America hate thread

America hate thread.

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Fuck off heretic. MAGA


America is doomed.

>protect our dignity
Allowing millions of refugees to come, rape, and then criminalize anyone who reports on it is the opposite of dignity

sure, ronny

>criminalize anyone who reports on it
>things that never happened

Look up who Tim Pool is

>european union
>soviet union

fate sealed

UNITED states
Made me think.

Yeah keep on shit posting OP. We back traced your ass.

>We back traced your ass.
What is that supposed to mean?
I live on the 10th floor what are you gonna do?

You can't really call these people "Americans". They're from the lowest social classes. Their value to the country doesn't even outweigh their cost.

They're not yanks, they're tans, I'd know the cut of them anywhere.



"Save our jobs!"
>Mass immigration
Counter productive if you ask me.


>They're from the lowest social classes.
Spot the American, always out to belittle those less fortunate.


EU: We want to keep being slaves!
US: We want powerful generous people to keep being powerful and generous!

Wierd logic if you hate the US, but to each their own I guess.





America sucks, but the EU is becoming just as bad


Gotta say this is pretty real. We literally build the things we get fucked by eventually.



where can I find a rock that big to live under?

Under what definition?

>putting Elon among that filth



>Leaked info on wikipedia
And people fucking believe this shit


Maybe if those people didn't destroy there own drinking water
didn't start civil wars and horde all the fucking food
back to the whole civil war thing again tough to vaccinate people when they are too busy chopping each others heads off
Malaria its been killing people since the begining of human history

Its not Americas duty to protect people from themselves.

Isolationism is what we need more of, other peoples problems don't need to be ours.




>Its not Americas duty to protect people from themselves.
>I can't be asked to help those in need
If you see someone bleeding on the street, you administer first aid don't you? (please say yes)

This pic is from England, faggot.

we didn't lose Vietnam we
we went in to set up a stable boarder and did that
than we set up a plan to replace lost equipment like helicopters

with the mission accomplished we pulled out
than bills were passed to fuck the replacement plan so the stability was lost

This is fucking stupid, without mr. evil capitalism you wouldn't be able to say this dumb shit over a fucking computer that was a direct product of a capitalist idea. Also, this

Why does he try so hard to make himself more black?

This is stupid.

Why should some people set out their goal to be to help other people who didn't work to get a proper community, society, etc?
Seems stupid to me.
Secondly, the people that died under communism died based on ideological conviction, not because of their own inaction.

This is just stupidity.

Not that guy, but that's our people so yes. When worrying about the well being of ones country and close neighbors, empathy is something you have to distance yourself from. You can't get involved in other peoples bullshit just because you think it's humanitarian. Cost is too great and problems need to be avoided.

that line makes it sound very suspect
but there a lot of offical documentation of simular programs check out "operation phoenix" or the project jedi stuff

> Maybe if America didn't force loans on countries and force them to open up their resources to foreign corporations
> Maybe if America didn't assassinate/push coups/bomb any country that refuses to agree to let US companies exploit their resources
> Maybe if Western companies didn't dump toxic waste wherever they like
> Maybe if we had an economic system that properly distributed things we can afford to make fairly cheaply.


Some day soon the rest of the world is going to realise, that the greatest and most consistent threat to peace, and democracy is U.S. foreign policy

of course but these people do this shit to themselves.
They have every opportunity to help themselves but they would rather kill themselves over what meager resources they have.
If they were simply asking for help the US would gladly give it but their problems are far beyond just disease and starvation.

For some reason the left has trouble distinguish between GIVING and NOT TAKING FROM IN THE FIRST PLACE

Without communism you wouldn't be able to...
Just because something was invented by capitalists doesn't make capitalism a good thing.

Yeah, the tea party wasn't a protest, it was a revolt.

I do not hate america, i want to live there.

>Why should some people set out their goal to be to help other people

Why would anyone care for someone they don't know?

> No people made computers and the internet, capitalism is just the economic system
> Labour is labour under any system
> Also impressive shit got built by Romans but that doesn't mean we can't critique their economic system etc. (I'd rather not live in 3 AD Rome and die of malaria)

>Europoors are this stupid
>Their entire union is disintegrating.

OH look it's another American jealousy thread. What's it like being a country nowhere near as relevant as America? I wonder but don't really care. Fuck it's great being American.

Not just the leaked Wikipedia line but the whole accusation is ludicrous, I know what goes on and the lucrative bullshit that they've always done but that accusation is so laughable it's comparable to chem trails.


Empathy is unprofitable and unaffordable

eurokeks are 2nd world in comparison

on their way to 3rd

>Secondly, the people that died under communism died based on ideological conviction, not because of their own inaction.
Americans in action, just blame the victim.
You're supposed to help them you cunt, not just leave people to die like a sociopath.
You see a starving child, you give them food. You don't go "well shit he should've grabbed some berries" and head off.

you aren't fooling anyone.

Lol, how many die in the communist world?

Oh right, 120 million every decade or so.

Bit higher than the 20 million you're bitching about.

Keep hating on America. There's a reason we're building walls to keep ILLEGALS out. This is the most amazing country in the history of civilization. We welcome you. Come here. Come here to contribute and do it in the legal process.

You started it, and lost. Fail

>free helicopter rides for all communists.

Read the entire sentence instead of taking it in part. The context is, they caused their own suffering for the most part, why the fuck should we help people that don't want to put in the work to create something good for themselves?

It is a waste of time and doomed to fail. However, the people that do want to change things should be taught HOW to do it. Knowledge is the best we can give. They need to build their own country, not let us build it for them.

>They have every opportunity to help themselves
>If they were simply asking for help the US would gladly give it
I don't see the US givning healthcare to anyone who asks.
Besides, wasn't there a law where you can't get food if you have drugs in your system?

>Not Jews
>How stupid are you?

There are smart people with ideas in every society, no economic structure is ever going to be perfect but it's the best fucking one out there and a hell of a lot better than anything communism has ever offered.

> Muh semantics
it's still an act of violence against the government. A protest can be part of a revolt they aren't mutually exclusive

Have fun dying from gangrene, pal




Damn good law too, and I do drugs

>attempting to debunk MKULTRA solely because the information is hosted on Wikipedia
You're retarded, do some research.
>pic related, it's (((you)))

>Empathy is unprofitable
I hope you frame that and hang it on your wall so future archeologists can know for sure what kind of culture they're dealing with.


>You're supposed to help them
I am not blaming the people that died under communist regimes, they died because of what they believe, and that is the problem with communism! They kill based on what their populace believe.

>if capitalism did not exist, those people would magically have clean water, food, and vaccines

this is what communists actually believe


>Damn good law too
>if you're an addict you deserve a slow painful death
Saying that directly makes one seem like a sociopath doesn't it?

So paying someone based solely on their value to the company is considered stealing

Jesus Christ

>Get out communist kikes


>Using biblical verses as a basis in your comment

End yourself




We'll see who will be laughing in the afterlife.


That's the UK.

Sports Direct is an English shopping chain.

>Pretty sure god is with us.