Hey Medfags

Hey Medfags
My penis has been fucked because unprotected sex great idea
Tell me
How fucked am I
Should I wait and let it heal
Go see a doctor?

what am i looking at

looks like someone tried to bite his dick off.

thats an STD and it wont heal on its own you need to go to a doctor.

From one honest user to an user in need, go see a doctor, it's okay. Trust me man, that's your dick, you don't want want this to turn into something that could of been avoided.

His budding vagina, in a few months he'll have his very own and even be able to become pregnant

God damn it I threw up

Not gonna heal, see a DR.

unprotected sex is the only idea
unprotected sex is the only way to produce offspring unless your a fucking nerd.

you just chose a shit partner.

>implying every time I want sexual intercourse I want offspring

fuck that i wont hire a whore now

Go ser a doctor lol

Spread it.


Looks like syphilis to me.

Go see a doctor dumbass. Holy shit, it's your manhood for crying out loud, you only get one. You'll be fine IF you go to a doctor.

This. See a doc asap.

It'll fuck you up later on in life.

its a male yeast infection. You need meds or the pain will quickly increase as it eats your skin away

OP you really need to go see a doctor. It looks like it will not headland worst case is an STD. Don't be afraid of the doctor, they're here to help and it's better than waiting for infection or disease spreading.

Could be genital warts, that's for life I believe

Bro, that's a yeast infection dawg. Ur gurl be makin yogurt up her puss

Jesus, zoom out

>eats skin away
lol r u new
for life if untreated.
YI's are not transferable

This isn't Sup Forums anymore..

Definitely Syphilis. You need to go to the doctor to get a penicillin shot asap or it'll get a lot worse than that.

Gj dumbass. Just spreading your clap like a fucking nasty cunt you are