Eldrick returns to competitive golf today at the Hero World Challenge.

Stacked field also includes Dustin Johnson, Spieth, Bubba, Stenson, Rose, Reed and others.

Is your body ready for TiGOAT?

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What time does he tee off?

They said he looked pretty good but obv rusty yesterday.


hour and a half till he tees off

Wew lad my body is ready

Any streams?

+/- on how many tournaments before his back spasms back up and forces him to take another year off?(back injuries don't get fixed they just get pushed back)

if sergio garcia was american he would be GOAT too

americans are the GOAT at PEDs

i actually thought his name was tiger
>Eldrick Tont Woods
can't blame him for going with tiger though

He had a successful microdiscectomy which are actually supposed to work. It's just to relieve pressure on a nerve. Andy Murray had the same surgery several years back. Dwight Howard finally did too.

From what I heard he's much more likely to have a totally unrelated back or other injury than he is to have nerve pressure where they just fixed.

This. Can't find a stream.

He needs to start fucking whores again. Apparently that is a helluva PED.

I'd prolly go by tont desu

He's single and back in shape. I'm sure he's slaying blonde pussy on the regular.

>post yfw tiger still thinks he can beat jack's record of 18 majors

It can only get better. Man he sucked in the Open 2015.

No reason he can't if he can stay healthy. He can contend at Augusta for another 15 years

I'm honestly surprised Reed didn't wear tiger's Sunday red for their pairing today

Nice start so far. Opening par and has about 20ft for birdie on 2

>Golf channel showing pre match bullshit instead of Tiger

Tiger just outdrove Patrick Reed by a large margin

>their twatter feed is showing tigers shots
>tv channel is useless bullshit

They've been saying tiger is going to come back for 6 years now

That fuckin chip holy shit

Tap in birdie


Stop with this horrid joke. It wasn't funny 5 years ago.


He looks a lot better than he did last time. Looks healthy...swing is easy

Maybe he just needed to get back in the game

>Banging white bitches was the source of his power all along.

Amazing really.

Is he doing well? Sky-Juden not broadcasting for another 25 bings.

1 under but yeah considering how long it's been he looks really good.

Short game looks fantastic

Another birdie. Tiger to 2 under, one back of the lead

He's dialed in. Another birdie to get to 3 under

God damn just knocked it stiff and has a short putt for 3 in a row



the fuck is spieth doing


>inb4 double bogey from eldrick

>USA finally winning the Ryder cup just for Tiger to comeback and fuck shit up again

Par 5...assuming he can find it and hack it back into the fairway he'll be alright

does this mean schumi will come back, too?

welp, here we again.


My friends say Tiger is overrated because he didn't play against the kind of competition that golf has today with Spieth, Day, Rory, etc.

Is this true, /golf/?

This line of reasoning never works in any sport.

>His name isn't Tiger
What the fuck

Nice par save there. Had to work very hard though. Still not comfortable in the sand.

If anything its the other way around. Golf is way easier these days compared to pre-titanium clubs. Back when pros used balata balls and steel/persimmon clubs, pure shot-making had way more impact than the ability to crush it.

The only difficult thing we have these days compared to the past, is extremely long courses... and Tiger+Titanium is directly to blame for that. They even called it "Tiger-proofing" back when the changes were being made to all the major venues.

Its hard to say if todays top players would translate well to golf of yesteryear, but theres no doubt that it was definitely harder back then. The main reason the USGA allowed for easier equipment was to make it more casual friendly.

I wanna believe.


>chipping out backwards


Last number of my post is how many more majors tiger will win