You're looking at the US border

you're looking at the US border

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i think this is the right way
and the only way

I'm looking at a jpg posted on Sup Forums nigger


Is Canada paying for it?

What about the planes
They should do something to those too, check out all the fat americans assholes so no beaners can sneak their way into the GOD BLESSED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

The Gods had made their way up to the top of a high mountain and there they decided to build a great City for, themselves that the Giants could never overthrow. The City they would call "Asgard," which means the Place of the Gods. They would build it on a beautiful plain that was on the top of that high mountain. And they wanted to
p. 7
raise round their City the highest and strongest wall that had ever been built.
Now one day when they were beginning to build their halls and their palaces a strange being came to them. Kek, the Father of the Gods, went and spoke to him. "What dost thou want on the Mountain of the Gods?" he asked the Stranger.

mexico is fatter than america

A small explosive could knock that shit down easy. It would take weeks to get a repair and millions of wife raping Muslim drug dealing terrorist brown people could rush in through the opening and infect the great white CHRISTIAN AMERICA with their filthy unkempt and UNHOLY lifestyle.

You're right. Looks like we should top it off with machine guns.

What I'm looking at is a gross misallocation of public funds. The money used on that wall would be much better spent improving inner-city education or homeless programs.

just throw some machine guns and a few land mines on the other side and we should be good

We wouldn't have vastly less inner-city education and homeless problems if we didn't have illegal immigration draining the system. This wall will be a net gain.

>inner-city education

>homeless programs

Sheltered bubble-society do-gooder detected.

This so much
It's also ignoring the fact that most illegal crossing aren't done physically over the fence or border, but on flights and being smuggled through checkpoints. A wall won't stop systemic corruption.

I think you need to examine your statement again.

An AutoCAD drawing is as far as this stupid project is ever gonna go.

American taxpayers will still get charged and Trump & Co. will still skim off billions, but you racistfags are never getting your precious wall because you put your faith in a lifetime con-artist.

>pump more money into education
>niggers don't do better
It's been tried. Niggers are simply stupid, generally speaking.

Aren't the vast majority of illegal immigrants simply people who overstay their visas? How would a horrifically costly wall curb that?

lol, no it's not

yes it is. look it up.

I would love for you fuckwits to spend your taxpayers money on that wall.

You're talking about education like it's a waste of money. With the way employment trends are heading, the only way to get a decent job in twenty years will be via a college diploma. It has been shown time and time again that the more educated a person is, the less likely they are to commit crimes. That's exactly what inner-city kids need.

>Spend billions in tax dollars on a wall
>tried it 10 years ago and it didn't work but w/e we president now
>wall cuts off parts of the US from the US
>republicans again use imminent domain laws to jew Americans out of their own privately held land
>wall is constructed
>illegal immigrants still flooding into the border because their governments are still corrupt and the problem isn't going to be fixed with a wall
>after billions of dollars have been funneled to a few defense contractors and construction corporations, the wall stands as a testament to American reactionism and an inability for our leadership or public to ever deal with the root causes of issues

And you NEETS are praising it as a good idea.

Fun Fact: Mexico has no cranes of their own, nor ladders and shovels. The wall is impenetrable.

Oh boy, look at pseudo-intellectual Sam over here! This is entirely your own speculation, and any defense of this will surely be more opinions but with increasing anger.

You aren't listening. What I'm saying is that for the AVERAGE black person, with an AVERAGE IQ, they are not intelligent enough to fully benefit from education like a white or asian would.
Blacks are also inherently more violent than whites due to testosterone differences and the "warrior gene"

Yes, Mexico has a higher rate of obesity than the US. There are a few countries that are higher than ours.

>they are not intelligent enough to fully benefit from education like a white or asian would.
>warrior gene

How about some data to back up those claims?

Well, I guess that's it. Case closed. Let's just give up on these communities and condemn them to a life of crime and poverty forever.

black people aren't the problem, men are the problem

men commit over 90% of the murders and violent crime regardless of race, if we should be prejudiced towards any group it should be men

socialist detected. you are even worst than those libtards.

Why are Canadians doing this?

that actually looks really efficient and straight forward to make

Look up 'Race and IQ'
Look up the warrior gene

No I'm not, I'm looking at a drawing of the boarder.

looks like it's all been invalidated by peer review

hypotheses discarded

black men commit more murders than any other group.

Why am I a socialist for wanting government money to be spent on the citizens instead of being wasted on some ineffectual show of partizan grandeur? Quit just dismissing others because they don't align with your politics. We all just want to improve our country's standard of living. We just apparently disagree on how to tackle it.

Yeah, but getting the wall slabs to the border would a pain in the rear.

Bring fathers back into homes, and bring manual labor and manufacturing back into cities and you would solve many problems. But putting more money into education is not the answer

To do this you would have to end welfare and stop outsourcing jobs

men commit more murders than any other group, that's a fact. nonblack men shouldn't get a pass because they each only kill 3 people a year instead of 5

No, it hasn't.

watching that nignog video where he burned himself trying to steal copper, i asked myself, could we do that with the Border too? like having it under super powerfull electric power would make it way better.

Seeing a whole lot of solution and zero problem in OP's pic.

yes it has

Men also invented and built almost everything worthwhile ever.

Lol yes it is. Mexicans do not stay of a normal weight past 15.

[citation needed]

If companies can't outsource the job then they'll sure as hell try to find a way to automate it.

Doesn't look very tunnel proof to me. They'll probably just pole vault over and claim damages for medical on the US side

No, it really hasn't. IQ differences are well established and they are dismissed by some because of political correctness.

so? that doesn't justify murder

>Give up

Are you asserting they don't have the willpower to do it on their own? RACIST!!

>Aren't the vast majority of illegal immigrants simply people who overstay their visas?
thats how i got here
anyway build that fucking wall. no more Immigrants!

sorry, i'm looking at dozens of peer review articles that completely invalidate every single one of these theories, you're wrong


I'm not saying it does, but I'm saying that you wouldn't have society without men to build and uphold it. Whereas blacks could not build or maintain a civilization.

You're a sadistic, vile excuse for a human being if you're being genuine. The people crossing over are just trying to escape poverty and provide for their families the exact same way you would do in their shoes. We can deny them entry, but we shouldn't treat them like animals.

So the IQ differences that have been recorded for over a century, that show that blacks are on average less intelligent than whites or asians, are just coincidental or 'racist'?

that's some fancy words for "I want murderers to roam free"

you're a disgusting subhuman who needs to go into the camps with all the other men to protect human life

> improve our country's standard of living with government funds
Like in 'everybody gets free stuff'?
Sounds like socialism tome.

Ah, sounds like this kid's never paid taxes before.

Well done, please continue, build it all the way around the US. So you can stay inside and be safe.

... and so we, the rest of the world can be safe from you.

do your own research, it's not my responsibility to educate you

i asked for data and you said a bunch of stuff that has never passed peer review is your data, but you also didn't give any data.

It's like saying, "Prove God exists" and you say, "Look up the bible"

but its possible, right?

China has a border wall and they have almost NO Mexicans at all! This is going to be our solution finally!



I see what you are trying to do, but it doesn't change the fact that you are retarded.

I have. I've spent many days looking into this, and the more I've searched, the more I've found that blacks have a lower IQ than whites

so who would rather in your society, black man or a disabled white man (Down's syndrome or something)

Lel, get your head out of the sand. Automation is taking your and my job. We need a UBI if we don't want to live in a jobless, poverty-stricken shit hole

except those studies have been invalidated by peer review

First, we need to provide free child care and work-based welfare programs in those communities that don't penalize you for getting a job. Even if we have to blow money inventing work for them to do. We need to teach the kids how to act and their mothers how to earn, and keep doing it until we actually change the culture.

This. Eight out of every ten manufacturing jobs lost since the Great Recession have been to automation.

If you look up racial and IQ differences you will have your data. I won't spoonfeed you.

invalidated by peer review

>the only way to get a decent job in twenty years will be via a college diploma
Which is why so many of the rural trash that voted for Trump are unemployed. They've staked their entire worthless lives on having a manual labor job and now that those are drying up they can't feed their worthless families.

>you're looking at waste of tax money

punish illegal employers

>wall not needed

Then you have the cranes needed to put the slabs in place.

And what about all the people whose job is putting the wall up? You're going to need a lot of porta crappers. Also, what happens when the wall goes through someone's private property?

except they haven't.
I suppose it's just a coincidence that blacks all throughout history have made fewer contributions to literature, science, philosophy, etc and that they score lower on IQ tests and examinations than white people and asians.

I also suppose that groups of people who have evolved over tens of thousands of years in vastly different environments ARE EXACTLY THE SAME EXCEPT FOR SKIN COLOR.


the only thing you're back peddling to is the data that shows an IQ difference, but nothing else you have claimed is backed by any data which passes peer review. Do you not understand this? The conclusions you are drawing from the data are not based in fact. They are your feelings. You are simply arguing based on your feelings.

its not my responsibility to educate you, but those studies have been invalidated by peer review

>bring manual labor and manufacturing back into cities
Never going to happen. The age of you being able to support your worthless family on a manual labor or factory job is over.

Except it is factual, not emotional. Can you even tell me what else I have claimed?

When the fuck did I mention handouts? You're straw manning me.

I do pay my taxes, thank you.

You can repeat it, but that doesn't mean niggers are as smart as white people, you SJW cuck

people who has their property on the boarder want the wall because they're tired of immigrants running through there property

you've claimed that these studies are valid, however they are not valid, because they have been invalidated by peer review

Niggers and parasites can't be helped man. With all the money we've dumped in the inner cities and we still have the highest gun violence and homicide and drug distribution there. They have had far too long of a good second chance to earn their respect by working hard and staying out of crime and poverty but they've failed. They always will.

Just wait until people like me who live near the border sneak into the construction site at night and drain the oil from those vehicles. I wonder how far those slabs will get on a truck with a blown engine.

I'm glad you've come to accept that you have no valid arguments

As a scientist, I just have to point out that the money being spent on the wall could literally fund the superconducting super collider project FOUR TIMES OVER. This project was defunded in the 90s because it was deemed too expensive. It was planned to be a particle collider intended to run at 20 TeV. In comparison, the LHC, the current largest particle collider in the world runs at 6 TeV.

This money could do so much for science. Yet you idiots want to LITERALLY BUILD A CONCRETE WALL with it. That's such a baffling level of idiocy it's almost inconceivable.

>people who has their property on the boarder want the wall because they're tired of immigrants running through there property
most illegals come by plane. how does wall stop plane? how does wall stop ladder? how does wall stop drugs being thrown over?

>tens of thousands of years

colonialism, socioeconomics there are lots of reasons it's like that
white people didn't succeed because they're white

we don't have any money for science, education, healthcare because we need to bomb the world until they want to come here, so we need to build a wall to keep them out so we can make sure we can bomb them more