>my gfs face when
Other urls found in this thread:
i despise c*tholics
why is she so cute :__:
Spent the day with some chicanos
They hated all milk products.
Took the cheese of their cheeseburgers, didn't want icecream, took their coffee without milk.
Drank a glass of milk in front of them and they lost it
boggled my mind
1rd for rude
jfk died for our sins
fuck the cia
you have to show them the light
girls and guys into the whole "daddy dom" shit are just pedophiles who got abused as kids. Wypipo so strange.
It's because they're lactose intolerant like most nonwhites.
Me desu
>your gfs face when I flash her my abs
Ṣalīl' aṣ-ṣawarīm našīdu al-ʻabāh
Wa-darba al-qitāli ṭarīqu al-ḥayāh
Fa-bayn āqtiḥāmi yubīd aṭ-ṭuġāh
Wa-kātīmu ṣawti jamīli ṣadāh
Bih ʻazz dīnī wa-dall al-buġāh
Fa-yā qawmī hubbuwā li-darbi al-kumāh
Fa-'imā ḥayāt'un tasuru al-hudỳ
Wa-'ima mamāt'un yuġīṭ al-ʻadāh
Wa-'ima mamāt'un yuġīṭ al-ʻadāh
Fa-qum yā akhaỳ li-darbi an-najāh
Li-damṣỳ sawyāan naṣudu al-ġuzāh
Wa-narfaʼ majda wa-nuʼlỳ jibāh
Ābat 'an taḏ'inla li-ġaīri Al-'Ilāhi
Ābat 'an taḏ'inla li-ġaīri Al-'Ilāhi
>cute girl i liked and probably liked me broke the touch barrier
>didn't act on it
with whole
there is a kpop dance thing going at my university for korean week
what are the chances of korean qts being there?
>girls and guys into the whole "daddy dom" shit are just pedophiles who got abused as kids. Wypipo so strange.
milk makes me fart alot. stains the tighty whities with streaks of brown and green
>he doesn't like to be called daddy
foot """"""kraut""""" made me hate taiwan
t. former rocboo
Darling, touch is not consent. Your raped her
thin youve just got a major case of the gays there bud
it's alright dude. I had my oneitis sit on my lap and I did nothing. Another girl tried to invite me into her empty house and I just walked away and played video games.
soon brothers
i didn't do anything
>Ethnic weeks
University was a mistake
>tfw milkposting is spreading
almost two years of posting the same pictures is finally paying off
They did the right thing
>broke the touch barrier
what does this mean
>I had my oneitis sit on my lap and I did nothing
Dare I out-autism you, but even if you took it as a sign as it was meant to be, what is there even to do about it?
you want a postcard from Taiwan?
leaving next week
gonna keep you guys updated with nice pictures
>cute girl skips lecture to hang out with me
>ignore her one day because I actually had to get some work done
>she hasn't talked to me since
Guess I better stop then
use google
most of the gooks at my uni are chinese though. I didnt even realize it was a thing till i saw the poster leaving the math building
Fuck you, you raped me asshole
He's not Taiwanese. Hate Germany not Taiwan.
Her hand broke the autism magnetic field and came within a few microns of him
Terrible post
>log into a game
>friend messages you
>wants to play a different game
>feel bad because you have to tell them you dont want to
>cant enjoy game as much as you would because of it
I thought you were going to bed ;_;
I am Taiwanese
I don't know and I don't pretend to know. One time I was at a party and two women started grinding on me really hard and even cornered me when I tried to escape. So eventually I went along with it, and grabbed one of their hips. They promptly walked away. I don't understand women.
is this supposed to be a big deal?
t. chang
from my experience,huge kpop fans are some of the most insecure and weird people I've ever seen. Worse than Sup Forums.
>He's not Taiwanese
wew there Ping
ab-less manboy detected.
>tfw no Conway bf
Portable insecurity
>hang out with a girl and go on a few dates
>don't talk with her for a week because I was busy
>she says she's breaking up with me
>I never considered her my girlfriend in the first place
Why is cantonese like
>luk fook dik suk ping
While mandarin is like
>shr bao du ren zi ar
I have never met an actual gook who was really into kpop, only non-koreans are obsessed with it.
The final redpill, this is how we save white women
dude probably wouldve shit on the federal reserve
we may never know
>LBJ was in on it
but I got an A in compiler construction
>I don't know and I don't pretend to know.
Well same, which is why I don't mean to be defeatist, but each of those stories mourning that "waaah i didn't pick up da hints" are nothing too terrible to me since I know that even if I had known about the hints, I would've done nothing about it to makes things easier for myself.
Milk is not for humans
Are you a calf?
That's actually really clever
I already told you what the actual final redpill was.
>canada is so infested with chinks they can even distinguish mandarin from Cantonese
That's actually crazy man
Today was my first day working at a greenhouse.
I have never heard so much spanish and broken english in my life.
You're the only insecure one here little boy
>Milk is not for humans
Then how come I can digest it fine?
Yeah, just go to South Korea.
You really have to look for KPOP shit.
And when you find something you can be sure to find fat and ugly Indonesian girls in those stores.
>casually glancing at her but they just keep dancing
Asians really have no fucking souls.
heh did you watch that sick vid about pesticide use?
You're a subhuman
>be president that hates the CIA
>get assassinated under shady circumstances
>your assassin gets assassinated
>your assassin's assassin dies in jail
>people actually believe this
I'm glad they had the foresight to kill Bobby too
What happened?
i didnt know idol competitions were that cut throat
footkraut keeps replying to me, how do I make it stop?
i push my fingers into my
seizure but they dun care
I have a bf you floozy
>some mick masquerading as the president got shot 60 something years ago
>people still give a shit
The falling sickness.
You would know that means if you had read your Shakespeare.
too much dumb frogposting rn
So why did you come to Korea on vacation? You like Kpop??!
>too much dumb frogposting rn
weeb detected
What projects/work are you guys currently slacking off on
Oyster Bay is the perfect bf
>people still give a shit
Purely because of his wife and family plus the Democrats. He wasn't even a good president.
I didn't watch and videos. I showed up, they pointed me to Jesus, then I worked all day with him and his buddy Javier all day.
You can eat horseshit if you want, does not mean youre meant to
Developing some minor aphasia lads Tbh
ya but u wnt wut u cnt hv bby
also the cia has killed fuckloads of kennedys, but their old crime connections from prohibiton probably came into play on some others
C*tholics are despicable subhumans
Bobby was alright, though
am 200% sure that person is white but I keep staring at the hands for a pigment.
nothing much
>in art class today
>we have to create abstract patterns on the computer that can be repeated in tiles
>I don't listen and make an edgy-as-fuck samurai jack image
>teacher doesn't say shit but doesn't help me either