Chart thread:R8 edition

R8 me faggots

You're literally every other person on Sup Forums

good shit my man

Cool,but you have much Ween's albums here.

You REALLY need to extend you boundaries
Melvins - Bullhead
Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain
Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill 2
Bjork - Vespertine

nice stuff, too much ween tho
Boredoms - Super AE
Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds - Tender Prey
Ringo Shiina - 加爾基 精液 栗ノ花

Nice chart, a bit of everything i like
Giles Corey - Giles Corey (in case you havent heard it)
Rites of Spring - S/T
Shellac - Terraform
Sunflower - Birthdeath
Vietcong - S/T

Lots of mixed feelings I've seen on Pure Comedy, I need to listen to it. Like the chart tho
Pere Ubu - The Modern Dance
Tubeway Army - Replicas

Good, but you should try to expand your horizons a bit
Eric's Trip - Love Tara
Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters
Shinsei Kamattechan - Tusmanne

A lot of ween man, jeez
Today Is The Day - Willpower
T.O.A.D - Endless Night
Kill The Vultures - S/T

Great stuff, you have MPP there twice btw
Gal Costa - S/T
The Blue Hearts - S/T

Fantastic, a lot of what I also enjoy, I can't think of anything to recommend to you


Not super original for a Sup Forums poster but it's all good stuff so that doesn't really matter. Ignore people that say you have to listen to a certain amount of music that nobody else has heard of to have good taste.

Holy shit do you love Ween, not that I can blame you for that! Agree with the order you put their albums in.

>Thinking you can have too much Ween in your chart
Still need to listen to Public Image

Honestly only listened to like 5 of your albums even though people talk about most of them all the time on here. Really need to listen to that Residents album still.

Somehow only just yesterday listened to Vision Creation Newsun. It was fuckin' fantastic. I need to update my chart and I'll for sure put it on there somewhere.

listen to Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished if you haven't already. same if you haven't listened to F# A# infinity