For 1 million dollars would you spend one year 24 hours a day in a 7-by-12-foot solid concrete cell...

For 1 million dollars would you spend one year 24 hours a day in a 7-by-12-foot solid concrete cell? With only a dim light bulb that barely turns on half the time and no direct sunlight? Your meals are trash and only come through a door slot that is rusty. The only form of entertainment is a black and white television which show only annoying educational and religious programs. Not only are you confined in a small space, you have no communication to the outside or inside world.

Hmmm that's a hard one, worriedly I might go insane and never be the same lol

i make 12 million a year in real estate, and even if i didnt, thats a retarded deal

what about five months user?

So, an apartment in Estonia?

Can I bring in just one book

Fuck no.

OP you can't put a price on your quality of life or sanity, of course the fuck not.

probably not worth 1 mil

Definitely. The fact that you included a TV in your hypothetical makes it a very easy choice. That's all you need to keep from going crazy trapped with yourself.

No. Not because the conditions are too bad. But because the money is too low. Where I currently live 1 Million would just barely cover the cost of a house, taxes and fees. Not to mention I can make that in about 8 years.

A million doesnt go as far as it used to.

how long would i stay in the cell?

If I had access to at least one book.

24 hours a day in a concrete box for a year? ull go fucking crazy anyone who says they would do it is not thinking this through

1 million is too low, raise it to at least 20 million and you got yourself a deal

oh sorry didn't see the one year. No i wouldn't, six months tops

The mental institution you'd need to go to would end up costing more than a million dollars. Fuck that garbage.

anyone who wouldnt do this is a retard, most people dont make that much money in 10 years let alone keep any useful portion of it because they want to drink beer and eat cheetos

I take it back 1mill is a life changing amount of money I would do it

Sure. I would just think outside the box.

probably forever...

as long as i didn't get some funky disease from the meals or whatever. yeah why not. meditate, do bodyweight exercises. do lots of math in my head. maybe try sleep deprivation until i hallucinate and have visions n shit. could be fun.

I woudnt fuck with yourself user might leave permanent brain damage

If I'm guaranteed that the food won't make me sick, looks like I'll be going all Old Boy and coming out jacked.

He didn't mention a toilet or clean water. Trash is too vague. I doubt someone would be able to live next to a growing pile of shit and piss for a year

Buncha fuckin pussys, a million dollars for a year, run it. Just the thought of the end results would keep me sane.

Of course not
If you would do this your life is absolutely worthless

I would do it for the simple experience
maybe I would exercise and meditate
no bills no phone calls no wife
would most likely stay

This. Hell, the average salary for an individual adult in the USA is like 45k per year. To accumulate 1 million in net income takes most people their entire career.

and anyone who took the offer would come out retarded, one year in a 7 by 12 cell with zero human contact would fuck you up

But you do have human contact. The OP said that you get a TV. That's all you need to stay sane.

Would u do it for 10 million?

1 million is fuck all

I genuinely believe you would come out of the cell a little weird and the 1mill might add to you're already fucked mental health

Not with trash food.

Gimmee good food, and I'll do it.

"I make 12 million a year in real estate"

Fuckin liar.

why not its more then I make a year

Looks like I'll have a proper shitter and a bed. Spend my days learning what I can from the TV, exercising, and sleeping.

For people saying a million dollars isn't that much nowadays, think of this: the average income in the US is about $30,000. That means it will take you over 33 years to earn a million dollars. And no, you won't be a millionaire after those 33 years. After taxes and bills, if you're lucky, you'll have maybe a quarter of that in savings, assuming you live like a pauper.

Let's assume the million is taxed. You're still going to get around 600k. Throw that shit into the system. If you earn a measly 3% on it, that's still $18k a year that you don't have to work for. Assuming you're in your early 20's, you could easily retire before your 50 if you still worked and brought home average wages.

And all it will cost you is a year of boredom? Fuck yes. Sign me up!

He makes 12million in Aussie monopoly money which equals to 2 us pennies

OR I could steal 2 million dollars, hide the money, destroy the evidence, spend half a year in a NICE jail cell while they can't find any evidence, the be set free, get money from hiding place and live it up in Mexico.

Oh, and if it's not taxed? I'd rape and kill you, your mother, and your dog for the chance to do it. And not even in that order.

Will you be ultra rich, with fucking mansions and private jets and shit? No. Will you be able to do pretty much whatever you want for the rest of your life within reason? If you are careful with the money, fuck yes.

How about 8?

8 years? If you say so.