Tfw in love with a subhuman (catholic south european girl)

>tfw in love with a subhuman (catholic south european girl)

How can I deal with this? How can I look my parents in the eyes if I bring home something as filthy as a non-white, non-protestant? How can I even ever respect myself again after having these feelings for this catholic """"human""""?

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No, they understand that it's your last chance to breed, they'll be supportive, I promise

Hello pewdiepie pls give money

But user, Catholicism is the only true religion and Southern Europeans are most assuredly white.

yeah dude shes probably got arab blood in her and she follows a sandnigger religion just abort, abort now

just kys

select continue

then star over

go forth exuberantly, my friend

and here is something you can play during your wedding night with her

*it will be a total hit with her and give you some rhythm, if you know what i am saying ;)

>he's a cuckestant

Just fuck her on the side, and find a nice protestant swede to havê white kids, your swede wife will accept it because she wants to fuck a somali on the side as well

But Johan, you're the subhumans

I'm also in love with a subhuman (catholic south european girl), but she does not love me back

Yeah this, I'm sure they'll prefer mongrel grandchildren to no grandchildren.

and i just love sucking underage dicks :DDD

ive never felt love

The kid could come out pretty white too.
(Although not nórdic)

me too

pro-tip: women are incapable of loving their men, they will love their children to death though

Hell Seger Pewdiepie

Fuck White people

I thought all Swedes were meant to be completely understanding of other cultures to the point it is detrimental to theirs??

This, also fuck Trump

>south european

>they will love their children to death though
Mine didn't :(

*me neither

she is objectively whiter than you and more civilized too you fucking snow monkey
now delete this thread

That what happens for being born french

Your future la

Tell them that at least it's not a finnjävel.

Death to all pr*ds.

>tfw in love with a subhuman
how can you call someone you ''love'' subhuman?, that doesn't sound anything like love