>people believe this is LA's football team
>they play in the enemy part of southern california
>people believe this is LA's football team
>they play in the enemy part of southern california
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people from LA love adopting things from other places. Its part of their cuck mentality
This team belongs to Las Vegas now.
In all seriousness, it's because the Raiders used to play in L.A. and they were the fashionable team in the 80s and 90s and their fans never left.
Unfortunately, the Raiders are playing a lot better than the Rams so you can expect to see more bandwagon Raider fans compared to Rams fans on any given day. We'll need to see the Rams get better. Hopefully firing Fisher and moving on with the Goff era will be a start.
Oakland is pretty Norcal tbqhwyl famalam desu ne senpai
The raiders won their last championship in Los Angeles
Don't they play in the nigger part of southern California?
goof, gurley and donald are the only players worth keeping around. Fire all coaches and management. Ownership is also trash
They don't play in Southern California at all, leaf
How are they not an LA team?
People consider the Angels an LA team despite not being in LA. The Raiders are more of an LA team than the Angels are
Hell theyre more popular than the Dodgers
In addition they're moving to Vegas (which is 100% happening BTW, so keep your bullshit plans to yourself Oakland fans) because they want to be closer to LA
>Rams are there for decades and do nothing
>Raiders move their and suddenly start winning Super Bowls.
>Comparing Anahiem to Oakland
Chale, your retarded, ese
the rams won 2 of their 3 SB's in oakland, moron
Whoops, meant "there".
Spics love the Raiders, and LA is a spic city.
>the rams won 2 of their 3 SB's in oakland
>the rams
The Raiders aren't a team for a city, they're a team for a class. Therefore the largely brown working class of Los Angeles affiliates with them. Them being there helped a lot, Al Davis' philosophy, the fact that they had a chicano head coach (Tom Flores) and quarterback (Jim Plunkett) while they were playing in LA. It all resonates with the largely brown population of Los Angeles. Al Davis and the Raiders gave a chance to their people... how many memorable Mexican Americans are there in NFL history. Also the Swagger and the grit. They are a team with a personality, they're the only franchise that could move and not lose a fan.
I meant Oakland
Their last Super Bowl was in LA, the only one that matters idiot
And you mean Raiders not Rams
No one in LA associates the Raiders with NorCal. That's what the Niners are for
Anaheim has nothing to do with LA
>everybody in LA is too geographically retarded to associate the Raiders with the location theyre currently playing in
Jesus man just stop.
You're either drunk or on painkillers fellow california user, which is bad for 1 pm
the Raiders*
the raiders won 2 of 3 in oakland
You still need to kick off the stuff m8
See The Raiders aren't a bland corporate product like the Rams or Chargers are
They are the soul of Los Angeles. If you were a real sports fan you'd get it
Let me ask you a question - what do the Raiders have to do with oakland? In the 22 years they've been there they've accomplished fucking nothing
The 13 years in LA meant more. Oakland is basically a stopover
as I already said, they won 2 of 3 super bowls there, went to another, and have been there longer than they were in LA
Watch the 30 for 30 Straight Outta LA
It'll make sense to you then
Ok? But since 1995 the Raiders haven't accomplished anything. Yes or no?
The average record of the LA Raiders was 10-6. The average record of the Oakland Raiders has been 6-10
Tell me which era has been more successful
>average record meaning literally anything
they could be in LA and still go 6-10 with the rosters they had, you absolute retard
Inb4 "watch Rebels of Oakland"
Oakland has nothing to do with the Raiders anymore.
Except in LA there was a pressure to win in a way that isn't present in Oakland
No one associates Oakland with winning. Everyone associates winning with LA
The Raider mystique came from LA
your arguments are becoming worse and worse with every post you make
Think of the Dodgers and Lakers - traditional winning franchises
Even Ice Cube said it in the 30 for 30 - LA pushes people to win otherwise no one would pay attention
>traditional winning franchise
They've averaged 93 wins the last 4 seasons
Try again
and not one single pennant to show for it
Who cares they're still winning
Enjoying for fluke championship aided by umpball?
How are your Bears doing? How are your Bulls doing? My Lakers and Raiders are ahead of schedule
The best Raiders owl team (1976) was in Oakland
The most Raider (read: underdogs that defy the odds to just win) owl win (1980) was also in Oakland
>oakland is in southern california
u wot m8
for a city that claims to care about winning championships, you sure dont seem to care that the dodgers cant win championships
Bulls are doing better than expected and no one thought the Bears would be good this year.
How are the Rams doing?
And the Raiders most recent (most relevant) championship was in LA. What do people keep missing about that? That is the single and most important factor on why most people above the age of 15 associate the Raiders with LA
No one here cares about the Rams and LeBron owns the East
Keep living in the past with Jordan though
>Keep living in the past
>Talks about Lakers, Raiders and Dodgers
a championship that was more than 2 decades ago, in a city that has had the raiders for less time, one less superbowls in, had far less history in, and is currently not palying in
gee, its a mystery
>No one here cares about the Rams
And people wonder why they left in the first place.
The NFL fucked up in sending the Rams here and they know it. They will never have the same attachment in LA as the Raiders did
Says the city that talks about the 85 Bears and 90s Bulls constantly
Except more people alive (since LA
is 8x the size of Oakland) have seen AF witnessed the LA Raiders win a championship compared to the 10-20 people alive for the Oakland championships
>if you shrink a population size down to just Oakland and LA and ignore the entire continental united states watching super bowls since the first one in the 1960's....
So less people have witnessed the Raiders last LA championship than the Oakland championships?
Are you saying that it's possible to skip remembering years? Is that what you're saying?
Get out of here.
Im saying your a fucking idiot that thinks the entire US population died off before 1984
There are literally more people alive who remember 1983-84 than 1980-81
What about that is hard to understand?
Not to mention that Al Davis and the Raiders WILLINGLY came to LA. He was FORCED to play in Oakland and has been an unnatural fit since. That's why they've been trying to relocate since 2007
>people are STILL getting b8ed by the LA Raiders guy
I don't know what's sadder at this point
>I don't know what's sadder at this point
The Dodger's finances
IT seems like it's more than one person though
Most SoCal raider fans aren't like that but the ones that are really fuckin annoying
>8.3 billion from television deal
>the richest team in the league
what the fuck are you talking about?
did you type that and said to yourself "hurr I got a zingr" you fucking loser
Spotted the Lifelong Dodgers fan
spotted the fucking retard everyone point and laugh at this fucking loser
The Raiders would be much more relevant in LA than Oakland
As long as they win 90+ games a year and have a playoff spot it's all good to me
Because that's just how it is