Have you called, what's it like. Help me

Have you called, what's it like. Help me

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Try the gyan mudra for 30 minutes. Look it up on google. It will help you calm down.

Just call it, dude.

You wait on hold for a bit. They usually connect you to a local call center. You will probably talk to a volunteer. It probably wont make much of a difference in your life.
>Get busy livin' or get busy dyin', user.

If you call that hotline, just kill yourself already. At that point, you've just reached a level of being so god damn pathetic that you'll never actually improve. You'll always need somebody to be there for you and you'll always need somebody to tell you that you're worth something. If you can find worth in yourself, by yourself, your life is never going to get better because you'll be too busy sucking other people's dicks. Eventually you'll realize that not only have you not actually done anything to improve yourself, but now you just have a belly full of hot spunk.
Trust me, it's a load of cock dumped in crock pot.

You still there, OP?

i've called it. you wait on hold for like a minute then you're connected to someone in a local center based off the area code from the phone you called from.

i talked to some guy for over an hour. i was pretty wasted so i don't really remember what about.

i don't know if it helped, i probably wasn't going to kill myself then anyways. at any rate i'm not dead yet.

I've called, it was during a prank call session with my friends on Skype but I was actually completely honest. I was distraught and my friends thought I was joking. After some time of crying my heart out about suicidal thoughts the woman on the other end hung up on me. It made me feel terrible, I don't know why she'd do that. Nobody was heard in the background and I wasn't pulling some stupid prank, however I was around 13 at the time.

>Contemplating suicide

I wish you actually would have killed yourself. And I fucking mean that.

Told you, Suicide Hotline is bullshit. Just become a self-reliant douche and your life will improve by leaps and bounds.

I had a shit life user, at 13 I was homeless for a while and bullied in school. Lived off donated food because couldn't afford it. Maybe next time don't be a judgemental cunt
It is pretty bullshit

hopefully OP killed himself

I don't give a fuck that you were homeless or bullied. You're only proving that you're a fucking pussy.

Look at your faggot ass now, posting on this board with the rest of us faggots. Better off dead. I actually want you to kill yourself.

Never called them but I can answer any questions what its like admitting yourself/being forced admitted if you got any.

you cant be older than 17 lmfao.

Too bad I'm confident in life now
Stop being so edgy and get the fuck out. Sounds like you need some help although I doubt you'd have the nerve to say it to my face in real life.
I'm 18 actually

Pranking the suicide hotline is a bad idea because they will send the Police to investigate.

They didn't in my case

>mfw I was homeless at 13 so I slept at my Grandmas house

You are lying.
That's an official statement.

"I was homeless at 13 but I found time to make prank calls with my friends on Skype!"

What a fucking homo. Kill yourself, kid.

I did too until she kicked me out...
If you say so, I didn't say I was 13 in 2013, stop trying to be a smartass
They weren't real friends, it was the only thing I had though, Internet hotspots in the town center on a netbook

I just realized that while everyone is roasting OP is probably hanging himself right now.

Pretending you were on Skype in the middle of a town center crying and calling a suicide hotline... and pretending your grandmother kicked you out...

You've had enough fun, kid. Time to kill yourself for real.

Someone who does prank calls aka fucks with/trolls other people like that are not suicidal.
They're bored.
Bored people do not commit suicide.
They either give into their addictions or rise above it and go on to do something else.

Hi Matt
Are you still trying to get into Laney's pants?

No, not bored user, I don't care what happens to me. I mean the actual OP. All he wanted was some help and we got carried away with making fun of this kid. Not that I'm complaining of course.

>mfw doesn't realize this was a troll thread, op was a troll, and took ops bait

Anyone else really hate the show "Catfish"? It's just a fake MTV show to promote sexy peoples social media accounts.

Up and coming models, I mean. Not just "Sexy" people.

And then, user eventually stopped thinking...
Yes, though I don't really like any shows anymore. I honestly found more 'drama' in hentais.

I had it on as background noise and this girl faked her mother's death and having cancer and they started lashing out at the guy because he sent her provocative texts while with his actual girlfriend.

I should just watch Hentai.

That was the best idea of this entire dead thread.
