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signal is ba-

click a random link. this is now your twicefu. love her and cherish her

Damn that was fast


>Winner couldn't beat the most popular kpop artist of all time
wow those losers should just disband now


momo it is

I wish I didn't watch this m countdown. I knew about twice being bad but how am I supposed to take lovelyz seriously now? they were just as bad if not worse...

>random link

nothing has changed

that was fast

I was denying this retard who claimed that Winner was going to win their (You) by responding to him indirectly

I've been thinking about this a lot: what if my waifu died? I actually think I'll fucking cry like a bitch.. Does anyone feel the same?

>t-theyll rise on the charts after they p-perform
lmao. looks the same to me

the boy is looking kinda big

>(You) denying
now that's just mean

here have a little freebie to get you started

boy is the 2nd tallest after chewy

i'm not talking about height


yeah her tits got enormous

chewy is thicc

she's not a real boy user..

signal killed kpop

even snsd at their worst never released something THIS bad

i just noticed


don't be retarded. signal is a 8/10 at worst, 9/10 at best if you're generous

lion heart, party etc. are 3/10 tier, zero redeeming qualities

did someone say boy?

you stupid stupid twiceshitter...


i'm afraid not, you're mistaken


b-buts the netz and plebbit told me it was bad!

>giving any kpop song anything above a 6.5/10

party was pretty bad but leave lion heart alone


please leave my kpg


INFO] #우주소녀 WJSN to make a comeback in early June w/ 1st full album + title track produced by Black Eyed Pilseung

Would You Like a comeback?

cool but what about sistar

>signal is a 8/10 at worst
this is how we know youre baiting

he's right tho

is kpop getting worse or better? signal might be crap but theres been some bangers lately like wee woo and wow

better imo, there have been much more good songs out recently than bad ones

Imagine the view.

31st of May.


literally 50% of Signal should be cut off, i must let you know and mina/momo parts are awful


sistar is going to comeback end of this month, before wnsj or whatever they're called

pretty embarrassing how some kpop fans try to be super edgy by shitting on twice when there's no reason to shit on the song this time. laugh at their non existent talent all you want but signal is pretty much the same quality as their previous releases with the exception of TT which was an outlier I guess

they'll probably never get a song this good again

i feel like minas parts were punishment almost. she's not a very good singer but she got like the 3rd slot behind jihyo and twiceboy for some reason. she sounds awful in it but she was my favorite in cheer up and TT

a real twiceshitter would have gave it a 9.5. and they would be right

acid sulli

I want to fucking see her in some AV already, god damnit

Well, I give it a 5/10 and I'm being generous

i agree, they shouldve extended jihyo/nay parts or make them more prominent instead of that prechorus-buildup, which should have been given to momo/mina so that they could hype you up for the chorus, imo. but i give them props for chewy/sana chorus, they did it well

Party > Lion heart

>Black Eyed Pilseung

can he get them a win?


>I want to see her fucking in some AV already

he made twice

They're a duo, not one guy.

sulli is a movie star, not a whore

Sure, an adult movie star

how do you rate the other title songs if signal is a 5/10?

WJSN has even less chart presence than Lovelyz

they aren't going to get a win with competition in June like T-ARA, Blackpink, Hyoyeon, G-D etc

she's a lazy ghoul slut with gingivitis

>competition like

>t-ara without their vocalists


are you the 5 is the average score bro


YG artist only attend Inkigayo don't they?

T-ARA will triple crown The Show
I guarantee it

Like ooh ahh - 9/10
Cheer Up - 5/10
TT - 8/10
KK - 6/10
Actually, Signal is a 3/10 for me

>The Show


opinion discarded

it's the best they got

>loa higher than TT
do you not know what a magnum opus is?

>bep is two guys
>brave brothers is one guy
wtf is this

i knew you were the LOA idiot kek

>twitter feed full of kdol tweets

following all this shit is tiring you guys.

completely agree dbh

Like ooh ahh - 5/10
Cheer Up - 6/10
TT - 10/10
KK - 8/10
Signal - 8/10


only with perfect mediaplay

Nugushitters are like vultures circling Twice at the first sign of weakness, hoping their shit group will take over when twice falls.

What they fail to understand is that Twice is more than just a Kpop group now, they are more like a brand or an icon at this point. Their CF numbers are growing by the day, their faces are plastered everywhere, and their physical sales are better than ever.

A flop song wont kill this

LOA - 7/10
Cheer Up - 9/10
TT - 9/10
KK - 8/10
Signal - 8/10

time for some flips

Like ooh ahh - 8/10
Cheer Up - 9/10
TT - 5/10
KK - 7/10
Signal - 2/10


in what sense? like ooh ahh is not catchy at all. its a nothing song, cheer up is kinda annoying

Like ooh ahh - 8/10
Cheer Up - 5/10
TT - 9/10
KK - 6/10
Signal - 0/10

meanwhile twice fans are panicking wondering if they made a mistake. they probably regret making twice this big now that they have to put up with shit songs for the next 9+ years