Why do fat people disproportionately seem to have shitty or obnoxious personalities compared others?

Why do fat people disproportionately seem to have shitty or obnoxious personalities compared others?

They have no shame. If they did, they wouldn't be fat.

Fat people are jolly and hilarious you stupid fuck

never heard of it?



Because it's easier to hate other people when you hate yourself.

Because they don't like themselves.

They don't.

In fact, extremely beautiful/narcissistic people have shitty personalities and a terrible sense of humor because they don't experience much negative feedback and mistreatment.

Now you could ask: why do those that primarily shop at Walmart and eat at buffets have terrible personalities and are overweight?

Studies of obesity has conclusively shown that induces or coincides with lower cognition rates and dementia later in life.

They're assholes becuase they're stupid.

Unless you have literally no money, there's no excuse to be fat.

just think of the first three fat women that come into your head and ask yourself if any of them are insufferable shitheads

Spotted the fatty.

I have a fat sister. My theory is that, because they're not found to be attractive, they attempt to make up for it by having over the top personalities since that's the next best way to get attention if you're not an eye catcher.

>Why do fat people disproportionately seem to have shitty or obnoxious personalities compared others?
Because you dislike them, and preemptively judge everything they do with disdain :)

the true question here is...
if a fat person became skinny.. would their personalities change?

I find that fat people are some of the nicest people you could ever meet. Obese people included.

There's no flaw with their personality, they're just perpetually in hate with themselves. So yeah, they'd probably be much nicer afterwards.

A change in weight would suggest a change in self awareness and mindset.

America fascinates me. Where I live it's waaaay fucking cheaper to eat vegetables than anything else. Lazy fucks eat fast food on the reg, which doubles up their weight issues.

Gym rats have the same problem, fuck knows why. Some people are just arseholes OP, it's in their nature to shove their fat/muscle in cunts faces for attention

Yes. was 450lbs, got to 250 in 2 years, noticed more social life, but noticed people were really shitty attitudes, and i was becoming a hot headed gym bro... got depressed again after father died.. back to 400lbs.

Semi-fat fag here (5'10 190 lbs): it's strictly extenuating circumstances

You're not at all fat

Because they're angry at the world for being fat even though it's their own fault.

I'm skinny but I have known some fat people who are jolly

maybe its just when fat people are assholes you start to hate fat

Change your circumstances

People tend to be obnoxious by not understanding social cues
Lack of understanding this stems from lack of knowledge
Not caring for your actual health,not understanding metabolism and proper nutrition not having willpower is the reason they are fat

In my experience, fat people tend to be treated with disdain and as such are constantly on the defensive, perceiving everything as an attack.

I've known a few women who were fat then got thin.
One of them was lovely before and is still lovely.
One thinks she's hot shit now and better than everyone.

If only it were that easy.

this makes sense to me, although this is not always the case.

im an fat cunt, 155kg 6" tall
generally speaking most people seem to like me, i never get the drama that others do.

i want to lose weight, but i know i'll just get depressed again, and put it on.

I'm a europefag, and it's prohibitively expensive to eat fast food constantly. Eating fast food where I live, is kind of a novelty.
Also, there are laws prohibiting fast food outlets from opening in or near schools, so it's very difficult to build up a habit.

Because you naturally read attractive people more favourably than less attractive people
Because some people get fat because they're socially inept and depressed
Because you remember shitty fat people better than just shitty people, because they to you are more notable.

It's true. I understand being sad cause you have a bad job and mad bills and eating mcdonalds every day because it makes you happy but it's not sustainable.

If you want to not be a big sad pig, you have to realize that eating is about staying alive, it's not entertainment or a hobby. Eat some chicken and fucking green beans and deal with it.

As an extremely beautiful and narcissistic person this offends me.
Sup Forums will not tolerate this beauty-shaming, You fat ugly fuck.

Ausfag here, I couldn't imagine the cost of trying to feed myself with that trash every day.

I used to be a fat fuck (roughly 5'7'', 115Kg+), depressed as fuck because of it along with other things in my life, but over the past 3 - 4 months I've made a conscious effort to go to the gym 3 times a week, and eat a balanced diet.

>Depression symptoms reduced
>No suicide attempts since
>Social life improved
>Self hatred depleting
>Acne cleared up

Bitch get out into the world.

ive often wondered this myself

Check'd 'n' agree'd

I broke my leg

I sit in bed all day on my laptop and I'm not fat.

Being thin is 100% diet. You won't have muscle mass if you're not getting exercise but that has no bearing on your weight. Eat less if you're moving less.

they are mad cuz their fat lol

i use to be a fat ugly fuck wasnt an asshole though i just never spoke to anyone- people assumed i was one, didnt give a single fuck tho

i lost all the weight use to be a 5.5/10 now i am atleast a 7.5/10
>feels good but i still dont talk alot and people still assume im an asshole LOL

Because once you're fat, in a society that rightfully shames fat people, you have three options;
1. Self hatred (depressed neckbeards like myself).
2. Blaming something for your weight (feminazis, etc.).
3. Working out.

And since some people are less inclined towards 1 or 2, and "working out is hard", they choose the option that goes with their personality.

People who have no respect for themselves generally have no respect for others.

>fat ugly fuck

Pick one.

because when you know everyone hates you, fuck the world

Literally 20 minutes in the gym twice or 3 times a week is all that's needed. to start with. That and diet consciousness.

evidence for this ?
i think you mistake this whole, if you say it, dosen't make it true OP.
Might want to have a study or two in your head that your thinking about....because in a strange way...what your suggesting is that if someone was saaaay. obsessive complusive....and exercised alot....then being thin would cure them of their OCD....sounds like OP is full of shit.

I'm fat and look how happy and friendly I look

shave, you gross fuck

i wasnt that fat lol i was just chubby like 10-15lbs overweight

Probably because in order to get respect, you've got to give it.

It's like you want to make fun of someone then expect them to be courteous to you? Not how it works, buddy.

I'm pretty fat and I try being a nice guy :c

>Doesn't know the difference between "their" and "they're"

Lol why are there so many stupid people in the world?

That aint gross wtf?