get a job and pay for it yourself instead of begging.

I will buy it for you if nobody did

she's playing now already

I would have paid 30 bucks to fuck her.

how rude

Tell me again why should I pay for a pic of your tits when I can watch porn for free?