Why are Asian's smarter on average than other races? What's their secret?

Why are Asian's smarter on average than other races? What's their secret?

squinting helps them focus

Very low levels of testosterone so they have no interest in most things outside of academic/skill pursuits.

They're not smarter.

They're thick as shit but good a copying.

They're good at copying because there scared to starve to death

Hard work. Pretty much it. There's even a article explaining it somewhere, too lazy to link.

We are supposed to study a fuck ton and our society emphasises on getting good grades - Singaporean

They're pretty good at being in stereotypes

Here's the secret.

There's a ton of them compared to us so there's a lot more smart ones. Also the most successful,hard working, and smartest families immigrate to the US. Thus you only see the best ones here. It's more ore less an illusion. Overall their race is no better than white people.

Black people are still fucked

they aren't. there are just way more asians world wide than there are white people. from the overall percentage white people are more intelligent. the problem is of course that that there will be no more white people coming because we gave rights to women. with an unclear rolemodel birthrates go down and the population becomes more liberal. if this will work out positive isn't clear because it never happend in history.
imo i don't think it is the right way.

>Asian thread

Oh, heeeh-roooow

Probably because of the discipline since been kids, but still wouldnt explain how they will still have interest.

Discipline, op.

They learn discipline, meditation, good ethic codes, respect.

Discipline eventually beats intelligence, sooner o later. That´s it.

discipline becomes habit

it´s like a mental muscle

couple of different things here
1) they aren't smarter, that chinese kid you saw in your classes? he's the very best 2% of a population of 1 BILLION.
2) their education system straight up filters their asses. dumb kids who don't work hard don't stay in school they work menial jobs. so everybody you see here is a worker and has motivation (of this I am truly jealous I wish we did the same here, fuck no child left behind quit wasting tax dollars trying to educate Jamal he's fucking useless).
3)their parents understand that getting ahead means getting educated and they push the fuck out of their kids. asian parents actually take part in their kids' educations and it shows.

They aren't. Germans and Americans have invented far much more shit.


She must be proud about her life

A culture of discipline and pride as well as an
intact, traditional family unit.


Next you'll tell me blacks aren't physically superior to whites either.

Invention isn't a measure of intelligence.
There's many socioeconomic reasons
as to why whites have invented more in the modern world.

Don't you know it.

So asians aren't smarter, they just sacrifice their life.

Also, asians lack confidence and can't keep pace with whites outside the classroom.

they come from an ethnostate

not necessarily

discipline and acomplishment eventually brings pride and joy, in strong dosis

but your bitterness is kinda obvious, you need to cure your hearth, user

Waifus are the secret.

>strong dosis
>cure your hearth

Yep. Hit the books a little harder buddy.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against asians. I fuck lots of them. They just can't compete in the real world.

dunno, but it's gotta stop. better to just drop another fat man on them

>What's their secret?
There is no secret, their cultures simply reward intelligence while some races such as blacks scorn intellectuals.

China, superior econocy than USA

Japan, best high quality products than USA

user, what.

says who

> superior econocy than USA

Say what?

They have a slightly higher average IQ (2 or 3 points), but White Europeans have a wider IQ bell curve, so more true genius level intellects, but also more idiots. This explains why so many of the greatest scientists and mathematicians in history are all either White or Jewish.

>...The two populations also differ in the variability of their scores. A representative sample of Americans or Europeans will show more variability than will an East Asian sample. In the familiar bell-shaped distribution curve, the bell is much narrower for the Japanese--which is what you would expect from such a homogeneous population.

>This difference is a major matter, and it is worth focusing hard on the data. Just about all Western populations report a standard deviation of 15 IQ points. (The SD, a basic measure of variability, quantifies the extent to which a series of figures deviates from its mean.) But the SD for the Japanese and other East Asian populations appears to be a shade under 13 IQ points. That difference does not sound like a big deal, and, in fact, it does not change things much in the center of the distribution. ...

Also the Asians you see in the West are the top 1% of huge populations, it's typically the most intelligent and wealthy that emmigrate, so of course they are going to do well compared to your average Westerner.


Asians are superior at sucking.

buttsex, lots and lots of buttsex


You are fucking retarded. IQ differences, particularly any number below a 30 point diffrrence has no correlation with intelligence. IQ is a test to find whether someone is mentally challenged, not to gauge how "intelligent" they are.

Asians are superior at taking dick when it is required by an American man.

Not all asians are smart. I'm one of the retarded ones AMA

Asians are superior at coming back to suck the dick when it is required.

IQ tests are biased in favor of smart people.

It is definitely correlated with intelligence. It's inaccurate past about 140 or 150, but under that, it's a fairly good judge.

I'm not saying it's a perfect measure, but people who are great scientists, engineers, mathematicians etc all score extremely well on IQ tests, so it definitely indicates something.

If it wasn't accurate, they wouldn't still be using it, you are probably buttmad because you score terribly on them.

Is that why Mensa uses them?

Asians have soul and are just pieces of meat.


Asians are superior at getting all wet.

Falling for the Mensa meme...

I have lived in 3 Asian countries and trust me they are a stupid race. You only see the smart ones.

Most are uneducated farmers who sell their young daughters into sex slavery

>Most are uneducated farmers who sell their young daughters into sex slavery
Nothing wrong with that fam

because in 1945 we bombed them into a passive aggressive girly-man state hell bent on building an giant neon electronic utopian faggopolis with the intent to slowly infect and subsequently consume us with deculture like a giant gay trojan horse.

Because their dicks are too small to play with so they have to stimulate themselfs with math,science n shit

you're statement is false. evidence is entire population of China.


I'm convinced 1945 had everything to do with it combined with natural selection.

Before that, there was a mix of smart and stupid, just like whites, but when the atomic bomb was dropped, the smart ones hid underneath things to shield themselves, and the stupid ones didn't and ended up dying. So then the smart ones only had other smart ones to mate with, and evolution happened, and they had smart babies.

In this thread, asian guys on Sup Forums on Friday night having a jerk fest while all the asian girls are out fucking CHAD.

Here's a real topic: how come so many asian girls refuse to date asian guys. pic related.

This pussy freely available to any dumb white CHAD surfer dude but totally off limits to asian guys

yeah dude for some reason bitches love this position

Why the hell do they come to the USA, to "study"?? LOL.

Pic related, dreamed of coming to the USA since she was 9 years old.

Better schools.
Better teachers.
Better discipline.
High pressure to achieve in school.
Schools really matter a lot. Hear this, USA

What the fuck is wrong with asian guys.

What, practically sitting on their face? Not so sure...

Just like Jews they were raised to value intelligence an knowledge, not "FUCK YEAH!" like the average American.
This clearly means they are retarded comunists who muct be kicked out of America to make America great again.

Lets stop settling for being mediocre. The future is awaiting, shiny and chrome.

It's a dominance thing

I've worked at several big name animation studios. A third to half the artists and animators are asian.

They're smart and creative as fuck

As an american teacher, nothing is wrong with the education we offer. The problem lies in discipline and parenting. Nobody seems to notice that throwing more money at schools doesn't raise test scores, but its racist to acknowledge that kids score higher in Whiterville, MA than Blackstone, MI. The kids in Blackstone are not inferior to the other kids, but no one has ever kicked their ass.

Asian men don't know how to dominate.

Ever fucked out of pure boredom?

Sometimes you their brains out, then they get scared and marry a wimpy asian guy.

"His legs are like your arms" she said.

She didn't approve of sexy pics.

On the other hand, when we fucked she would gouge her fingernails into my back. Left scars.

I wonder if she does that to her skinny wimpy asian husband.

forgot the pic. note the look of disapproval.

Why are asian girls so afraid of the sun. You don't need to apply sunscreen *everyday*.

She had her fun before settling down with a nice asian guy, that's for sure.

I don't know man, the rising sun is pretty goddamn bright.

Ok let's take a trip down memory lane.

I'm talking way back now.

Let's say you were the study group leader for this group of international students at your grad school. Which one would you fuck?

all of them except the terrorist.

Come on man, really?

I thought I was bad but I at least have standards.

I honestly don't get how people find Asians attractive, they have flat faces like they've been run over by a fucking steam roller, their squinty eyes are fucking creepy as fuck, and their skin is usually some weird yellow tone.

Their women will keep your balls drained as if it's their only lifes goal. This leaves you free to focus on work and studying instead of chasing skirt.

Only gf's that could ever keep up with my sex drive were asian.

ehh, i'll stick my dick in anything that will blow me every which way but 'up'.

the secret is that they kill women at birth

I convinced her to skip class one day. Can you believe it, an asian SKIPPING CLASS!

On the other hand, her rich daddy was paying for it all so what did she care.

Anyway we took a long drive...

>"Why do Asians have higher IQ
in Google, doesn't really yield any results that explain it.

But my guess is that, for a very long time, have had a fish-rich diet, high in oils and glucose content. This allows for better brain development and better connections between both hemispheres. It's a mixed bag though because Asians have more of a robotic mentality and don't think outside-the-box as much. They basically only think inside-the-box. They're good at Math and logical answers, or how to copy formulas exactly and memorize them exactly. But they don't have ways of thinking of new inventions like some Western Countries do. That's why you see the most inventions come from Europe and the United States. All China is good at is copying those products and creating them cheaper.

You my friend are blessed. You do not have the dreaded yellow fever.

user is right, Asian women look to white men as a sign of success. Psychologists believe it has to do with the slums they grow up in. This is why you see so many Asian bitches with dumb-ass white Chads creating half Asian abominations and also Blasians half nigger/half Asian abominations. If any of you Anons encounter half Asians you must kill them on site. Treat them like the dirty half breed scum that they are.

Ha ha!

but seriously, you could get it up even for the one on the left?

Mad props my friend.

Yeah but those girls love to fuck. After 2 years with any girl they all lose attractiveness.

They only have a slightly higher average, and people assume the Asians who are in the West representative of all Asians, when in reality they are just seeing the best of the best of a huge population.


because a lot of their women are really men, and we all know that men are smarter than women.

Oh go back to Sup Forums you retard. I have beautiful half-asian kids.

But you are correct that asians (girls at least) worship white cock and idolize white men and want desperately to breed.

They practically don't let us wear condoms.

This one was a damn nurse, so she should know better.

Another one who refused to date asian guys.

Even after moving back to Japan, she still refuses to date asian guys.

it's like a white guy in the US who refuses to date white girls.

oh wait...

Asians on average make much more than whites in the US. Talk to me about living in the real world when you show us a livable paycheck.

they are of hive mind

They have less faggots asking stupid questions.
Alternatively, they have faggots asking less stupid questions.

I'm sorry that God has forsaken you with an Asian slum dweller wife and half Asian abominations of Christ. You might want to sell your wife and children on the black market and an hero.

Says the guy with pics of a video game system.

I do just fine thank you very much.