You guys need more shit to talk about. cnn
is going insane. How about obama hanging with jay z and Beyoncé and all the other celebrities he partied with? Fuck, if a dude can't golf without being criticized by a bunch of basement dwellers what will he do?! Seriously if you didn't want this president you should've left mom's basement and voted. You're all fucking idiots

Which statement about the Bantu migration is an opinion rather than a fact?
(1) The migration occurred gradually over a long period of time.
(2) Language and knowledge spread from northwestern to southern and eastern Africa.

(3) The lack of primary documents makes it difficult to determine the exact cause of the migration.
(4) Bantu civilization was superior to those civilizations that it displaced

The Golden Age of India’s Gupta Empire is known for its
(1) development of gunpowder
(2) sea trade routes to Europe
(3) acceptance of Christianity as an official religion
(4) advancements in mathematics and medicine

The practice of Islam throughout much of West Africa is evidence that
(1) Islam spread beyond the borders of the Arabian peninsula
(2) Chinese trade carried Islamic beliefs to West Africa
(3) Islam originated in West Africa and spread to the Middle East
(4) Europeans encouraged Islamic beliefs during the colonial period

I'm sorry, my brother took my phone and he likes to act like a retard. Want to start over, forget all that happened?

Which statement about the Soviet economy under Joseph Stalin is accurate?
(1) The Soviet Union increased its power by developing heavy industry.
(2) The government reduced its role in planning industrial production.
(3) Farmers were encouraged to compete in a free market economy.
(4) A large selection of consumer goods became available in the Soviet Union.

The main reason oil-producing states formed the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was to
(1) promote foreign ownership of oil fields
(2) lift economic sanctions and establish free trade
(3) improve trade relations with the West
(4) influence the price of oil and set production levels


What is one way post–World War II North Korea and post–World War II East Germany are similar?
(1) Monarchies were reestablished in both countries. '
(2) Democratic principles flourished in both countries.
(3) Both communist governments faced economic stagnation.
(4) Both countries threatened to use chemical weapons against China.

Print your name and the name of your school on the lines above. A separate answer sheet for Part I has been provided to you. Follow the instructions from the proctor for completing the student information on your answer sheet. Then fill in the heading of each page of your essay booklet. This examination has three parts. You are to answer allquestions in all parts. Use black or dark-blue ink to write your answers to Parts II, III A, and III B. Part I contains 50 multiple-choice questions. Record your answers to these questions as directed on the answer sheet. Part II contains one thematic essay question. Write your answer to this question in the essay booklet, beginning on page 1. Part III is based on several documents: Part III A contains the documents. When you reach this part of the test, enter your name and the name of your school on the first page of this section. Each document is followed by one or more questions. Write your answer to each question in this examination booklet on the lines following that question. Part III B contains one essay question based on the documents. Write your answer to this question in the essay booklet, beginning on page 7. When you have completed the examination, you must sign the declaration printed at the end of the answer sheet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your answer sheet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration.

Didn't see the last thread. Post a full size pic of Anagha plz

Hour-long workouts aren't for everyone. I get it...you've got commitments. You've got a life. You don't live in a gym. So working out for an hour every day? Well, for a lot of people...that just ain't gonna happen.
But what if you could work out for just 30 minutes a day,
and still get the kind of extreme results like the ones you see below. Sound good to you?
X3 is a total breakthrough.
It's not a sequel to P90X (or anything else). It's an all-new program of super-efficient workouts, each one packed with 30 minutes of concentrated intensity

"I used to think...the longer you work out, the better results you'll get. Turns out, it doesn't work that way. In fact, the latest science says that most of your progress happens in the first 30 minutes of your workout. After that, your body responds to the exercise less and less. So the trick is to get the absolute most out of that 30‑minute 'window of change.'
That's where P90X3 kicks in. Its Muscle Acceleration system maximizes those first 30 minutes with a concentrated blast of variety and intensity. You won't get off easy...but you will finish faster. And believe me, after 90 days, you will be ripped."

meh winrar

I'm doing my student teaching right now, and this happens all the time.
The one I tell people about the most is when I asked the class, "what do you need to have in front of you right now?"
This kid starts to answer, "DEEZ--"
And I cut him off and go "do NOT finish that sentence!!!"
So he responds "--notes, Miss. I need deez notes in front of me for dis lesson."
I put my clipboard over my face and laughed for like a full minute

Not a teacher, but I had a months teaching work experience where I was basically a teaching assistant.
During my time at this school there was an extra-curriculum day. Being a catholic school they had a religous group come in to help the children "get back in touch with god". They arranged a few different activities.
In the group if kids I was helping out with there was this kid who had been wrestling in registration and had ended up with a nosebleed and so had dried blood all down his shirt and on his face. (The teacher had sent him to clean himself up but i'm pretty sure he just did a lap of the school and came back). I will call this kid Brutus, because i feel it suits him.
One activity involved making bracelets out of prayer beads. The children were told each different colour bead represented a quality they wanted to see in themselves when they were older, such as happiness or kindness etc.
The black bead was left blank and represented any other quality the children could think of. Well, Brutus put about 30 of the blacks beads on his peice of string and made what i can only describe as the BA Barracus of prayer bead necklaces.
The little old christian lady running the session noticed this, walked over and said "I see you have a lot of black beads there, what do they represent for you?"
To which Brutus turns, looks her dead in the eyes with blood still peeling off his upper lips and says "My Sins". The lady looked terrified.

wtf is happening

I had a kid who wanted to get attention all the time. One day, he just started slapping himself in the face. I just kept teaching and he hit himself harder and harder until he hit himself hard enough to hurt. He had a couple of stars in his eyes and then he got back to work. I told him after class that I would appreciate it if he would not do that again.

I teach high school sex Ed so I've had to bite my tongue many times. One that stands out was when explaining that a girl could get pregnant any time semen is in the area of the Vagina even if ejaculation did not happen inside the vagina. (Pre ejaculatory fluid, if semen is on fingers and fingers go in vagina...) A kid stands up and says oh shit and runs out of the room. The whole class bursts out laughing and I have to keep going! Another good one is from a colleague of mine who got a note from a parent that her daughter couldn't participate in PE class because she had had rough sex the night before. She calls home and mom confirms that she really did write the note and that is what happened. And of course the kid who claimed he knew by experience that you can use a Doritos bag as a condom in a pinch

huh. That always worked for me

holy shit she is actually responding. she does not seem to care too much about your 14 year old fetish

street shitters like you is 120 thousand fit college educated middle class men. If we really wanted to we could invade New Zealand and install a new government. We definitely have the manpower. There are plenty of veterans here. Plus everyone here knows where the magazine release is on an M16, from years of playing Call Of Duty.
Realistically the Red Pill Reaction Force would be far more effective than half the world's militaries. The Afghan military is fucked up on opium. The Iraqi army cant even do jumping jacks. . Plus New Zealand has only 8 thousand military personnel the majority of whom are useless paper pushers.
I don't actually support the violent overthrow of New Zealand. I just think its kind of a fun idea conceptualy

Fuck, that's disgusting. Typical white sexpat loser who can't get a woman in his own country. These kids will be rootless bastards. They will never, ever, be accepted into Japanese society. As someone who has real Samurai ancestry it greatly disgusts me to see that fat, white pig in that suit.

I wake up and I am disappointed in you people. All I see is moral posturing and not one refutation of my argument. This soft, modern, propoganda filled world has turned your minds into a soft cheese. No one capable of thinking critically, only emotionally.
I will be in charge of this country some day, it is my lifes goal. I will free you all from the tyranny of government and put the power in your hands, where it belongs. When this happens there will be no social safety nets, no daddy government to run to when you have that out of wedlock birth. There will be no special treatment. You will receive no food stamps, no welfare, no alimony. You will be left entirely on your own, and many of you will fail. You will return to the way society organizes itself without a government constantly pointing a gun at all taxpayers and giving their money to the unworthy. You will once again need a man, and men will be more than happy to have you back. No more socialism ladies, but you will love it. Everyone will once the weak cull themselves. Nothing will be forced, no government will be there to do anything other than protect you from violence, and America, nay the world, will flourish once again.

You're a little bitch. Did you vote for the big strongman so you could feel like you had a daddy? Is that what you wanted?
You fucking punk. I could split your skull, you fucking bitch. You've probably never been in a fight in your life. You spend your days trolling me, and jerking off in your parent's basement.
I would literally stomp your fucking face into the dirt and spit in the hole that was your face. Fuck you


OP is dead?

Go ahead and take up arms against the legitimate government, it'd be my pleasure to put rounds in every one of you traitors. MAGA!


i just want to put my face between these legs and paperbag her

uncle freddie;s ded??
>> whyyyy?

Hillary is the loser, her and the democrap party... you wanna talk about Russian collusion, how about we talk about Hillary selling 20 % of our uranium to the Ruskies... Uranium One, go ahead look it up.. fact.

Oh wow, thanks for correcting me, I get a little dumb when my balls are full. Speaking of which, when are you going to come over so I can release my semen into your vagina?

Truth is, I'm on a website called Sup Forums which uses a series of randomized numbers to decide the number of a post; Every now and then a post becomes double, triple, or even high multiplications of the same number. I asked them what to say on Dubs so I don't have to think, because in reality I'm just a micro-penis moist-boy. Let me rub my moist-boy micro-penis all over you. I'll even let you shit on me, just pretend you're back home.

spread your legs and let me see your pussy

plz op

nigga be overrated, wanna try quality dick


she unmatched me

We have a Winrar. Have some porn.