How often do you think about suicide?

How often do you think about suicide?

Every day

Whenever I see anime

Why do you make this thread everyday?

Well... depends, how often do you make this thread?

It makes me feel less alone

ThisMaybe you should kill yourself? (^:

If it were as simple as pushing a button I would.

Its as simple as pulling a trigger

ex came at me with a "im pregnant" bullshit and ive been thinking about it more and more

Every day. But some days are better than others. If anyone's reading this and thinking life's shit and that it has no point, it can be at times. But the good times outweigh the bad.

It's not that hard, what's stopping you? Right now, wherever you are, there's at least 3 ways you can kill yourself this very second you dumb jew.

Pretty much every day. I'm pretty close to doing it. I had a huge fight with my parents. If I last through this week, it'll be a miracle. This is the end.

nearly every day.

No gunz.

Fear of dying.

It really doesn't.

Negative emotions have a stronger effect on people than positive ones.

Well then don't make it sound like you're so close to the edge you faggot.
You're depressed, sounds like it isn't beyond that, and don't let it get beyond that. Handle what you got going on. You'll survive and be fine.

you control your feelings, time to change your outlook. nobody hurts your feelings, no event can make you feel any certain type of way, it's your perception of that event that's causing you to feel, start changing that and everything else falls in place. with practice getting your emotions in check and being cognizant of those emotions is a very powerful thing.
it also makes it very easy to manipulate others. but don't do that.

Get a tank of helium from walmart, a rubber tube, a jubilee clip or zip tie, and a large plastic bag(garbage bag will do fine). Clip the jubilee clip or zip your zip tie to attach your rubber tube to the helium tank. Lay down and put your head inside the plastic bag with the other end of the hose inserted into the bag. Tie the bag loosely around your neck(doesn't have to be airtight) and turn on the helium. Within 30 seconds you'll be unconscious and within 2-3 minutes you'll die of asphyxiation. It costs about $200 at walmart, it's quick, it leaves a perfectly intact corpse, and best of all it's painless.

Never. I don't even have much to live for but I got enough to not wanna pussy out of life.

Is it dead you fear or what lies beyond?

It takes me a month to get $100. It's easier to answer how often I don't consider suicide. Could never afford a guaranteed painless out so I'm stuck suffering

The worst part of the whole process is you have to find the helium in the "party balloons" aisle. It was so much easier when it was in the "suicide" aisle but you know Walmart always changing things around


How bout jumping off A big ass building, free and painless

Dying is scary, our bodies are programed to feel fear when it is in danger.
The methods available to me take time and I can't push myself to endure the fear I feel. I've tried.
Also I don't want to fuck up and become a vegetable.

That sounds unhealthy.
This means that you can't allow yourself to get attached to people or to feel vulnerable around others for they might hurt you if you do.

Not painless depending on how you land. If you land on your front you'll likely suffer an immense amount of pain for a few seconds to a few minutes. Either land on your spine or your head.

It's dying.
I have no fear of death, I don't believe there's anything beyond life.

Offers to much time to think on the way down. I'd prefer something quicker where my last thought isn't "falling sucks"

>be 20
>know I will never be happy
>want to die
>afraid of death

everytime then, not anymore
goverment makes sure all painless ways out are illegal

I never do but I certainly regret being born.

people are continuously disappointing, unless someone has the ability to amplify my way of living, be it professionally or something else, I have no interest in getting close. the world is a very hostile place, and you should treat it like one. I'm not saying shut yourself off from everyone, just galvanize yourself a bit, know who's useful and who isn't, and be able to cut ties without any regret. if that person feels hurt, that's on them not you. instead of being fearful, be calculating. a lot of opportunities open up for you that way.
plus I like myself more than enough to not worry about getting attached or feeling vulnerable, I have to sleep with myself every night til the day I die, just like everyone else with themselves. so you'd better get real comfortable with that person.

Constantly for upwards of 8 years, eh.

Thank you. For saying this.

Buncha sad fags. I'm so sick of:

"oh im so depressed it doesnt even matter if I died."

"Oh my anxiety is so bad I cant leave the house."

"Oh iim not perfect, im so fucking dumb"

Jesus christ, if i talked to myself that way, I'd be miserable too. Gotta watch what you say to yourself.

That sounds so very sad.
To not feel an emotional connection with anyone.. don't you feel lonely?

exactly. your self talks are going to play a key role in your happiness, your confidence, everything.
and IF you are going to be self deprecating, at least be funny, if you don't at least have a sense of humor towards your depression it often comes across pathetic.

Unimportant if potato or paraplegic? The worst would be beeing conscious, left as an unfucked sexdoll that only functions to conserve pain.

Attempting suicide is kind of like quitting cigarettes, it's probably going to kill you but if you survive I don"t know it probably builds character or something. I feel like not enough people look on the bright side of suicide attempts, everyone always wants to be so negative on the subject it's weird

no, I don't really enjoy being around people for longer than I have to be. I've just been taking what I can get from a person, place, or thing, and knowing when it's use was up.
plus I make time for other people, but I'm actually more than comfortable in being alone, I'm happy, I made a choice to go down this path, there are certainly some cons to it, but again, it's all been my choice. and there have been far more pros than cons.

Then once you're pathetic you keep telling yourself all youll ever be is pathetic and trying doesn't matter...and cue the self deprecating circle. Also, then anti depressants get introduced and now we have continued negative self talk with medication which probably leads to more medication to "fix" whatever diagnosis they gave you this time.

It's a bummer when you over hear people beating themselves up over something stupid.

Can instantly see why they are unhappy.


Yea you sound like a potential sociopath my dude..

I find that hard to believe.
Closeness, warmth, safety, connection, these are basic human needs. Everyone has these.
You do too. It's just that you've probably convinced yourself that you can't find it or that being hurt by someone isn't bearable or worth the good things you can feel around someone.
Maybe you've been neglected as a child or been hurt badly by someone or never felt a connection with someone so you don't know what you're missing.

You've pushed your feelings into a dark corner so you don't have to deal with them but they're there.

You sound like me except more cynical

You're posting on Sup Forums. No offense but you're obviously a loser too. I'm not taking advice from you.

Why's everyone on this thread so depressed god damn go make your own thread stop ruining this one

After my mom was diagnosed with CLL, every single day.

We were having a civil discussion and now all these people are talking about suicide

Huh? This thread is about depression.

Yeah I know and all these people are ruining it by going on about their personal problems

This is literally bullshit.

do you want a turn to speak?

That's exactly what I want tho.

I think about suicide every day, but I completely agree with this post. You choose what emotions to hold on to, how to perceive your situation, what thought patterns you indulge in, what state you are in. It's hard to change, but with a sincere effort, practice, meditation, ect... I believe you can really take control over your thoughts, which thoughts you hold on to, your emotions, how you channel that emotion, how long you keep it with you, and ultimately your life. Once you have a better understanding of why you feel certain ways and choose to perceive things in certain ways (positive / negative / w/e) it opens up choosing how you will take something. When you are in control of your thoughts and emotions it makes it easier to create a life you enjoy and to share that life with others.

because I put myself before others? maybe I'm a bit egotistical and cynical, but no, not that. I live on my own in a pretty nice apartment, I drive a 2014 car, a job that pays me well with insurance among other benefits, and I have time to engage in my hobbies and things that interest me. how many people that are 28 today can openly admit to this?
no childhood trauma, my parents were and are still very warm and compassionate people, but my father has always struggled, a big part of what's held him back has been other people. I just learned this truth at a young age and decided that's not what I want to happen to me. I don't need a wife, kids, a wide array of friends, any of that to feel complete. temporary relationships are fine by me, I'd like to build a life that is centered around myself and my own goals and desires, not someone else.
for some reason people believe that you must be the most miserable fuck ever if you're self serving and prefer to be alone, and it's really the opposite.
shitposting is sadly a vice of mine, and when I can't sleep and I have nothing better to do it's my go to. that's completely fair on your part bud.

Experience with emotionally damaged people says otherwise.
I've seen it with so many people.

If you land flat on your stomach, then your head hits the ground at the same speed as if you were falling head first (almost, let's not get into an aerodynamics debate). Point is, you die from your head hitting the ground, period. Not a broken neck. The only way you don't want to land is feet-first.

We started out with a normal discussion about how often we think about suicide and then people started droning on about their "suicidal thoughts" and it's ruining the whole god damn thread I'm sick and tired of it

me too user

i think of suicide like every hour but im too afraid

Every time we try to start a civil conversation about suicide it always leads to all these people talking about killing themselves and I'm getting tired of it

Really? Show me your psych degree. Oh wait, you just pull all your experiences from some shitty psychology site.

I think about suicide quite often but then remember it is revenge that I'd rather have. I hate most everyone and killing myself would only serve to damage the emotional stability of those I feel deserve it the least. Please be kind to your loved ones, and instead of killing yourself, kill others who get in your way.

I wonder though, have you ever felt close to someone?
Ever felt a real connection? Someone who understood you, who you could tell anything to. Someone you could be vulnerable around.

RitsuCuck here. Totally didn't read any of the thread. Quality Ritsus though!

look up statistics, shotgun to the head works 99+% of the time, also is thought to have relatively no pain. Although I think suicide is a permanent solution to a short term problem.

There are better ways to deal with your depression than killing yourself. You just need to change your thought patterns and work on the way you choose to experience life. It's hard to do when you are depressed, but when it comes down to killing yourself or changing, you may as well change.

suicide is the only option really.

whats the fucking point of being alive? there is none. sure we're supposed to make our own reasons but none of them feel worth it. none of them work out. maybe it's all my fault (it probably is) but instead of improving myself I'd like to die. It's too hard and I haven't accomplished anything in my life. im gonna be 21 next month and i don't see the light at the end of the tunnel

No, I mean I've spent a lot of time around emotionally damaged people in group therapies and such.

Every millisecond

Group therapies are a waste of time, it only gives people more stress because they're being forced to talk about some very personal things with complete strangers, which doesn't help.

ayyy someone I can relate to, wyd? you're literally me, except that I also want to kill myself, feelsgoodmaniswear

What the fuck.
It's all voluntary.
Everyone is a stranger at some point.

Thing is I've encountered a lot of people who pushed emotions away, didn't want to connect with people because they thought they didn't care.
Every single one of them discovered that they were just afraid to be hurt.

Fuck you normie

Once you get to a point it become one of the average thoughts everyday and never really gets you close to it but you're just completely desensitized to the idea of dying and give up.

Well i went to one once because i've been told by my mother that i she would kick me out. Not voluntary in my case.

Idk where you're at in the whole killing yourself thing but... The world would suck with one less Ritsu Cuck. Please stay strong


It was ultimately still your choice.
You had the option to not go, you chose to go.

some family members, a few friends, sure, absolutely.
I'm not someone who has many secrets to tell or be vulnerabilities, usually this comes from emotional distress, which I rarely experience aside from occasional anger.
one of the few things I have ever feel true grief over, was leaving my highschool sweetheart from 12th grade behind when I turned 21 so I could pursue a career. I primarily felt grief over this not because she was hurt, she's fine now and I knew she would be, but because I recognized that she was slowing me down, and she would never be able to keep up with my pace, and no one else ever could. I don't like to remain stationary, "settling down", and that's what most people want. but since then, I'm very comfortable in this, as it's why I am where I am today. I am a material whore, I enjoy owning nice things, and I enjoy being able to leave anything behind on a whim. this may be sad to you, but it's who I am, and the best thing of all is that I know who I am.
I don't know many people who can say the same.

Every weekend when I sit around my alone trying to enjoy my hobbies. I've been hurt by too many friends so i dont have many, usually just work acquaintances. I don't know hoe much longer I can living feeling this isolated from people, but i know it's self imposed.

I did what was a better option, the better option was obviously not living under a bridge with other hobos. I see your point. I'm not blaming anyone, just sharing my experience.

You don't miss feeling a connection?

You don't want to take a risk?

It just sounds like you're avoiding responsibility by saying you had no choice.

Besides, no one could force you to talk in therapy.

You sound very young.

Never. i have great life

Pretty much on an hourly basis nowadays. Earlier today I yelled out "I want to die" to myself. I literally have no will to live, but I'm too much of a coward to attempt suicide again.

what's the greatest aspect of your life?

Every. Fucking. Day.

Not really. I doubt anyone would want to live on the streets.

You sound like you have a messiah complex.

no, not really. I'm very grounded and fortunate to be where I'm at in life. plus I have a future, some day I may want to "settle down", everything and anything is subject to change, but I am very happy being able to travel once to twice a year and have my own experiences. I've traveled with friends twice before, but I really prefer going alone. it feels more immersive.

Drink some water. it feels good

I take risks in my job, just not many interpersonal ones. I did manage to.reconnect with a weeb friend from high school, but afraid of fucking it up since being around them does make me happy

That's courageous of you user.
Hopefully you can be honest about your feelings to this person.

Is it an idea to find some kind of group activity so you can meet new people?
It can be very anxious to have all your hope riding on one person.

Sounds like you need to go out and meet a girl that can open up your mind up a little, are ye dating anyone?


Thats why i should shoot up my school