The guy on the left is me

The guy on the left is me.
Ask me anything.

why should I

I have a lot of experience

How to make omlet pls


1. Egg
2. Egg 2
3. Pan
4. Stove
5. Blood of the Antichrist
6. Omelet

Any vegan alternatives?

Yeah what about transgender-friendly omelettes?

Get out of here with your triggeredness transgenders eat omelets all the time

Transgenders don't exist

who is that landwhale that looks like somebody gave her the wrong sauce for her order

Do you sleep with that large woman? What's that like?

It's not as much sleeping as it is getting knocked out due to force

No. You use the blood of the Christ if you want the best one. That's why the Jews sacrifice a baby every couple years. It's the Christ come back. If you tasted it you'd understand.

I'm Jewish get outta here with your worthless dubs

I believe she is your mother

First of all, sheket bevakasha... plus even the Catholics know Jesus is delicious. They line up to eat his flesh and drink his blood

So NFTY or BBYO? Don't even say USY


No one is fucking that


Yeah. Problem?

No I love Jews