Sup Forums what are these ?

Sup Forums what are these ?

I think that's called a penis



honestly how the fuck did you find this

herpes lol hf

Virgin lumps.

Every penis has them at first but they smooth out with regular sex.

It's called 'Stop jerking off 20 times a week' disease

someone faps with their boxers too much...
>as do I

but I've had sex probably around 200 times

End of Penis Matter

you've been fapping too much that your dick is dry.

PPP. Harmless, I used to have em ,they went away on their own. You can pay to have removed if your some self conscious faggot

>fuck you guys
google forcyde spots and penis papules OP, do not listen to anyone in this thread that tells you its an STD or some stupid shit. You are fine.

It's Hirsuties coronae glandis just wiki it

I got them too op its not a disease

It's a picture of the current President of The Divided States of North America

I'm aware it's not a disease I had them even when I was a virgin

I know what these are, but they don't look similar to what I have at all

plus in every picture they're only on the ridge not the entire tip like the wiki page says

someone fine a picture that looks even remotely like mine

Useful thread, should I pop this bitch

Also it's had a spike now when I woke up

Ladies, would u still suck it tho?

you need to chop that nigga off it's diseased

show the tip of your penis ffs
also yes you should

This image makes me uncomfortable.

It's a vagina you faggot

looks like deep fried cock

hpv... over 80% of sexually active people will get hpv

then at least we know you won't be contracting it any time soon

More like 800% sir.


it's a fact. google it. 80%

thats a dried chili.
