Leave LeBron to me
wtf i love elmo now
Nigga looks a member of the Ginyu Force
>be a male
>get plastic surgery
I literally shiggy
>No matter how jacked you get of dat juice, you still will always look like Kathy Griffin.
>BOPKINS Summer League
lol this
>roiding for this
I'm pretty sure it's roids + synthol
Sorry dude but the Clippers are not making the finals this year.
He looks like a caricature of himself
>Red Carpet event
>Hmmm, I think ratty jeans, work boots, a piece of rope in lieu of a belt and a black 5 dollar wife beater would be appropriate here.
We get it, you work out, congratulations you're still a joke.
Hey I know what a good name for it would be; Box Office Poison!
>He's 51 years old
wtf thought he was like 35
you's a young'n.
>Delts go out wider than his arms
Is this... the power... of synthol?
Are you going to entertain him with prop humor? okay firehead
Carrot Top sold out shows for 25 years, that nigga is worth like 70 million bucks
I would kill to be him
His stuff is really funny too, I don't understand why he gets so much hate desu.
dis nigga look lik photshop
I just sat here for a whole minute crying laughing to this picture what a fucking clown.
>those fucked up shoulders
Every year he gets closer and closer to being Rocky Dennis from Mask.
What the fuck, is that actually what he looks like nowadays? He looks like a fucking wax figure.
I've literally never heard of him
What sport is this?
he was on the pitch in the 7-1
literally all natty ya'll just haters