/DCG/ Dallas Cowboys General Post Game

11-1 Edition

Postgame with Norm and Donyn on the Ticket

close game but they pulled through


Piece of shit team cost me 50€


As a Lions fan I hate Dallas, but thanks for not fucking it up cowboys

Reffing was bad throughout the night. I can't believe a challenge was needed to get that fumble. I understand Vikings fans yelling refball but cmon it was bad throughout

We had no business winning this one...

>being exposed by the viqueens as a fraud ass team

This was exactly the type of game other teams wish their difense would play against the Cowboys.

Vikings played the best defensive football Dallas has faced and Cowboys still won

sucks that plays kept getting called back, just for zekes stats, he had 40+ yards called back just from two plays where the holding didnt help the run at all

>Thursday Night Football game absolute shit, even with the best record having team in the NFL
>people are actually surprised the refs won this game

Babbies first NFL season. The lot of you.


They seriously need to take the REFS off the fields. Keep one on the field, but the rest in booths who watch ALL ANGLES of a play. Then flag if there is a penalty. Fuck this not seeing stuff BS. Players get away with too much. TOO MUCH!

>needing refball to beat the queens

>Vikings don't have a legit defense

Stay in denial bitch boy, you truly are witnessing the Cowboys mop the floor with the league

>paying off the refs

t. shook nigga stealing my reaction faces

>vikings fans

Stay mad cuck

What part of dallas you live in bros?
Frisco here

Post things that are better than the Vikings offensive line

Fuck this loser site, I'm going to Gilley's to celebrate. Fucking loser cucks.

I can't wait until the Cowboys are exposed as frauds when they barely win the super bowl.

You appear to be faggots lmao suck it we dem boyz

Funky Town


stay mad bros

>can't read between the lines
>doesn't realize I'm working 2 blocks from Jerry World as we speak
>vikings fan

Kill yourself.

East of Dallas

>we need even more flags
Kill yourself.

Main Street, Dallas

But grew up in Frisco brah. Go coons!

>betting against Dallas after trump won


>refs murder the cowboys every time they start to gain momentum to create competitive game
>"lol dalass wins by refball" when one play is missed

> 17 points vs the viqueens
> need refball to escape
schedule babbies reconfirmed

anuses will be prolapsed in the playoffs

>Be Vikings fan
>Know they will score on final drive
>2pt conversion coming up
>Knowing they will fuck it up, cuz MNFANLIFE
>False start

I thought it was the Redskins that exposed them?

>living in actual Dallas/Arlington

Lmaoo sup Pedro?

Frisco here, too

Ventura, CA

>Lake Arlington

Should really kill yourself.

Seriously though. 11-1 is great, but this is the second straight game where Dallas lost ToP and the third time in four games where they were outgained in yardage.

Time to get tough on them again, JG.

>working this late at night

Sup Pedro, hows the janitor job?

they did

vikings just reconfirmed it

> making kirk cousins look like joe montana
> even having a chance at winning the owl
pick only one

I'm a Cowboys fan. Have been from birth. This was a shit game. Dak did aight. Our line didn't do too hot. Dez was our only receiver to show up, Williams had one good catch. Zeke did his best. The refs were the mvps for both teams. The only thing you need to prove that is the fact that 3 challenges overruled their field decisions. Also that slap to the face during the 2pt could have been called, but was arguably hard to see for the ref. Idk. Cowboys get the win, but the refs helped. Honestly if the Vikings had won it would have been for similar reasons. Oh well, people will argue, but they're just biased shitters.

>Giving extra three yards on first down spot

>getting tough on anyone
He thinks he is in a bday party everygame, clapping and shit, he's mediocre at best, he would forgive a man for killing his mother

Pretty good.

>what is closing
>what is managing
>what is accounting and depositing

Keep freezing your ass off while being cucked by Somalis.

>not understand that dallas is getting exposed every time they win

Winning 11 games in a row is proof positive that they suck, clearly.

The Vikings defense played average tonight, they've definitely have played better in other games.

This was the first Cowboys game I've watched. The Lions are better

The game shouldn't have even counted, that was my point. They're getting away with this because TNF is shit and nobody will notice in 2 weeks. You know it.

this is a cowboys shitposting thread

please go

>"holding" on a zeke 40 yard run

Both teams had a full week off though.

Lmao Zeke looks like a gay dude in prison with that shit

Cowboys would have won if it weren't for a litany of very badly timed mistakes. Int getting nullified due to random hands to the face, huge run getting nullified from iffy holding call, that wtf snap at the end where they almost certainly would have had a 1st down, etc. Then again this was the 3rd game in 12 days, maybe they just need a break to get refocused.

Sup ese


Would have won by 2+ scores I meant

>yfw Cowboys won

Lol gtfo valley fag

Ayyy Santa Barbara right here

Any other Caliboys?


I'm in a rich Dallas suburb, just lmaoing at you bragging about working late and making late night deposits like my sister working retail has to do

Lmao at you pretending your job is important

>I'm in a rich Dallas suburb

Keep telling yourself that McKinney nigger.

Literally used to live in the Shops at Legacy, you don't have shit on me. Kill yourself.

Plano reporting in

Yea whatever bro, go scan and take inventory and whatever shitty mall clothing store you work at

Truth hurts.

>only retail makes deposits

Keep leeching off your parents and selling weed, Ryan.

>Metroplex is literally strip mall town after strip mall town

West Dallas

>probably underage
>probably lives off parents accomplishments
>most likely going to a okay college only to drop out to bad grades to become a retail worker.
>absolutely disgusting

Frankly the Cowboys are a cool team but Dallas is a shithole city. Just rundown and full of niggers.

Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahbaba This was the worst game we played all season and still won. Hahahhahahahahahahahbahahahahahahaha

North Fort Worth, right off 35W


Dallas is a city of the 21st Century, faggot. It's modern as fuck.

Retail workers are so easy to spot lmao


Sorry Jimmy didn't want that eighth afterall man, shucks. Perhaps you'll do better tomorrow after you get done playing Madden all morning.

>4 games in 18 days
>last one is close
How to spot the butthurt casuals.

We play worse every week. I am really starting to worry

wow the hue speaks the truth i wouldnt have bet on that

>has to work till 11 at night
>has to make late night deposits like all retail workers
>pretends he isnt a shitty retail worker


the D is fucking awful, they couldn't do shit against one of the worst o-lines in the league, it's a goddamn miracle Marinelli has been able to keep them from giving up 30 points a game

>banks don't make deposits

wew lad.

Don't let Tyrone skimp you on those ounces next time.

This seemed like a dirty win. I know the refs were absolutely terrible all game but I hate it when games end in uncalled penalties. If that facemask hadn't occurred I wouldn't give a shit about the numerous missed calls all game and be jumping up and down with that 11-1

Nigga's probably taking 6 hours at TCC and then cruising for some cheap trim around Whiterock lake.

What i dont get is how many ticky tacky holding calls did the cowboys get? You claim refball but we were equally penalized refs were calling it tight all night

Bend don't break

one of the best redzone defenses

>going to Whiterock for some pussy

Might as well hit up Benbrook while you're there...

Do this years Cowboys remind anyone of the Panthers last year? good team, no doubt. but just about every break seems to be going their way

After we btfo the gnats next week we should rest our guys for playoffs

>banks closing at 11 pm

Stop playing dumb boy, my retail manager alcoholic sister got 2 DWIs so I had to go pick her up almost every night at around 11 and take her to make deposits

Its okay man, you work retail, just dont pretend you have some important job

they broke on the final play Tiki, thank God or whatever demon you pray to for that muffled punt, otherwise i think we would be singing a different song now, but it's actually good see something being done by the cowboys that isn't in the offense

How many more games to win to get home field?

4-0 in 18 days. That's fucking impressive.

Took your dumbass for a long enough ride, I'm not even from Texas you stupid fuck haha, I just tune in to Cowcuck threads every post game and learn a thing or two about how pathetic this state is.

AKTUALLY now my sister is now in Austin managing some nerdy popular clothing store making $90,000 a year haha

I want them to stomp the Giants into submission because I'm tired of all the faggots saying that New York is their kryptonite. Fuck that shit. They can beat the Giants as easily as any other team, and I want them to prove it.

It was over before it started young one.

2, but that's counting on Seattle actually beating the Rams on their 2nd game. Giants could take it from Dallas winning all the remaining games, but their 5 last games are fucking tough

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded!!! Pls no bully


>the D is fucking awful

Even their worst stat, passing yards, they are 21st. In points allowed they are 3rd.

Irving, original home of dem boys.