Should this person use the bathroom they feel comfortable with or should they be forced to use the one corresponding to...

Should this person use the bathroom they feel comfortable with or should they be forced to use the one corresponding to their birth gender?



How 'bout we just make all the bathrooms unisex and make everything stalls? That way everybody has their own private sub-bathroom.

They should use bathrooms which correspond to their physical appearance. Masculine to mens, feminine to womens. Androgynous can have both as long as they look equally male and female

I agree actually, just wondering why the right is so obsessed with other people's private business

I don't care

Birth gender or these people should be forced to use the handicapped bathrooms, which makes sense because they are brain handicapped

Explain the logic

This picture is fucking confusing me and my sexuality. Also, there are only 2 genders and plz stick to the one you were assigned to at birth

is that you moot? just looking to get inside a womens bathroom?

You did it bud, you told those freaks off.

it should end its life

No one is going to look at your private parts unless your a faggot. So go ahead and use the male restroom no one will know.



Transgender people can't use the opposite sex bathroom for obvious reasons.
Transgender people obviously have some kind of brain defect.
I don't care if you are the biggest fucking faggot to walk on earth but if you "try" to change sex there is something wrong with you

How bout we stop catering to faggots


Okay, wonderful. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, would you mind actually answering the question instead of being a faggot yourself? I mean what kind of douchenozzle cares about what people do to themselves? Look, here's the thing, mentally ill people walk the streets all the time and most of the time you never even know they are there. They still have to use the bathroom. Which bathroom do they use? This asks the bigger question of why do we even have gendered bathrooms? Is it a safety concern? If so, who do you think is more in danger? The people who just want to take a piss in peace (like having to explain why you look like a woman but are peeing in the men's room) or the people who actively hate on the people who just want to take a piss in peace? If you have an iota of fucking intelligence you'll be able to look past the part you're stuck on and realize these are legitimate questions that have NOTHING to do with how fucked up transgender people are.

Or )c , put to it to death and it's no longer an issue.

Neither. As long as you still have pointless gender-based bathrooms you'll have these same stupid questions. Letting everybody do their business in the same bathroom won't hurt your gandfather's "family values".

okay, now we all know