Time for a good ol' old person hate thread

Time for a good ol' old person hate thread.

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thats because learning is more and more difficult with the age

Don't defend old people, they're cunts.

How exactly?

its true

When you turn their age you'll have a hard time learning to use the time's new technology


Nothing I hate more than when people are reluctant to learn how to use a pc. Let alone navigate to a goddamn website. Tried helping some dude install a driver at work once and he immediately cut me off once I said go to a website and claimed he's not tech savvy. Can't do it. Wouldn't even accept a step by step guide. Why the fuck own a pc if you can't go to a website fucking dick head.

Not entirely true. Maybe it'll be a bit tougher but it depends on the person. Example, when I really wanna learn something I fucking do it. Not bitch about it and give up immediately.

most times once you get old as shit it means you've been thru some really tough shit without killing yourself which is a lot more than what you can say for Sup Forumstards



He's wrong. They can learn just fine, it's the fact that they have several decades of the same routine influences your comforts and actions. Humans are creatures of habit, and we naturally don't like to deviate from patterns of predictability. Old people have this more engrained into their lives more so than younger people due to the fact that they have more time/ experience within their pattern, and it cumulatively builds upon itself.

sorry, you are correct. My mistake

>Visiting grandparents while on break from college
>They offer to let me stay a couple nights to avoid paying for a hotel room
>That night they go through the house unplugging EVERYTHING because "it might start a fire"
>They don't even charge their (flip) phones at night because of this

I love them, but what the fuck is to with old people and worrying about power surges and things randomly catching fire?

No problem user, glad I could be of assistance.

Probably because that was actually recommended decades prior when the quality of electrical outlets/ plugs were lower and the risk of house fires happening as a result was greater. Safety standards have progressively gotten better, and we enjoy this comfort in the present day. However, not everyone grew up in a time where you could keep everything plugged in without worry. Remember, they've probably spent much more of their lives with unsafe electrical conditions than they have with the standard of safety we enjoy today.

yeah this one I understand, it's hard to undo that kind of conditioning. I actually talked with my grandpa about that because he lost a basement and almost the whole house to a fire because of a shitty soldering station catching some towels on fire

fucking yeah
there's like this whole thing that young children can learn languages like 1000x times easier than older people. Younger brains are more able to learn as opposed to older brains. Which are more filled with the knowladge they allready have i guess....fuck me man, chill out on the older generations...they made everything we have...asshole.

It's sort of like how today's car safety technology actually makes driving unsafe for some seniors, since the warnings and alerts aren't something they're used to and poses as a distraction, especially if their reaction time has slowed down in their old age and they have to compensate for it by keeping extra attention on the road.

And then bitch that we "have it too easy" when we actually use it

old people hate this so much:


That's a total bullshit.
Listen to this guy:
He is right.

Thank god we won't be that stupid coz every new generation is smarter than previous one.